friday, July 22, 1977
Page Threa,
Dancers kick up heels
to Burton Tower bells
For perhaps the first time in North America, a
dance recital was performed to carillon mnic.
Approximately 5l people gathered in the grassy
area between Burton Tower and the Modern
Languages Building last night to watch the free
dance performance which was choreographed by
University teaching fellow Wendt Schacknow.
Prior to the dance performance, the audience
was entertained by University Carillonneur Hud-
son Ladd's interpretation of several standards
including Hello Dolly!, Five Foot Two, Eyes of
Blue and Rocka-abye Your Baby" with a Dixie
"THIS IS TIlE only time in the year I alhiw
myself to improvise, outside of Christmas," Ladd
Ladd also provided the music for the three num-
bers--"Summser Fanfare," which featured chore-
ographer Schtcknow with David Marshall, "Basin
Street Mlue' and "Pavane PIoor Use isfaute De-
funte " which the entire d:ie company per-
The daiices were part at this rear's annual
Midsumner "Pops" ComCert which coii'cides with
the Ann Arbor ari Fairs it was also the nisith
of the 1977 series of Carillon Recitals sponsored
by the University Schiol of Music.
THE 15-MEMBER dunce conipanr was com-
prised of students, faculty, and loal tOwnus-
Dancing to the tniisic of the carilkwn is not only
a unique occurrence, but is difficult as well.
"In Europe, folk dances wilt be doiie occasion-
ally to carillon music," said Ladd. "To the best
of my knowledge, however, this is the first time
anywhere that a prograni o choreographed dance
has been peforned to carillon music. The dif-
ficulty in this type of performance is that the
musician has no visual contact with the dantcers."
Jaworski will quit
if hindered in probe
'U' President Robben Fleming joined four others yesterday to
pull up anchor symbolizing the Engineering School's move to
North Campus
Enine School drops
anchor a . campUs
-Standing shoulder-to-shoulder
on the grassy lawn behind the
Naval Architecture and Marine
Engineering Building, five men
pulled up five silvery anchors
as part of yesterday's Engineer-
ing School groundbreaking cere-
monies on North Campus.
"This occasion might compare
with a ship launching," Prof.
T. Francis Ogilvie, chairman of
the Naval Architecture and Na-
val Engineering department,
UNIVERSITY President Rob-
ben Fleming, Dean David Ra-
gone of the Engineering College,
fames Knott, General Motors
vice president; Raymond Pearl-
son, president of Pearlson Engi-
neering Inc.; and Hugh Downer,
chairman of Maxon Marine In-
dustries, Inc. had the honor of
pulling-up anchor in the after-
noon "Anchors Aweigh" cere-
'Latnched' on its way is a two-
story adjoining addition to the
Naval Architecture and Marine
Engineering Building. The addi-
tion will house a drawing loft,
classrooms and offices.
"This is the first groundbreak-
ing as a result of our capital
campaign," Knott, chairman of
the funding group, said to the
crowd. "That itself is a mile-
stone," he said.
THIS IS the first construction
by the Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering Department
on North Campus to be financed
as a direct result of a fundrais-
ing drive, rather than through
state or federal grants. The cap-
ital campaign began in 1974 and
has solicited funds from pri-
vately owned companies, Uni-
versity alumni and individuals.
Major donations have been re-
ceived from subsidiaries of Dow
See N. CAMPUS, Page 7
Special Watergate Prosecutor
Leon, Jaworski, named to direct
the House investigation of al-
leged Korean influence buying,
said yesterday he would resign
the post if he is hindered in
caryrying out the probe,
If I feel a roadblock has
been put in the way of a com-
plete investigation, I would not
hesitate to resign and then to
let the public know why I did,"
Jaworski said, indicating that
he was referring to any at-
tempts by congressional lead-
ers to curb his promised lode-
The Texas lawyer also said
he'l! recommend prosecution of
any wrongdoing, no matter who
is hurt.
iIf I find a crook involved in
th;s matter, I want to bring
him out and I want the public
to know about it," Jaworski
told a news conference in Hous-
"IT WILL iuake no differ-
ence to me who is involved in
this mutter, be they Republi-
cans or Democrats," he said.
