Page Eight tr tvu1-mj,,ANIJAlLY wnursaay, July 41,7 AVROEY LL IN .CLAGGI r-D] FOR RENT FOR RENT. TWO ROOMS with kitchen privi- FURNISHED 5 bedroom house, leges. Very close to campus. Not a 1%5 bath, yard, central campus lo pit. 79-7274. 31C727 tion adjacent to Margaret Bell P & CCRS. $740.00 plus all utitlit TWO BEDROOM basement apt. 482- fail recupancy. Inquire at 337 7329, 483-3795. - 210726 Huron, Ann Arbor. e FEMINISTS WANTED for Fal ea- UNFURNISHED TWO BEDROOM Pus house. 769-2594 dinner or late - Immediate occupancy and/or, eve 100721 option, heat and water included rent. West Park location. 662-7 NOW RENTING Fall 1977 BANS SOUCI (across from U-M ROOMMATES Stadium) FURNISHED one and tw5 MALE bedrooms, parking available. Buses Ami ADohare apt., oss n to and from campus every half hour. flexible lease CalA1an 6-8 p See manager at apartment 8-1 or flexible lease. Cl a-4 2 call 994-2955 653837; 8-t p.m. 73-4527.27 THOMPSON APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT (at corner of William and Thomp- son). Furnished efficlences, one and PROFESSIONAL MALE willing two bedroom apartmento. See man- share furnished apt. near campus ager at apartment 216 or call 665- Fall. Rich, 662-7752. 131 2289. cCt WILL SUBLET NOW for Sept. 1 FURNISHED ROOMS for rent at on single room in house; male, 715 Hill Street, featuring Kosher non-smoker. Harry Clark, 932 5, restaurant, game room and Judaic Springfield, IL, 62703. 161 library. Only 2 minutes from camm- E'r pus. Call 995-327. ecte NEED ROOM wit oad or kitl .C . privieges for male medical stud August and September only.( 665-5223. 051 HARRY'S HBUSINESS SERVICES HOUSECLEANING - Done byL graduate student; excellent wor References if requested. Call 2388 after 5 p.m. A RM Y TYPING-75c page. Call Candy,. 3834 (N. Campus). 73 SlTYPING -dissertations, theses manuscripts. SeectrIc II, B.A. E lish Literature, experienced pro sional tyist Rckam 6specif Mt. Shasta and Skier HANDSOME HARD COVER BIN SL EEPI NG BAGS IGSfo bok.2 hr ervcea SLEEPIG BAGS able. 723iBroo, NR Miller and5 2 lb. Fiberfill I 995-4000.0.28 with Stuff Sack THE SECRETARIAT REG. $32.98 Typing. Copying, inding Editing, Drafting, Lettering 812 South State Street 11-6, 7 days/week 994-359 WINCHESTER LOST AND FOUND CAMPING GAZ $50 REWARD--For the return ' and AFC Stoves god and diamond engagement r Call Mercy at 862-2016 on week and Lanterns after " p.m., anytime on weeke 20% off LOST - Male, whit , long ha SAMOYED. Reward. 88-4450. 3A SEAWAY TRAVEL PAC KMASTER NO FRILLS STUDENT/TEACI Backpack with frame charter flights, Europe, Israel,A pa w m Goba Travel, 521 Fith Ave REG. $42.98 N.Y., N.Y. 10017, 212-379-2532. 891 SALE $36.98 MUSICAL MDSE., HARPICORDS 2-Man Ripstop Nylon By builder. 6-2902days, 152 BACKPACKING FOR SALE TENT FOR SALE-Marvel and DC eo with 12-inch Side Wall 1971-77, Early National Lampe complete with poles, 6-7 . 2'251 stake and line SOLEX-MOPED Like new, $225.. 683-3018.291 REG. $3898 NEW 12'x 36, furnished beautifu SALE $32.98 close in, ideal for student, city ter and sewer. 971-3111 or 1-782-4 Full lines of .Sunny Side Park dealer. 