A as v rsgn FOR RENT BLUE HOUSE, furnislhed duplex. 901 Packard, available September. Suit- able grad group. Two kitchens, 2% baths, basement, 1-car garage. No pets. deposit, credit references re- quired. Year leae. 5675/month plus utilities. 662-1912 for appointment. APARTMENT - 2 bdrm., furnished, air, dishwasher, Arch St.. ailable Sept. 1. 1 vr. lease 8318/ro. includ- lng heat. (Eve,) 1-474-8955. 94C716 AVATLABLE FALL, own room. Fe- male grad., professiono1. Modern apartment, $145. Sherry, 662-8740, 663-2838. 87C720 NOW RENT NG Falf~1977, SANS SOUCI (across from U-M Stadiim) FURNISHED one and two bedrooms, parking available. Bses to and from campus every half hour. See manager at apartment K-1 or call 994-3955. THOMPSON APARTMENTS (at corner of William and Thomp- son). Furnished efficiences, one and two bedroom apartments. See man- ager at apartment 216 or call 665- 2289. cCtc FURNISHED ROOMS for rent at 715 Hill Street, featuring Kosher restauirant, game room and Judaic library, Only 2 minutea from cam- pus. Call 995-3276. eCtc TWO ROOMS with kitchen privi- leges. Very close to campus. Not a pit. 769-7274. 81C720 FURNISHED 5 bedroom house, 1- 1% bath, yard, central campus loca- tion adjacent to Margaret Bell Pool & CCRB. $740.00 plus all utitlities, fall occupancy. Inquire at 337 E. Huron, Ann Arbor. cCtc UNFURNISHED TWO BEDROOM - Immediate occupancy and/or fall option, heat and water included in rent. West Park location. 662-7787. cOtc SUBLET JULY-AUGUST. Female. Own room in modern 2-bdrm. apartment. Fur- nished. A/C. parking. Call after 7 p.m., 665-8372. 76U716 1 BDRM. in spacious 3 bdrm. apt. 3 blks. from campus. Must see to be- iieve. 995-4168 eves. 58U716 ROOMMATES FEMALE GRAD HOUSEMATE want- ed. Own room in small cooperative house. $70/mo. includes heat. 769- 3184, Howie or Rick. 11Y716 FOURTH FEMALE needed for FALL. Modern Apt. A/C, diswasher, 2% baths. Close to campus. Call Janeen after 5, 668-6440. dY716 Try Dailyd Classif ieds. BUSINESS SERVICES HOUSECLEANING - Done by U-M graduate student; excellent worker. References if requested. Call 995- 2388 after 5 p.m. dJ TYPING-75c page. Call Candy, 63- 3834 (N. Campus). 73J722 TYPING - dissertations, theses, manuscripts. Selectric II, B.A. Eng- lish Literature, experienced profes- sional typist. Rackham specifica- tions. Rates negotiable. 665-4524. HANDSOME HARD COVER BIND- INGS for books. 24 hr. service avail- able. 722 Brooks, NR Miller and 7th, 995-4000. cJ817 THE SECRETARIAT Typing, Copying, Binding Editing, Drafting, Lettering 812 South State Street 11-6, 7 days/week 994-3594 LOST AND FOUND FOUND - Kitten-tri-color (black, grey, white) w/flea collar around Church and S. Univeraity arma Thursday night. Cali 863-5647. dA720 TRAVEL NO F R I L L S STUDENT/TEACHER charter flights. Europe, Israel, Asia. Global Travel, 521 Fifth Avenue, N.Y., N.Y. 10017, 212-379-2532. 89P727 MUSICAL MDSE., HAND-MADE LEATHER STRAPS by Flint craftsman, sold in Ann Arbor by Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main St. cX7i6 USED SPINET PIANO $390, uprighta from $200. Apollo Music Center, 769- 1400. eX716 ROAD LEAD and base amps back in stock. Call Don Ford for appoint- ment, Apollo Music Center, 769-1490. cX7i6 USED FENDER AMPS, 3 different models. Call Don, 761-9431. eX716 FOR SALE MOTOBECANE 10 s p e e d Super Mirage, silver blue, 23", hardly used, $160. 662-6814. 96B716 NIKKO STEREO RECEIVER. Excel- lent. $175. Call 665-8048. 85B716 NEW 12' x 36', furnished beautifully, close in, ideal for student, city wa- ler and sewer. 971-3111 or 1-782-4164. Sunny Side Park dealer. 35B730 WANTED TO RENT NEED R9OM with board or kitchen privileges for male medical student August and September only. Cali 665-5223. 05L721 TRANSPORTATION NEED RELIABLE RIDE to South- field from Ann Arbor, mornings, and hacr evenings, weekdays. Le-665- 7020. 