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July 16, 1977 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-07-16

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Saturday, duty 16, 1977


rage inree

Carter proposes broad
reorganization of staff
WASHINGTON (P) - President Carter pro- positions, icluding the White House staff reduc-
posed to Congress yesterday a broad reorganiza- tion, and eliminate seven Executive Office units,
tion of the White House that would cut the presi- including the Domestic Council.
dential staff and produce savings estimated at "The basic thrust.. is to strengthen cabinet
$6 million a year. government,", Carter said. The plan that wilt
Carter fell well short of currying out a pledge take effect in 60 days unless disapproved by
to cut the White House staff by 30 per cent. either the Senate or House.
T H E A N N 0 U N C E M E N T claimed THE PRESIDENT said the reorganization
a 28 per cent reduction, to 351 from 485. How- would make it easier for cabinet departments to
ever, officials acknowledged that more than half contribute to domestic policy -- a role that was
the cutback - 70 jobs - simply would be trans- diminished after former President Richard Nixon
ferred from the White House payroll to a new created the Domestic Council as a counterpart to
central administrative unit within the larger staff the National Security Council.
of the Executive Office of the President. The plan is Carter's second move toward re-
Making his first use of reorganization powers organization. Earlier this year, he proposed legis-
given him in April, Carter said he wants to re- lation combining energy-related responsibilities
duce the Executive Office staff by 242 authorized See CARTER, Page 10
Carter staffer asks land
concessions for Indians

WASHINGTON (UPI)-Presi- in 1790.
dent Carter's representative in "I have concluded that the
a land dispute involving most of federal government is primarily
northern Maine recommended responsible for the creation of
yesterday two Indian tribes be this problem," Ganter told the
paid $25 million and given 100,- President in his four-page re-
000 acres of land, with an option port.
to buy another 400,000 acres. H i s recommendations in-
William Gunter, a former cluded:
Georgia state supreme court t Appropriating $25 million
judge, said Carter was "very for the use and benefit of the
favorable" to his recommenda- two tribes, with half given them
tions. ' in each of the next two fiscal
THE PENOBSCOT and Pass- years.
amaquoddy tribes contend they S Requiring M a i n e to set
have legal rights to about 12 aside a 108,000-acre tract of
million acres of land worth some state land in the area under
$25 billion, under a treaty signed contention.
Local unions rally behind
Area labor sympathizers joined striking members of the Trans-
portation Emplfyes Union (TEU) in a support picket line at City
Hall yesterday.
Over 100 marchers attended the neon rally which was spon-
sored by the Huron Valley Central Labor Council as a show of
solidarity among local labor groups for the TEU strike against
the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA). The walkout is
now in its sixth day.
"WE'RE HERE to support the demands of TEU and give them
a sense of solidarity with other labor unions," stated Oliver Car-
sten of the Graduate Employes Union (GEO). "It seems AATA
is unwilling to give them (TEU) a reasonable contract"
Representatives of other public employe organizations were
also on hand for the rally. Dwight Newman, President of AFSCME,
Local 1583, whose membership includes over 2,000 University ser-
See LOCAL, Page 4

* Requiring the interior sec-
retary to acquire long-term op-
tions on an additional 400,000
acres which the tribes would
then be allowed to buy at fair
market value.
. CARTER MET with Gaoter in
the Oval Office and told him the
issue "has been one of the most
difficult and sensitive and con-
troversial since I have been in
Guter, a personal friend. of
Carter, said various lawsuits
filed by the Indians in Maine
"have the unfortunate effect of
c a u s in g economic stagnation
within the claims area,"
"This problem cannot await
judicial determination," he said
in suggesting his recommenda-
tions be submitted to Congress.
A WHITE HOUSE spokesman
said no final decision had been
made on what 'Carter will seek
as a solution.
Rep. David Emery (R-Maine),
claiming he was speaking for
the four-membersMaine congres-
sional delegation, including Sens.
Edmund Muskie and William
Hathaway, both Democrats, said
the group "wants to carefully
study the recommendations to-
gethey with the governor and
Maine attorney general."
"Judge Gunter's proposal is
an initial step toward resolution
'It a very complex issue, Any
definitive statement with regard
to Judge Gunter's recommenda-
tions must await answers to
numerous questions which the
proposal raises," Emery's state-
ment said.

A CHABAD House representative, member of an orthodox
Jewish sect, explains his religious philosophy to a curious man
on the Diag.
Chabad House holds
to Jewish tradition
Throughout the dormant 50's, the protesting 60's, and the rela-
tively quiet 74's, there has been one group on campus which has
never wavered in its philosophy.
The group is the Chassidic Jews, an orthodox Jewish sect, who
for four thousand years have espoused a doctrine of a life of
purity and righteousness according to the scriptures.
THEY BELIEVE what binds Jews together is more than hei-
tage - it "neshama" or soul. They say that because each per
son's soul is part of God, every iidividual is an integral part of
Jewish destiny.
They contend part of their mission is awakening oLliei Jews'
"We're like religious Jewish yippies," said Clhassid Tzui Freid
man, "We evoke at times a negative reaction, at times a posi-
tive reaction, but always evoke a reaction. It's better to be angry
than to be spiritually lohotonized," he said.
HE RECOUNTS the story of when he was hitchhiking and a
man driving a Cadillac picked him up. At first the man was cour-
teous, althouglh removed, but after awhile he broke down and
"[le told me all about his life in Poland and .his experiences
See CHABAD, Page 9

Finklea sentenced
Robert Finklea, one-time prime suspect in last
fall's series of rapes, was sentenced Thursday to
a 10-to-15 year term for unarmed robbery. The
26-year-old Mississippi resident was found guilty
June 2 of seizing a 19-year-old woman on S. Uni-
versity and dragging her into a clump of bushes.
The woman screamed and Finklea fled with sev-
eral items belonging to the woman in his posses-
sion. Finklea is also scheduled to stand trial for
both the rape of a local woman he had been liv-
ing with and a homosexual assault on an inmate
at the county jail.
Soprano Elisabeth Schwarzkopf has postponed
her Monday evening concert appearance until later
in the week due to a throat infection. Her concert's

new date and time will be announced later in the
week - all tickets will be honored for the re-
scheduled grformance.
Happenings ...
... today is do your own thing day, absolutely
zilch is going on in A2. Sunday is a little bet-
ter, but not much ... the Outing Club meets at
Rackham's North entry for a hike at 1:30 p.m. ...
the Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Student Mission psesents
"Surat Shabd Yoga - Meditation on Inner Light
and Sound" in the Union's Anderson room at 2
p.m. ... finally at 8 p.m. the Music School's Arthur
Vidrich presens an organ recital at Hill Auditorium,.
Things start hopping again Monday at 8:30 a.m.
with a series of lectures at Chrysler Center spon-
sored by Continuing Engineering Education ... the
University Extension Service offers a week-long

seminar "Proposed Writing: New Resources for
New Initiatives" beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Cam-
pus Inn As night falls, hear carillonneur Kath-
leen Beck ring those chimes at Burton Tower at
7 p.m. ... at 7:30 p.m. the A-V Education Cen-
ter offers the film: Rapes: A New Perspective
in MUB 3.
On- the outside.,.
This weekend is a good tine to reacqaaint
yourself with air conditioner-owning friends, open
a brew and stay inside -- the past week's unbear-
able heat will hang on through the weekend. Look
for a high near 90 today, with a possibility of thun-
dershowers tonight (but they've been saying that
all week), Tonight's low will be near 65. Sunday
promises to be a trifle cooler - high in the mid
80s with showers imminent

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