Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturdoy, May 7, 1977 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday. J f . Mv 97 - COME. BE THRIB . ..." REPELLED... HOPELESSLY SEDUCED. By ANN E RICE The critics called it "Spellbinding"... Unrelentingly erotic"... "Compulsively readable." Surrender to the Vampire! $1.95 wherever paperbacks are sold BALLANTINE Rev. Moon arrested in N.Y. RED HOOK, N.Y. (MP - The Rev. Sun Myung Moon was on- ly enjoying the scenery when he and 10 followers were arrested on a small college campus, a spokesperson for his Unification Church said yesterday. The Korean born evangelist, whose Unification Church has sometimes been accused of "brainwashing" its young fol- lowers, was charged with tres- passing on the Bard College campus, along with the other 10. Moon was unavailable for comment on Thursday's arrests,. but a church spokeswoman in New York City said Moon was simply showing some followers a scenic waterfall in the area. "I think it's been blown a lit- TU-M Billiards This game is ready when you are Michigan Union OPEN 11 A.M. tle out of proportion," Susan Reinbold said. "There is a waterfall there that's outstanding and I think any local resident would agree that it is a tourist attraction and the Rev. Moon went to see it with a group of seminarians," she added. A Bard College spokesperson said Moon was told a few years ago that if any of his followers came on the campus uninvited they would be treated as tres- passers. Moon opened a seminary two, years ago at Barrytown, not far from Annandale - on - Hudson where Bard College is located. The Bard spokesperson said, Moon and his followers were ar- rested by state police after giv- ing "needlessly evasive" ans- wers to questions from campus security guards. "The incident was precipitat- ed by the unusual nature of their presence," said Bard spokesman George Hanold. "They failed to give any reason- able account of why they were there. They came in three cars and they were carrying walkie talkies." A church spokesperson said Moon always carries a walkie talkie to keep in contact with - P Cu&iS- /A ' F' s H - u& 9E -SEE G 'T - tuT JurlCE- "t'8& wNE-J C/ E ESE T -L Yoc WduANT w I Icu ACCORDING TO OUR LATEST POLE-w 2 11 A students say the best way to weather out the winter weekends in your dorm is to PARTY DOWN! with enough COLD drinks, food & ice cubes to last the term - Le in a 'REFRIGERATOR RENTAL from the UNIVERSITY DAMAGE CELLAR..., and for only pennios f 21/ CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR $22.80 $10.00 cuFT.ERATOR s a day.... 4 DIFFERENT SIZES CU TO SELECT FROM. W C. FT. REFRIGERATOR $31.20 x10.00 1 NC 1 IAG. TELEVISION $24.00 $10.00 f .5 ICH DIAM. vTLVISION .31.20 $10.00 V SUMMER HOURS: M-F 9:30-5:30; Sat. 12-S:;Closed Sun. 6/S3'8bt b il"S3l1 church officials so that mes- sages can be relayed back and forth. Thursday's episode marked the first 'time any of the Moon- ies, as Moon's followers are known, had been arrested in the area. Residents say the Moonies keep pretty much to themselves at their Barrytown seminary, housed in a former Roman Cath- olic monastery which the Uni- fication Church purchased from the Christian Brothers of Ire- land for $1.5 million. Bard, College was founded in 1860 as an Episcopalian semi- nary but it is no longer affiliat- ed with the church. Moon, whose followers believe he is the new messiah, lives on a $625,000 estate in Tarrytown in nearby Westchester County. He also has a home in Seoul, Korea. The church claims more than a half-million followers in 40 countries. Church officials say contributions in this country average about $6 million a year. The Unification Church is un- der investigation by various gov- ernmental agencies throughout the nation. Many parents of "Moonies" contends there chil- dren are being held by the church against their will and that they have been brain- washed. Moon's seminary was in the national spotlight when New Jersey Insurance Commissioner James Sheeran tried unsuccess- fully to get his three daughters to leave. He claims he was as- saulted by church members when he tried to contact his daughters at the seminary. The kiwi is extremely near- signted and prefers to sleep dur- ing the day. It hunts at sight by tapping the ground with its long bill like a blind man with a can. To MUR If something's gong wrong, it'll tell you. 1. Change In bowel or bladder habits. 2. A sore that does not heal. 3. Unustal bleeding or discharge. 4. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere. 5. Indigestion or diticulty In swallowing. 6. Obvious change inwart or mole. 7. Nagging cough or hoarseness. If you have a warning sig- nalsee your doctor. I it's a false alarm, he'll tell y ou. If it isn't,you can give him time to help. Do'. be afraid.It's what you don't know that can hurt you. American CancerSocitr. ._9f5 ~ F'(l4.)ED5s55s o sale..