090716 I n HEN II 3AN LAtLY .Saturday, July 16, 1977 PERSONAL PERSONAL I HOW T0 ADD new excitement to Carefully dawplopad PEOGNA fo AIEour life and give your social life the common MALE problem (Laos at bost you've been waiting for, Of Sexuaal self-CONTROL) We have E D t~niversity Singies Club - "Serving HELP for volunteers through IN- Uni ersity Communities Nationwide" FORMATION and PROCEDURES de- -is now here. Social events, parties, veloped by University of Michigan dances and mrehi For free details Research. 98% SUCCESSFUL. Por write PO Box 12686-M, Gainesville, further information call (313) 624. USED CARS Florida 32664. 069123 9141. 50720 SAAB 95, 1970, body-good condition, PREGNANT? Need help? XEROX AND OFFSET 1972 engine - excellent condition. Call Problem Pregnancy k#elp, 769- John, 668-7414 eves. 99N716 7283. Pregnancy tests available. cFt fat, low YQt duplicating _______ _____ _____- ________COPY QUICK '71 CAPRI-$60, stick, radials. FM STAFF NEEDED to work on growing 1217 S. University 769-0560 radio. Phone 668-7470. 84N716 student course evaluation system. _Ftc Students' Counseling Office, 1018 --- '70 FORD VAN, windows all around, Angell, 763-1552. 989716 white, good condition, 95.00 milna,. D iSSERTAT IO N\ $1,000 or best offer. Call 995-4211. STEVE'S LUNCH-Come for home 97N720 cooking. Breakfast all day. great soup-and egg rolls. 3 egg omelets '65 COME, great condition, must with fresh vegetables and fresh SE sell. $250600. Call 769-2297. .8N719 bean sprouts served all day Sundays 10-8. 1313 South Universit;. cFt LOWEST PRICE 1977 CHRYSLER CORDOBA. Lan- dau, A/C, rear window defroster, FRIENDS LAKE COMMUNITY-80- I N TOW N FOR cruise control 59 MPG. Ziebort, lus- ar wild life preseree near Chelara; ury interior, sport mirrors, steel swimming, sailing, canoeing, picnic- COLLATED COP I ES belited radias, power steering, disc king, camping. Membership $50/ brakes, AM/FM w/8 track stereo, adult children free. Brochure from DA#Il'LA&QUA digital clock, and morel! Owner Bloods. 2005 Penneraft, Ann Arbor, leaving country mid August. MUST MI 48103. 29F716 GUARANTEED sell. $5500 FINAL. Call 313-973-0428 between 5 p.m. and 11. p.m. daily. NEW-%c off all cpit left over- C 90N719 night (books t) IMPRESS, 524 Y UICK William. 665-4322, eFte WANTED TO BUY 1217 S. University, 769-0560 ___________-JAZZ ________ cFtt FAN, FAN, FAN I need a fan. Call Quick. Alain, 662-2829. dK72 tT anversity lub w h ANSWER TO P 15 PETS AND SUPPLIES ninghan, piano; Ted Rarley, base; E 8 S T 0 P 2C1A Stanery Slaughter, drums; and fea- A _ P0 N 0EP' NORWEIAN EKHOUDS - REE.turtong Vincent Yrk of the Mercer E SC l, NERWEGIAN ELKHOUNDli-lFREE. oFigton Band on alto sax. Friday N NA j AN Q L AA Good with children. Call 483-5973. T and Saturday evenings 9:30 p.m.- S 0 6 T 14) L ATT 6 - 1:30 a.m. in the club cocktail lounge HELP WANTED in the Michigan Union Union build- T E R A G P E T E 6 P ing. Ask hostess for a free trial 0AEN AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY -Work membership. 763-2236. eFt 0 0 K E N S T E with physically disabled people. For A t T T I R E EG 0 details tall Center For Independent GRAD MAN (adv. btg.) desires fe- S L E E P NE R A S K A N Living, 9-5:30, 971-0277. 07H728 male logging/tennis partner for fun 1 N S R I S 3 and games on and off the courtS. PART - TIME. Research assistant Write Daily Box No, 16. 63F716 C E E S V E N and/or rough draft typing, no re- _S R A T N A K E R$ search experience required. Work at ONE GAME FREE bowling with this PL P S AD E T A TI home. Island Dr. residence prefer- ad at Ypsi-Arbor Lanes. Pinball, pool red. 663-9212. 01H716 and saloon tool 2985 Washtenaw, 1 C BE LEMON R 0 mile east of U.S. 23. ceFtc E W E RS SNA P WAITING HELP NEEDED at the University Club. See Peter Dilorenzi between 2 and 3, Mon.-Fr. cH720 WAITRESSES WANTED at Dooley's.I4 IiIQII 310 Maynard. 