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July 19, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-19

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The Michigan Daily

Vl. I XXXVII No 46-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Tuesday, July 19, 1977

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages


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Russian emigres in


city back Carter's
human rights policy
The uncomfortable ambivalence of many Americans regarding
the U.S. role in human rights problems is not shared by the Rus-
sian emigres who have settled in Ann Arbor.
Boris Landa, a young artist who came to America last year
is enthusiastic about President Carter's stand on human rights.
Landa was involved with the human rights movement in Moscow,
and is personally acquainted with many well known dissidents,
including Andrei Sakharov and Valentin Turchin.
COMMENTING ON the recent arrests of prominent dissidents,
Landa said there is a "new wave of cruelty" taking place in the
U.S.S.R. But he said it is unclear if the crackdowns have an-
thing to do with President Carter's public statements. Regardless,
he hopes Carter will continue his human rights policy.
"Most of the Russian people do not even know what 'human
rights' is-not in the sense that people in the West do," remarked
"People will hear Western radio broadcasts," he said. "They
will learn of new arrests. Even when they read anti-human rights
propaganda in the Soviet press they will become more aware that
such a thing as 'human rights' does exist."
Landa said the current human rights discussion goes beyond
just the Soviet Union. "The cause of human rights," he arrested,
"has great importance for the United States."
"The American ideology is good and Americans should be
ready to fight for it--even if it costs them something in trade, or
good relations, or whatever, because America needs to know
where it stands, ideologically and morally.
"This may sound idealistic, but I think that's good. It is very
important for the American people to have an inspiration and a
purpose. And I think that they would know better what they stood
for if they had to pay a little for what they believe. . . . The
See CITY'S, Page 5

dent Carter should "definitely continue" in his human rights camp

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City bus workers end walkout

Ann Arbor Transit Authority
(AATA) bus service will resume
this morning as Transportation
Employes Union (TEU) mem-
bers return to their jobs, ending
an eight-day walkout.
The strike, which began last
Monday, completely h a I t e d
AATA sersice and forced 8,000

daily commuters to find alter-
nate forms of transportation.
UNION MEMBERS voted 102-
31 yesterday to end the work
stoppage and follow recommen-
dations made S a t u r d a y by
Thomas Badoud, the state-ap-
pointed mediator assigned to
help settle the AATA-TEU con-
tract dispute.

As recommended by Badond,
AATA officials agreed to extend
the terms of TEU's previous
contract tntil August 15, while
TEU member consented to re-
turn to work this morning.
In addition, a fact finder has.
been appointed by the Michigan
Employment Relations Commis-
sion (MERC) and will hear ar-
guments from both sides tonight

and, if necessary, again Thurs-
day and Friday evenings. The
sessions will be closed.
THE FACT FINDER is expect-
ed to issue a public recommen-
dation for settlement of unre-
solved contract issues by the
end of next week.
Although the fact finder's rec-
ommendations will not be legal-

ly binding on either the AAT
or TEU, Badoud said yesterda3
he hopes public pressure will
force the two parties to accept
the MERC recommendations.
Prior to yesterday's v o t e,
T E U ' s executive committee
urged the union's membership
to accept the terms of the me-
diator's recommendation.
See AATA, Page 5

Rhodesia's Smith calls
for national elections

SALISBURY, Rhodesia ' - Prime
Minister Ian Smith dissolved parliament
yesterday and called for elections to
seek support of his own plan for a tran-
sitional change to black majority rule.
His action was seen as a rejection of
the Anglo-American peace tallp aimed
at ending white minority rule 'and the
warfare being mounted by black na-
tionalist guerrillas.
"I DO NOT believe that there is much
hope of a successful outcome of these
negotiations," the 58-year-old prime
minister said of the latest efforts by Bri-
tain and the United States.
Faced with the first major internal
onosition- from the white electorate

since his Rhodesian Front party came to
power in 1962, Smith took the unusual
step in a surprise television and radio
broadcast to say he called elections for
Aug. 31.
Si-nith's party had wielded power in
this territory even before it unilaterally
declared its independence from Britain
in 1965. But in March, 12 members of
Smith's party, including one of his own
security advisers designated as a junior
minister, rebelled to set up an opposi-
tion party.-
THE RHODESIAN Action party, as
the opposition group calls itself, declar-
ed it was against Smith's moves towards

majority rule in the country where
whites are outnumbered 22 to one by the
Smith, in yesterday's broadcast, said
British promises in the current Anglo-
American initiative had been broken.
He said, "Any settlement which did
not retain the confidence of white Rhode-
sians would be unacceptable, anything
which prejudiced the maintenance of
law and order could not be countenanc-
ed, all voices had a right to be heard
and no party would be given the right
of veto."
SUCH GUARANTEES had been made,
See SMITH, Page 5


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