A2 landlording--pro fits make perfect The way the average person understands the housing rental business is this: the landlord collects rent, pays out a por- lion of the rent in expenses and taxes, and pockets the rest as profit. But there are some hidden profits in housing rentals which landlords gloss over when they subtract expenses from rent to come up with profit. And if you take a close look at some of the "expenses" that landlords deduct, you'll see that some of these so-called expenses are ac- tually just more profits. That was the message con- veyed by )an Luria, an econo- mist in the research depart- ment of the United Auto Work- ers (UAW), at a meeting of a tenants organization in Detroit last month. Luria, one of several housing experts who addressed the Pal- mer Park Citizens Action Coun- cil on housing issues, explained some of the ways in which landlords earn hidden profits at the expense of tenants and taxpayers. Luria cited the example of a landlord written up in the De- troit News who "opened his books" to the public, disclos- ing the income, costs and pro- lit from the buildings he owns. The realtor, Luria said, was described as "a major land- lord and apartment developer, and it said he has taken an un- usual step and opened his books on costs and profits to the public and to his tenants. And it says the guy only makes about 8.7 per cent. When you think about it, you'll realize that you can't be a major land- lord and apartment developer if you only get 8.7 per cent of the rent paid to you as profit at the end of the year." One of the costs the Royal Oak landlord cited in his open- ing of his books was deprecia- tion in the value of his build- makes, the landlord owns more and more of the building. Part of the mortgage payment is in- terest earned by the bank, but the rest of it adds to the land- lord's stock in the building. When Luria recalculated the Royal Oak landlord's balance sheet, putting questionable op- erating costs in perspective, he ijlenanti Corner By STEPHEN HERSH The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Friday, July 15, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Porn, offensivve to some , deserves press freedoms JUST LAST WEDNESDAY, the Ann Arbor City Council voted 9-1 in opposition of the proposed pornogra- phy ordinance. The ordinance,. which barely passed its first reading in the Council last month, solicited but two favorable comments from at least a dozen persons speak- ing at public hearings. That ordinance did, however, earn several deroga- tory comments. Citizens, and some members of the press, think the extension of First Amendment freedoms is more important that potential offense caused to a hand- ful of persons within this community. Unfortun-stely, members of a small but vociferous cliqite within Ann Arbor seek to stifle state and federal freedoms for those they would call pornographers. These citizens - - sponsors of anti-porn petitions, sponsors of tireatened legislation in the City Council, and writers of a drudgingly long series of anti-porn articles in the local press consider themselves more important than the Council and those who cared to speak before the Council. Whether we are offended or not, Michigan pornog- raphers are protected under state and federal laws. The former declares any person can speak out on any topic. In somewhat different, less lenient wording, our Con- stitution declares freedom of speech the first of several national rights. It's time citizen groups in Ann Arbor finally recog- nize those rights. Contact your reps- Sen. Donald Riegle (Dem.), 1205 Dirksen Bldg., Washing- ton, D.C. 20510 Sen.- Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Rep. Carl Pursell (Rep.), 1709 ILongworth House Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515. )Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep.), Senate, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933. Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem.), Ilouse of Representatives, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Lori Carruthers, Lani Jordan, Stu McConnell, Ken Parsigian Editorial: Linda Willcox ings. Depreciation in the value of buildings is something land- lords write off as an expense on their income taxes, and it can mean huge tax savings. The funny thing about this is most buildings don't really go down in value over time - rather, building values go high- er with inflation. It's a para- dox, Luria said: "The tax sys- tem makes the assumption that houses lose value over time." It's a paradox that means mon- ey in the bank for landlords- and the tax savings landlords make on depreciation deduc- tions mean higher taxes for other taxpayers. Another "operating cost" which i9 actually a profit to landlords is something called "management fees." The man- agement fee is a payment the landlord usually makes to him- self as a compensation for the trouble it takes to run a rental company. The landlord takes money out of one pocket and puts it in another - and calls that a cost. When a landlord calls mort- gage payments a cost of man- aging rental units; that, too, is a kind of sleight of hand. The landlord uses part of the rent he collects to make mortgage payments to the bank. On his taxes he calls the mortgage payments an ex- pense, as though he would never see that mortgage money again. In fact, however, with every mortgage payment he came out with a considerably higher profit figure. "Instead of getting 8.71 per cent, I got 38 per cent," he said. With the prices of buildings "rising, Luria noted, if a land- lord buys a building, holds it for a whole, and sells it, he'll make a profit. And due to the fact building .prices are not just rising but skyrocketing in plac- es like, Ann Arbor, landlords can make huge profits on the sale of buildings. The profit a landlord makes on a building sale - called "capital gain" - is taxed at a lower rate than other earnings. Thus, the land- lord gets a subsidy from the taxpayer when he sells a build- ing. As buildings get sold and re- sold, at, constantly higher pric- es, the costs of paying mort- gages goes up - and rents go up with the mortgage pay- ments. It's no secret rents are rising fast, in Ann Arbor as in the rest of the country. Rising taxes, utility costs, insurance costs and the like contribute to the rent hikes, it cannot be de- nied. But neither can it be ignored that the rents would not be so high if landlords did not earn such comfortable profits on the money they invest in housing - and if banks did not earn such comfortable profits from the compounded interest on mortgage loans. Rent control could be one way to take some momentum out of the skyrocketing of rents. Rent control measures can in- sure fair profit to landlords, at the same time keeping rents from rising all out of propor- tion. But the reasons for our high local rents . go much deeper than rent control laws could reach. The buying and selling of buildings, and the resultant inflation of the prices of houses and apartments, is at the heart of the problem of high rents. Luria said, "Of the big politi- cal movements in Europe which eventually matured into socialist and generally anti- capitalist movements, a lot of them had their origins in the whole issue of housing. I don't think that's any accident. Hous- ing is one df the clearest ex- amples that there's something screwy about the whole sys- tem of private ownership. There's a very clear reason why when dissident or socialist or radical governments come to power, the first thing they do is abolish private owner- ship of land and housing. And that's the reason why in social- ist countries, housing is always a tiny, tiny proportion of in- come, while other things like food and clothing, may be just as high a proportion of income as they are here." There are many ways, short of the outright nationalization of the entire housing market in the country, to build toward a fairer housing system. In this country and abroad, many hous- ing complexes are cooperative- ly owned and managed, with no landlord to collect profit, and no danger that the build- ings will be sold and re-sold at rising prices. In such cities as New York, rent control does an efficient job, keeping rents at manag- able levels. In Bologna, Italy, the city government has been acquiring real estate to stop inflation caused by the buIng and selling of buildings, and has provided incentives for ten- ants to cooperatively take over buildings which had been own ed privately. Gradual reforms which are effective can negen- der wider reforms. 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