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July 21, 1977 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-21

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Thursday, July 2i, 1977


Crowds flock to Fair

- Some came seeking bargains, others came to people watch,
others came to admire the art work Bu, whatever their reasons,
thousands of people braved the blazing sun and descended upon
the city yesterday as the four-day Ann Arbor Art Fair opened.
"The sales are so great," exclcaimeed Jackie Ebels. "I want
to catch op on everything I've wanted to huy the whole year"
CAROL BAKER, a salesperson at Saks, said tie mere sigt of
sale signs makes many people forget about the art diplays and
the sweltering temperature.
But not everyone likes tie idewalk 'ales which accompany
the annual extravaganza
"This seems more like a bazaar rather than wm art fair,"
Lance Meyer complained. Meyer said he was interested in the art
work and could shop for sales any tiie.
SHELLEY HART found it itipoasilsie to cottine her interest
in art with here lOve of sidewalk stiles.
"I like everything," she said. But after glanciing at the price
of a pair of sandals she was trying on and looking at the art work
in the booths, she pointed to the sales racks and said, "There
might be better buys out there."
High prices didn't interfere with Steven Loftus' enjoyient
of the lair, however.
"ON THE WHOLE, it's fantastic,'' he said. Iis only comlslaints
See ART, Page 6

IMAGES OF ART FAIR: A fiddling printmaker (above), courts passerby on South University; an-
other artist (below) creates a silk screen; and on Liberty St. a rack of pots glares out at the.
street, awaiting an owner.

Soprano Elisabeth Schwarzkopf's recital, original-
ly scheduled for July 18, has been rescheduled to
this Saturday, July 23 in Rackham Auditorium. July
18 tickets will be honored for the rescheduled date.
The show is sold out, but for last-minute ticket avail-
ability and standing room, concertgoers should call
Joining the crowd
Joining the list of organizations protesting last
week's Narciso-Perez guilty verdict, the Detroit Dis-
trict of the Michigan Nurses Association issued a
statement Monday saying the Detroit MNA Board
of Directors was "concerned as to whether or not
all related facts in the Narciso-Perez case were
entered as testimony during the trial for consid-

Detroit MNA members also pledged to cooperate
with the Philippine Nurses Association, which has
staged protests against the verdict in Detroit and
Ann Arbor, "to restore our faith that beyond the
shadow of a doubt, justice will prevail."
Happenings .
... only a couple billion things happening today,
the foremost of which, of course, is the Art Fair's
second day. The fair will be on State St., South, East
and North University, Maynard and Liberty from
9 to 9 ... the extension service is holding its 25th
annual sunaer art conference at 8:30 a.m. in MLB
... and also an Industrial Fire Brigade Training
Workshop in the Civil Defense Disaster Training
Center at 9 a.m. ... Small Press books will exhibit
in the Union's Pendleton Room at 12:10 ... the Bio-
logical Research Review Committee - "Committee

I ... the Christian Science Organization will hold its
weekly meeting in 4304 Michigan Union at 7:15 ...
the A/V Center presents the children's film Rlkki-
Tikki-Tavl in MLB 3 at 7:30 ... and a midsummer
pops concert featuring carillon and dance will take
place at Burton Bell Tower at 7:30.
On the outside
When you're hot, you're hot. And when you're
not, you're in Fairbanks. We trotted north to Whit-
more Lake yesterday, just to see if it was any
cooler, and let us assure you, it was about as en-
joyable as the lint screen of a Maytag dry'er. New
York had 99. Chicago had 96. Even Minneapolis
had 100 degrees. But today forward-thinking Ann
Arbor leads the nation into cooler times, with a
cloudy day Inarked by morning thundershowers and
a high of only 85. Tomorrow look for a sinny,

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