Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, July 16, 1977 Authorities seek NYC blackout cause NEW YORK (U) - Authori- ties began trying to pinpoint reasons and responsibility for the blackout that crippled New York City for more than 24 hours. Most businesses and public facilities returned to nor- mal or near normal yesterday, but some people faced clean- sups and losses from looting. Public officials and private citizens alike faced the after- math of the blackout with three ouestions: What went wrong? Who's to blame? What was the cost? Home's gas needs The average home's heating and cooking needs for three days is about 1,000 cubic me- ters of natural gas. In some communities in 1974, this only cost the homeowner about a quarter. Last winter 1,000 cu- bic meters of natural gas. In some communities in 1974, this only cost the homeowner about a quarter. Last winter 1,000 cu- bic meters brought as much as $2.25. M AYORABRAHAM Beame has accused Consoli- dated Edison Co. of "gross negligence." The utility, which already faces a $1 billion class- action damage suit, says Beame is wrong, although officials concede they are not sure why safety devices did not work to prevent the power failure that began Wednesday night when lightning struck a transformer and feeder cables. Richard Dunham, chairman of the Federal Power Commis- sion, said at a news conference that the government shared the blame for the blackout. "Whatever we did obviously didn't prevent this situation," he said, referring to measures taken after the 1965 Northeast blackout. "QUITE OBVIOUSLY some- thing didn't fit. We're going to find out what went wrong and find out what steps can and must be taken to prevent the same thing from happening again." President Carter told the FPC to come up with answers in two weeks. Dunham, prepar- ing for yesterday's public hear- ing, said the commission would try to meet the deadline, but added: "That's a very tight timetable to deal with these complex matters." At its height, the blackout disrupted life for 10 million persons in five boroughs and parts of Westchester County to the north and Long Island to the East. Power was restored to the last of the 2.8 million af- Have a flair for artistic writin? It you are interest- ed in reviewing poetry,tand tausi or writing feature stories about the drama, dance, tim arts: contact Arts Editor, c/a The Michigan Daily. fected Con Ed customers late Thursday night, 25 hours after the trouble began. The 1965 blackout lasted 13 hours. A state of emertency was lifted at 8 a.m. Trains and sub- ways, which resumed limited service Thursday afternoon, carried workers through the Friday morning rush hour. Stores reopened. Food supplies spoiled in the heat were re- plenished. Court officials con- tinued processing some 3,000 persons arrested for looting. People hurried, cars honked and streets filled an the city picked up its pace after a day of unnatural slowness. The discomfort for New Yorkers, remained, however. The hot, humid weather con- tinued and by early in the morning, the National Weather Service was predicting that the temperature, would top 'a 98- year-old record for the date of 95 degrees. The' Department of Air Resources, in its daily re- port,hsaid air quality was un- healthy. By the time we're old enough to have children, we've been thoroughly sold on the idea. By our parents, our grandparents, our friends and neighbors, the media, everyone. It's hard to remember we ever had a choice in the first place. But there is a choice. Having a child is a tremendous. responsibility and an important decision. Probably the most ; important decision weif ever make. And once it's made, it can never be undone. Just remember.. you do have a choice. So think about it, and do what's right for you. For more information write: -.- ..---- .-- ...- ....--.. - National Organization for - Non-Parents 806 Reisterstown Road Baltimore, Maryland 21208 Id like to know more about N.o.1. Please send me your free "Am I ParentMaterial" package. Con Ed officials said shortly before noon that they did not expect any problems resulting from the high temperatures and the demand for power to r u air conditioners. families vacation on college campuses ny The Asscated Press A growing number of families are spending summer vacations on college and university cam- puses, studying everything from performing arts to go- e ment in special low-cost programs combining leisure and learning. The vacation colleges gener- ally are sponsored by alumni associations, but most are open to nonalumni as well, some- times at a slight additional fee. There are no prior educational requirements and the programs do not carry credits toward a degree. A FEW SUMMER colleges are limited to adults only; more and more schools, ,how- ever, offer something for ev- eryone in the family: seminars and lectures for grownups, re- creation for youngsters. Prices vary, but a week or 10-day program for a family of four, including room, board and tuition, usually runs about $50 to $600. There is no central clearing- house for statistics on the num- ber of schools offering vacation programs or the number of peo- ple enrolled. A spokesman for Cornell University, which op- erates one of the oldest pro- grams, said vacation colleges are offered by 60 to 70 schools. SPOKESMEN FOR individual colleges and univer- sities agreed that interest is growing. "The courses are increasing in popularity and more schools are offering them," said a spokesman at the University of Michigan wich has a one- week program beginning Aug. 14 with seminars for adults on a variety of subjects. The pro- gram is in its third year. THE MICHIGAN DAILY volume LxxxvII, No. 45- Saturday, July 16, 1977 is editedsand manaed by student. at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-05s2. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, Publised daily Tuesday theough Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard street, Ann Arbor. Michigan 4109. Subscription rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes- ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. REDUCED RATES for Billiards $1.15 per hour Sundays-1 pm-6 pm at the I E name adidress cttylatate/zip