35 OSHKOSH BIB OVERALLS, PAINTER PANTS, if and JEANS LEVI PREFADED you JEANS, JACKETS, see and HATS Big Smith and Lee news CANS & JACKETS 201 E. WASHINGTON happen at Fourth & Washington 994-3572 - Open Friday cll8:30 o.m. O I for vane ZonvAniIleX E m 17A' r f% A It At/ oca- Pool .ties, E . Ctc 1- fall in 787. ctc no., 726 to for L723 lease 25, 5th, L723 hen lent Call M721 U-M ker. 995- dJ 663- J722 B, Eng- fes- ica- D- all- 7th, 17 4 of a ring. :days sud2. HEre Asia. sue, P727 X723 mics )ons. 1B727 Call B727 lly, wa- 4164. B730 FOR SALE MOVING - Couch, bed, vanity, tables, etc. 971-5109. 19B723 TRIUMP-, '69 650, $500. 761-0749. 23B727 WANTED TO BUY FAN, FAN, FAN I need a fan. Call Quick. Alan, 662-2829. d72 USED CARS '72 PINTO-Outstanding condition, no rust. Driven only by timid fe- male in deep South. 663-7199. 22N728 PETS AND SUPPLIES DOG SITTER NEEDED - Large, gentle dog, $100. Sept. I toJan. 1. Jo Hall, 1-689-7700, 1-354-2360. 18T722 HELP WANTED WANTED - Short order cook and dishwasher. Apply before noon. Seva Restaurant, 314 E. Liberty. 20H721 COMPANION NEEDED for elderly woman In Village Green North Apts. M-F, 12-4 p.m., 6-10 hrs./wk., days and times flexible. 769-7100, ext. 266, M-F 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 12H723 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - Work with physically disabled people. For details call Center For Independent Living, 9-5:30, 971-0277. 07H728 PERSONAL CONSCIENCIOUS NON - SMOKING woman student will housesit begin- ning Aug. 15. Plants, pets, clean. Ex- cellent references. Karen, 1-87i-9648 collect. 26F723 SELECTING WINE from the Village Apothcary cellar means properly stored wine at a reasonable pricer Village Apothecary, 1112 S. Univ. Ave. cc RICHARD, That was really brave of you to rescue Angela. I think we should forget all about the past now. Pete would like you to be the best man at our wedding in October. CYNTHIA dP72 "PORNOGRAPHY - Pro and Con - For healthy human sexuality!" Dial "ENERGY LINE," 66-5366 - Round the clock (Craig/Ruth). 17F721 LEARN THE FACTS before you buy -there is more to a diamond than meets the eye. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151 cFtc J.B.-I really DO like the Art Fair, I just wish that all these other Peopie from all over the pae didt like it, too. There aresto many extra people in Ann Arbor right now that I think the only sane thing to do is leave town or sit home in the air conditioning with my car parked safely in the back lot. Be glad you're not driving here and that Paul is because trying to find someplace to park is impossible. The A2 police must make a fortune from parking tickets and meters this week. ut- of-townies are the only ones who pay for meter parking!-Me. d721 STYLING and regular hair cuts. UM Stylists at the Union, open 8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Mon.-Sat. c72 JAZZ at the University Club with the Roots Trio and Friends Noel Cun- ningham, piano; Ted Harley, bass; Stanley Slaughter, drums; and fea- turing Vincent York of the Mercer Ellington Band on alto sax. Friday and Saturday evenings 9:30 p.m.- 1:30 a.m. In the ciub cocktail lounge in the Michigan Union Union build- ing. Ask hostess for a free trial membership. 763-2236. Ftc STEVE'S LUNCH-Come for home cooking. Breakfast all day, great soups and egg rolls. 3 egg omelets with fresh vegetables and fresh bean sprouts served all day, Sundays 10-8. 