MODERN MARTYDROM: VA nurses 'cause celebre' of '77 By KEITh 1;. RICHBURG Filipina, Narciso and Leonora Perez may well become the Sacco and Venzetti of this decade, or the Bruno Haupt- manns of the 1970's, a modern- day Julius and Ethel Rosen- berg. Sacco and Venzetti we all hopefully recall (hopefully, at the risk of history repeating itself) as the early-century aliens charged with anarchy, whose case became a cause celebre for later civil libertari- ans. Bruno Hauptmann was a Ger- man immigrant charged with the kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby. Hauptmann. maintained his inocense, but the mood of the country cried for vengeance, up until his exe- cution. The Rosenbergs, more recent- ly though still only history to most of us, were the husband and wife executed as traitors selling secrets to the Russians. Their children are still fighting to clear their names. THESE WEREN'T in some far-away country, where individ- uals are denied even the most fundamental of civil liberties. These cases were not the re- sult of a system wllich proclaims a suspect innocent until proven guilty. Sacco and Venzetti, Bru- no Hauptmann, and the Rosen- bergs all received trials by "a fair and impartial jury of their peers." All were convicted in accordance with the American Judicial Process. Filipina Narciso and Leonora Perez have indeed become the "cause celebre" of our time, the only difference being that it is our time, and not a decade or half-a-century later when we are beginning to scrutinize the foibles of the system which con- victed them. Narciso and Perez were charg- ed and convicted with poison- ing some of their patients at the Ann Arbor Veterans Admin- istration (VA) hospital during the summer of 1975. The govern- ment spent over a million dol- lars, ten months investigation, and 200 FBI agents just to build a case against the wiomen. The conviction, the climax of a record-breaking 94-hour jury deliberation over fifteen days, was supposed to lay the mystery of the VA breathing failures to rest once and for all. AND THE CONVICTION has laid the issue to rest, although the untimely death, immediately sent back suspicion and uncer- tainty to haunt us from its shal- low grave. Who, for instance, was the mysterious man in the green hospital scrub suit? The "man in green" surfaced over and over during trial testimony as lurking the corridors of the VA hospital at the time of some of the unexplained- breathing failures, now known to have been poiSonings. And what of the former VA nursing supervisor, Betty Ja- kim, who committed suicide last February only after exonnerat- ing Narciso and Perez; and con- fessing to the VA murders in a suicide note. Whether her words amounted to a confession or the babbling of a mental patient on the brink of disaster is a matter for con- jecture now, because the trial is over, the issue closed, ALSO CLOSED is the issue of the VA hospital itself. Was security during the summer of the attacks so lax anyone could have been wandering the halls, armed with Pavulon, in search of helpless victims? And what was the stake of the hopsital administration in the prosecution of Narciso and Perez? VA Chief-of-Staff, Dr. S. Martin Lindenauer allegedly bribed one witness, Bonnie Bates Weston, in return for that witness "searching her heart" and recalling certain facts. An- other witness, a VA nurse, said Lindenauer, on a European sab- batical at the time of the breath- ing failures, told the investiga- ting agents not to harrass his doctors, but to concentrate their efforts on the nursing staff. It's all a matter of record. But the charges will never be investigated now, because with the jury's verdict, the case was closed - signed, sealed and, de- livered. BUT THERE'S -,ONE differ- ence between the case of Nar- ciso and Perez, and that of Sac- co and Venzetti, Bruno Haupt- marn, or even the Rosenbergs: the diffurence is, with Narciso and Perez; there is still time. There is still time for an in- vestigation into what really hap- pened at the Ann Arbor VA hos- pital during the summer of 1975. This investigation must be con- ducted by an independant agent, not the U.S. attorneys office which prosecuted the two wom- en. There is still time for the United States Veterans Admin- istration to name a Watergate- style .,special prosecutor to launch a complete investigation into the Ann Arbor VA hospital. And if the U.S.V.A. doesn't take the initiative, a Congressional probe isn't a far-fetched idea. SIMPLE ARITHMATIC shows that even if the nurses are guil- ty, that leaves 1, murders and some 47 poisonings unaccounted for. Certainly that warrants a Congressional probe,''especially when international implications of convicting two Philipine citi- zens despite strong evidence of a frame-up are added. Furthermare, a full-scale probe is needed of the FBI- itself dur- ing its handling of the case. The convictions laid to rest the repeated charges of FBI har- rassment. At any rate, let's not wait until Filipina Narciso and Leo- nora Perez are -forgotten. Let's rot wait until the questions are buried and the evidence lost, all which have plagued a re- opening of the John F. Kennedy assassination case. We still have time to act now, so let's move while its fresh in our minds. The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, July 20, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 If Regents had to pay, would they hike tuiton? IN AN ANNOUNCEMENT bearing no surprises, the Re- gents approved yet another tuition increase last week. The annual increase is getting to be as routine as final exams, as certain as death and taxes. Regents and spectators accepted the decision with a "business as usual, what's new?" attitude, not ques- tioning the rate hike. The tuition increase - projected at eight to ten per cent last April - was levied despite state appro- priations for the university which were $1 million more than expected. Rather than pass the gift horse onto the students, administrators hoard the money, saying they want to balance the budget. Former tice President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes said the coming year will be a difficult one, fiscally; one which would entail imple- mentation of an enforced savings program. THE ENFORCED SAVINGS program simply means the university would try to crack down and keep depart-, ments within their proposed budgets. The only real pro- jection for the program is that departments might sub- mit larger budgets, claiming they will use more money than ever. The administration says nothing about cutting back its own over-inflated salaries, even "for the good of the university." Once again, with unfailing shortsightedness, univer- sity administrators and the Regents let the students down. If they really want to balance the budget with- out these annual tuition increases, perhaps they should ask the Athletic Department to share the football reve- nues. WELL, AT LMAT WE $Ol TANAt' t PIsM kl~r Vft$ . SAY- CONVI0 C4H 5.Y I Letters to The Daly protection To The Daily: To The Daily: In view of both the long his- tory of violence against Ann 1 find it dif Arbor women, and the recent my shack and intensification of r a p e s, at- conviction of tempted, kidnappings and as- and Perez in saults, it is high time the'Phy- case. I cannot sical Education Department in- any jury ofr stituted self-defense classes in could conclude that portion of its curriculum cution had p open to all students. It can hard- based on thee ly be disputed that such classes stand to have would provide the same learning experiences and physical exer- .Though a st cise as tennis or gymnastics a moment acc currently do. - blatherings of -Vicki Patraka see the convi Women's Program suts of a plo Coordinator nurses becaus guilty? Pings or because they. are wo- men. However, it does appear that a gross miscarriage of jus- tice has occurred. ificult to express I disbelief at the Nurses Narciso the VA Hospital comprehend how reasonable people e that the prose- rovea their guilt evidence I under- been presented. udent, I don't for apt the hysterical those who would ctions as the re- t directed at the se theyare- Fili- There is one other possible explanation; that, somehow, the evidence which convinced the jury was not reported in the media, or that its significance wa soverlooked. I realize that the chances of this having hap- pened are not great; however, I urge you . to search back through your files on the case to see if there isn't something there which might agrve to clarify the reasoning of the jury, and to re-solidify our faithin the America4 system of justice. -Michai P. McDonald