Meanwhile, the House ethics
committee voted to hire Ja-
worski as chief investigator of
the probe and guaranteed him
"fill and complete indepen-
dence." That written promise
was contained in a "Memoran- John Flynt, (li-Ga.), clhairoman
dum of Understanding" approv- of the panel
ed by the committee.
FLYNT SAID he expects
Jaworski succeeded Philip committee hearings, possibly
Lacovara, who quit the job last public, to begin in September
week in a dispute with Rep. on schedule.
Carter predilcts
YAZOO CITY, Miss. (40 - President Carter said last night the
United States could balance its budget, reduce taxes and expand
federal programs by 11.
Speaking in a "citiens's public meeting," the President said
current projections for future economic growth indicated that
programs now in operation could be cntinued even if he meets his
often-stated goal of a balanced budget by the time his current
term ends
HE SAID the prjnctious "show ne can continue programs in
effect now and-with proper management, reorganization of gov-
ernment itself and et-inatirtg of overlapping federal programs-
we can have enough growth in federal revenue to give us both
expanded programs and or tax reduction which are very important
to you and a balanced budget."
"If we are fortunate, we can have both, balance the budget
and have some tax reduction," he said
The President also said that his new welfare program, on
which the finishing touches are beb g placed, would "reate t.2
million jobs. But he gae no details.
See CARTER, Page 10
Costly Coffee
A coffee vendor whose product so displeased a
county judge that he was hauled into court in hand-
cuffs and given a tongue-lashing has been awarded
$141,000 for violation of his civil rights. Suffolk Coun-
ty Judge William Perry lost his $40,990 job over the
cup of coffee. According to testimony, Judge Perry
had sent a sheriff's deputy to buy coffee from
Thomas Zareeise's truck outside the courthouse on
April 30, 1975. Ten minutes later, Zarcone testified,
he was handcuffed and told "to come to the judge's
chambers to see about the coffee because it was
terrible." Perry had testified, "I was irritated by
the quality of the coffee and I felt it was an in-
justice on all of the people whe had to go to court
that evening and buy the product. Perry was re-
moved from the bench 12 days ago by the New York
Supreme Court.
. . . the Art Fair enters its third day today, from
9 a.m. to 9 ':n, on State Street, South, East and
North University, Maynard, and Liberty. Alan Hoff-
man, of the IbM Research Center in Yorktown
Heights, New York, will speak on "Linear Pro-
grammg and Combinatorial Problems," in room
229, West Engineering at 10 a.m. Tonight is As-
tronom, Visitors' N'ight, Gunther Elste will speak
about the "Motnons of Stars" "Life Beyond Earth
and the Mind of Man, at Angell Hall Aud. B, 8:308
Hot honeymoon
The want ad called for an engaged couple seekiiig
"30 days of outdoor work" But Sam Money and his
fiancee never dreamed they'd be hired to spend a
three week honeymoon in a tent 25 feet above Oma-
ha's busiest interssction, The stunt is co-sponsored
by a shopping center and a local radio station. A
makeshift air -conditioner has provided little relief
from this week a heat wave, so Money has been
wearing cutoffs and his wife, Bridgette, a bathing
suit. 'Wn go so ho' the other day that we took jugs
of water and dumped them over each other,"
said Bridgette Funny, we thought cold showers
were a thing of the past, once one marries.
On the outside
You know we reOly haven't been having a heat
wave, it has c'sly been a hot wave. The National
Weather Service says a hot wave is a period of three
or more days when the daily temperatures reached
90 degrees or more By contrast the more familiar
heat wave is defined as a period of abnormally and
uncomortably hot and usually humid weather -
which the Weather Seivice says we haven't been
experiencing. They've been in their air-conditioned
offices too long. However, harken unto this brothers
and sisters! Today will be mostly sunny and pleas-
ant with a high of a phenomonally cool 80 degrees.
Let's turn off those air-conditionera and save some