1313 South University. cPtc ATTRACTIVE LADY would like to marry a gentle gifted man ages 27- 35. Call Donna at 068-9636 Wednes- day, Thursday or Friday between 12 and 12:0 p.m. only. 04721 AUGUST GRADS: DEADLINE FOR ORDERING A CAP AND GOWN IS FRI., JULY 22, '77 $2 Late Charge for Gowns Ordered After Deadline AVAILABLE ONLY AT THE UCELLAR PERSONA PINBALL at the Union, UNION LANES, open 7 d RESEARCH PRO Needed for U of M St sonality Development D Adulthood: Men, ages B.A. or beyond. $10 fo time. Call 769-4638 aft week; any time weeken PREGNANT? Need Call Problem S'regnanc 7283. Pregnancy tests av HOW TO ADD new ex your life and give you that boost you've been University Singles Club University Communities -is now here. Social eve dances and more1li For write PO Box 12669-M, Florida 32604. DISSERTA SPECI/ LOWEST P IN TOWN COLLATEDC RACKHAM QU GUARANTE COPYQU 1217 S. University, CROS4 ACROSS 1 Advisory group 6 Wheel or tiller 10 Bard of old 14 TV term 15 Solo 16 - sure 17 Geographic area 19 Off balance 20 Adjectival suffix 21 Lixiviums 22 Cowboy's gear 24 Crystallize: Colloq 25 Moral 26 German gir's name 29 Weapons 32 Name in theater lore 31 Book by Paul Gauguin 35 Gobble 36 Cinders 38 Music-maker 39 Newspapersection 41 Equal Prefix 42 Most knowing 45 Orientalruler 46 Draws back 48 Stable L PERSONAL 20 machines. PHOBIA OF IRRATIONAL FEAR lays. cF723 Free treatment may be available by --- new and effective methods in ex- JECT change for cooperation in research udy of Per- on how and why it works. Dial 313- euring Early 764-5348 or write Phobia Project 29-29 with Department of Psychiatry, Univer- r 2% hours sity Med. Center, Ann Arbor, mI er 8 during 48109. 03P723 ds. 14F726 I help? XEROX AND OFFSET y Help, 769- fast, law cost duplicating 'ailable. eFte _ COPY QUICK acitebe. ~t to 1217 5. University 769-0560 itemet tocFt r social life _ waiting for. ONE GAME FREE bowling with this - "Serving ad at Ypsi-Arbor Lanes. Pinbal. pool Nationwide". and saloon toot 2985 Washtenaw, 1 ents, parties, mile east of U.S. 23. crte free details Gainesville, NEW-%c off aD copits left over- 08F723 night (books too)! IMPRESS, 524 5 William.M5-4321. CPtc TION swER to lvsous LIBYA 8 RA ICE 1E RR OL ARAM P R GOI N G IiM E R N G RICE I NS ACt E I RENE TY K E HE N D IAlS FOR SEATTHECLOCK COPIES EuTERPE STREETS ALITY TRit IZE ROARS EED ALFP0RTIONS I RAN EHO3 TARA ICK CZi SRASHLV FLINCHtiI N G O1L1 769-0560 PINK I RAE MAKER cFts COGS PALS EWERY SWORD PUZZLE ) IMyLOSANGELESTIMES 50 Lures 18 Welsh poet 51 Devoted 23 Leading 52 Newspaper section 24 Leap, in ballet 54 Fold up 25 German article 55 Convene 26 Special talent 58 Landlord: Fr. 27 Moscow resident: 59 One definition of Fr. happiness: Phrase 28 Beset by troubles: 62 Customer Phrase 63 Title 29 Improvises, in jazz 64 Marked by: Suffix 30 A First Lady 65 Evening: It. 31 Features .66 Sketched 34 Ejects 67 Wigs, 18th cent. 37 Low, marshy style ground 40 Uncommon DOWN 43 Atlantic island 1 Sound's partner 44 Play on a stringed 2 Veer instrument 3 Entrance 47 Famous muee*It 4 Fruit 49 Production 5 Thwarted 51 Cast 6 Eye color 52 So 7 Cupid 53 Vin 8 Chinesename 54 Alike 9 VIP in music 55 Catch sight of 10 Amphitheaters 56- dixit 11 Beauty aids 57 Nautical ropes 12 Agora coin 60 Struggle 13 M. LeMoko 61 Diminutive suffix I 2 3 -4 H 6T 8 9IT t4 t5 -16I 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 - 25 26 27 28 291 -1 - 30 31 32 3363435 3637 38 3911 481 '2643 - 44' '5 '86 '87 '481 52 53 54 5 56 57 58 59 60 6i i- ~~tt-l