MMrdoy, July 15, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven I "~i~dav. July 15, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Australian leader resigns (otinued fram Ng 2) sition leader, had no comment events stunned many who re- on the resignation. garded the queen's surrogate Whitlam, who selected Kerr as as a ceremonial figurehead. governor general in July 1974, -Lawyers, politicians and the claimed in a recent interview general public still debate in London that Kerr,. as titular whether Kerr should have in- commander in chief of the arm- voked powers which the queen ed forces, had ordered a mili- does not have in England. tary alert on the day he dis- In announcing the resignation, missed the government. His La- Fraser said Kerr's dismissal of Tbor party staged demonstra- the Labor government had pro- tions and threatened strikes. voked partisan feelings in Aus- Their protests fizzled but the tralia, and clouded the role of anger remained. governor general, the controversy also gave a In a hrief statement from Gov- boost to the republican move- ernment House, Kerr said he ment which views the monarchy had faithfully executed his oath as outmoded for Australia. of office and had found his ten- There were small demonstra- ure "most stimulating." His res- tions in March when the queen ignation had been expected for visited the Commonwealth of several months. Australia as part of her silver WHITLAM, the current oppo- jubilee celebrations. MOVIES - CINEMA II- MOVIE s i M I M f t T! 'HE CONNECTION has been cancelled FRANK CAPRA'S ALOST HORIZON' A Capra gem. The story of a plane crash in the Himi- laya's where the passengers stumble upon a timeless Shangri-La. TONIGHT at 7:30/9:30 Angell Hall Aud. "A" ."- _ _.--- .. Saturday A Robert berg, abou 7:30 9:30 ad.L$1 Rossen film, with Warren Beatty & Jean S it a boy and a girl in an asylum. Aud. A ad. $1. CINEMA ii NEEDS NEW MEMBERS APPLICATIONS AT THE TICKET DESK .50 3e- 50 I HAD CANCER AND I LIVED. WOODY ALLEN in 1972 PLAY IT AGAIN SAM A neurotic W o o d y bungles his way through a romance with Diane Keaton. He 'is advised by a Bogart look alike alter-ego to take hold with all the gusto of Rick in Casablanca. SAT.: WEST SIDE STORY C EA ~ l TON IGHT AT OlLD ARCH. AUD. CNEMA GI 7:30 & 9:30 Admission $1.50 :SECOIDCHAC e SFRIDAY-SUNDAY* *STREET.CORNER BAND SPECIALS T ,TUESDAY SWEDNESDAY. STUDENT NIGHT ' 'THURSDAY, GREEK&DORMN1GHT E N SUNDAYr ,A E GET H Pitcker & Hospitality MONDAY TONITE HEAR McS & ROCKETS *$ AlsoTEQUILA NIGHT , GeneLittler It's possible to go into an annual checkup feeling terrific. And come out knowing something's wrong. It happened to me. The doctor found what I couldn't even feel ... a little lump under my arm. If I had put off the appointment for one reason or another, I probably wouldn't be here today. Because that little lump I couldn't feel was a melanoma, a highly aggressive form of cancer that spreads very quickly. It's curable-but only if found in time. So when I tell you, "Get a checkup," you know it's from my heart. 4t can save your life. I know. It saved mine. Have a regular checkup. It can save your lfe. American Cancer Society4 '~ 1 MC (.ns Y s, i$f$ ttP~Y$ 54 Pok Uoll o o fe r -f"""+w+" .