02H716 CO-ORDINATOR NEEDED for na- CROSSWORD PUZZLE tianal co-op organization headquar- tered in Ann Arbor. Must have proven skills and social change Q s1977 LOS ANGELES TIMEs orientation. Begin Oct.-Dec. Write ACROSS 47 "They - 13 Occupied NASCO Co-ordinator, P.O. Box 1301, 1 Weans Ann Arbor,48106 for job description.- not. 21 Isolated 5 Husband of 48 Fall behind 22 Pupil of a kind BABYSITTER for two school-age Jezebel 49 Scatterbrain 26 Greenery in children. 8:15 'til 3:00; $1.50 per hour. Transportation necessary. Cali 54 Official deree- Gotham Alice, 769-6838 before 2 p.m. 82H716 14 Bird 56 Kodiak 27 Squeezes MEDICAL SECRETARY fr busy two 15 Alone 57 Kabul title 28 Do newspaper doctor office. Diversified duties, full 16Canary ilad 58 - maid work time, experience required. Send re- 17 Costume for 59 Seular 29 Girl: Slang sume to Michigan Daily, Box 17. Cynthia 60 "Laugh," in 30 Wynken, 4210019 18 School famous aria Blynken and FULL TIME insurance person to do festivity 61 Tea and others Nod, and billing and follow tp for busy doc- 19 Courage 62 Different others tor's office. Experienced need only apply. Send resume to Michigan 20 Contest of a 63 Anwers Daily, Box 17. 43H719 sort: gregory 33 Greek letters 23 Born DOWN 34 Coastal bird lSgeDEn TS ieeWscap y are 24 Fishing boat 1 Student's choice 35 Whippets Instred in submitting a bid call 25 Ease off 2 Poultry ailment 37 Doubly 769-1520. 341719 27 Dull and flat 3 Speck 40 Sport shoes TICKETS 30 "- foolish 4 Villain's 41 River dam things ..." occupation 43 Force TRADE FLEETWOOD MAC TIC- 31 Saying 5 Have dreams 44 Discover the KETS for any other night but July 32 Forestalled 6 Keratoid facts of 19. 663-0172. 601716 36 Precious 7 Easy as falling 45 Basketballer PERSONAL porcelain off- 46 Printing type 37 Sheer linen 8 Stunning 47 Siamese ANGELA, 38 Tropical root occurrence 50 Fresh-water I think it is a really stppid idem for 39 Cleaning aiddu you to take the $ 6 youfafund 41 Twisted 10 Girl of song 51 French friend sinder tht tree i n North Campus9Plct.dk out of the bank. I'm certainly not 42 Makes muddy 11 Moved furtively 52 In order going to have anything to do with 43 Calls it quits 12 Dais personality, 53 Greek goddesr it. You'll have to do it yourself. 44 Pretend for short 55 Baste CYNTHIA dF716 MAY WEHELP you with your non-- i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O i1 12 3 prescription drug needs? Village Apothecary, 1112 S. Univ. Ave. cFtc 11 15 16 VISIT ANN ARBOR'S only gem lab before you spend your money need- 17 18 19 lessly. Fine quality diamonds and low prices on all engagement and 0 2 22 23 wedding' rings. Astin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151 cts 24 25 - 26 J.B.-Yesterday's classified showed no depth of character or insight, I 27 28 29 30 should just hang it up when I go out of town, but at least I'm con- 33 sistent. Today is a good day to try out your disguise, don't you think. I'm sure Linda and Dennis would 6 37,38 just love It. As I haven't spoken So anyone else yet I don't know if the rest of your household is as artis- tically inclned!-Me. dF716 GRADUATE STUDENT COUPLE - Desire to housestt for faculty be- ginning fail. Good references. Tom, 44 5 6 47 663-2671. 9719 PHOBIA o HATIONAL FEAR3 Free treatment may be available by new and effective methods in ex- 54 55 56 57 change for cooperation in research on how and why it works. Dial 313- 7-534 or write Phobia Project- Department of Psychiatry, Univer- aity Med. Center, Ann Arbor, MI 62 63 48109. 03"723 HOW IS f YOUR D ELIV' v Is delivery of THE DAILY acceptable? We hope so! If not, please call us at 764-0558, MON- FRI., 10-3 and tell us what's wrong. It's the only way we can try to correct the errors. * * AND IF you wont to order THE DAILY for home delivery use the some number: 764- 0558. DAILY CIRCULATION STAFF