The Michigan Daily
Vol LXXXVI. No. 45-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 16, 1977
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
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Regents grant MSA funding
The University Board of Regents yesterday approved an in-
crease of 40 cents in the voluntary assessment for student funding
of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA), the campus student
government organization.
The 40 cent increment raises the amount pledged voluntarily
by individual students to $1.15. Students donate the $1.15 by filing
out a form after they register for classes each semester. Last
year 72 per cent of the University's enrollment volunteered 75
cents for MSA.
TWENTY-FIVE cents of the increase will help to fund MSA's
Housing Law Reform Project, so that it can continue into its sec-
ond year uninterrupted. Five of the 25 cents will help finance the
legal services provided by the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union. The
remaining 15 cents will fund the MSA Course Evaluation Program.
In the all-campus student elections, which were held on April
4, 5, and 6 of this year, students voted 62 to 38 per cent for ap-
proval of a mandatory 25 cent assessment for the housing pro-
gram - independent of the 75 cent fee. But fearing the Regents
would not approve a self-assessment for both the Housing Law
Reform Project and the Course Evaluation Program, MSA offic-
ials agreed to the increase in the voluntary fee.
In its first year of operation the Housing Law Reform Project
published and distributed the first extensively detailed book on
tenants' rights and duties in the state, compiled an explanation of
all, local and state housing code laws which apply to local hous-
ing, and brought litigation asking for an injunction prohibiting the
inclusion in leases of unenforceable and illegal contract clauses.
AS A PART of the proposal MSA officials agreed not to sue
the University over housing matters.
Deane Baker was the only Regent who voted against the
voluntary funding increases.
See REGENTS, Page 10
MSA EXECUTIVE Vice President Chris Bachelder (left) and attorney Jonathan Rose speak be-
fore the Regents in support of the MSA Housing Law Reform Project.
CIA released reports
say drug tests held on
unwitting U.S. civihans
tral Inelligence Agency (CIA)
informed toe Senate yesterday
it has uncovered documents
shedding new light on secret
drug tests carried out on un-
suspecting Americans from 1953
to 1964.
At the direction of President
Carter, CIA Director Stansfield
Turner hand delivered a letter
in which he told Sen. Daniel
Inouye (D-Hawaii), chairman o1
the Senate Intelligence Commit-
tee, that he is volunteering to
testify on the subject "at te
earliest opportunity."
ASKED BY reporters how ser-
ious he thought the matter was,
President Carter said, "I think
it is fairly serious."
'U' nurses hit verdt.
Twenty yof the 23 nurses at the University Health Ser-
vice yesterday released a statement expressing disapproval
of Wednesday's verdict in the trial of Veterans' Administra-
tion (VA) Hospital nurses Filipina Narciso and Leonora
The health service nurses expressed "shock and con-
cern" over Narciso and Perez' conviction on three counts off
poisoning and one of conspiracy.
"OUR REACTION goes beyond the guilt or innocence
of the nurses involved," the statement said, "but is prompt-
ed by the possible.impact this will have on the delivery of
nursing services.
"Another major concern of ours is the obvious lack of
responsiveness from the Health Care community including
organized nursing services, nursing, medicine and health
care administration."
A group of Filipino University students has also an-l
nounced plans to demonstrate tomorrow afternoon at theA
VA hospital. !
. The text of Turner's letter
was made public by White House
press secretary Jody Powell. It
said the newly uncovered docu-
ments deal with:
# Research on surreptitious
methods of administering drugs.
* Experimentation on persons
who were drug addicts or alco-
. Research on a knockout or
"K" drug that involved ad-
vanced cancer patients.
* A possible improper pay-
ment to an unnamed private in-
THE LETTER said the docu-
ments pointed to "possible ad- -
ditional cases af drugs being
tested on American citizens
without their knowledge," be-
yond those documented by the
Senate select committee on in-
telligence activities that was
chaired by Sen. Frank Church
(D-Idaho) in 1975.
Drug tests, carried out under
the code name "MK-ULTRA,"
take up a chapter in the final
report of the investigation by
the Church committee.
During the 1975 inquiry, the
CIA reported to the committee,
which sought documents about
the program, that most docu-
mentatios ronthe matter had
been destroyed. Turner wrote
Inouye in the letter delivered
See CIA Page 9
Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
Bus strike
Local sympathizers representing various groups, includ-
Ing this younger one, showed their support for the TEU
bus workers' strike yesterday at City Hall. See story,
Page 3.