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July 14, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-14

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oge- Ten THE MICHIGAN DAfLY Thursday, July 14,19
Blackout plunges Poor in U.S. increase
WASHINGTON ( -ecling quired mre mane to buy even creased from 2 mil 1t 1in4
in darkness nflation and a sluggish econ- the basic necessities. But during to 4.3 million in 19ttitotn
ioyth number i lega y por the s-meperiod, prc capita1in- show.

NEW YORK A -- Electric
power was blacked out in much
of the metropolitan New York
area last night, throwing mil-
lions of persons into darkness.
The blackout knocked out
power in most of New York
City and upstate areas. Areas
in New Jersev and Connecticut
for the most part were not af
Clocks stopped at 9:34 EDT.
Police in New York City
called all officers back to work
and similar precautions were
taken in other areas.
like you
Um Stylists
at the UNION
Open Mo.-Sat.

appeared similar to the one
which 11 years ago darkened
much of the nation's Eastern
Seaboard, bat appeared to be
on a lesser scale.
That blackout, on Nov. 9,
1%5, left many city residents
stranded up to twelve hours
and closed air traffic at Ken-
nedy International Airport. It is
believed to have been caused
hy a computer failure.
New Yorkers streamed from
apartments and office buildings
into darkened streets last night
and traffic came to a stand-
still. There were glimmers of
light in Manhatten skyscrapers
which were able to turn on aux-
iliary power,
But at Shea Stadium in
Queens, where thousands of
fans were watching a National
League baseball game between
the Mets and Chicago Cubs, the
lights went out.
Broadway theaters stopped
performance as well.
Frankincense is the name of
various gum resins which can
be burned as incense.

Amnericans increased by more
than 10 per cent to 25.9 million
persons from 1974 to 1975, the
greatest annual increase since
1959, the government reports.
That means that 12 per cent
of all Americans were below
the poverty level of 5,50 in
THIE MEDIAN family income
vas $13,720 in 1975, or 6 per
cent higher than it was in 1974.
But during 1975, the 9 per cent
inflation rate cut the buying
power of such a family by $360,
or 3 per cent, another govern-
ment report shows.
The median family income
means that half of all families
have incomes more than the
median and half have less.
Census Bureau reports on the
poverty level and income of
families and individuals between
1974 and 1975, released yester-
day, show that inflation and un-
employment have contributed to
the financial woes of many'
TO REFLECT consumer price
increases, the definition of pov-
erty was raised about 9 per
cent, meaning that inflation re-

come increased osty 7. er
The number of legally im-
poverished Americans rose 2,-
507,000 in 1975 from 23,370,000 in
The government's definition of
the poverty line is the minimum
amount a family needs to buy
the basic necessities. For exam-
ple, the poverty threshold for a
nonfarm family of four was $5,-
500 in 1975, compared to the
1974 cutoff of $5,038, figures
THE NUMBER of persons be-
low the poverty level also in-
creased because the average an-
nual unemployment rate rose
from 5.6 per cent in 1974 to,8.3
per cent in 1975, and the num-
ber of persons who exhausted
their unemployment benefits in-

The nutmber of oor has
creased only twice 195
the first year in wh
figures were gathered. Te srer
ber of poor people increasedby
about 5.3 per teat betl sed b51
and 1970 and by 5.6 pee
tween 1973 and 1974
Highlights of the
port include:
* Figures show ve c
million, or almost 13 per re
more, white people hem
poverty line in 1975 impared
to 1974; there were 1611,000,
about 5 per cent, m5re black
people; 2.3 million, or I 2 see
cent, more poor people snde,
65, and 232,100, or 7 is en
over 65.
The New Mexisi tro add isnr
the road runner.

Negotiations continue in
city bus workers' strike


(Continued from Page 3)
The previous two-year TEU con-
tract expired June 30, but was
extended ten days.
According' to McCarger, the
negotiators discussed both eco-
nomic and non-economic issues
at yesterday's meeting.
MCARGER SAID the union
is continuing to push the issues
of wage parity, disability insur-
ance, alternative work for dis-
abled employes, longevity wage.
increases and a higher cost of
living ceiling.
Nancy Crumb, administrative
assistant to K a r I Guenther,
AATA's executive director said
yesterday AATA currently pays
beginning bus drivers a base
wage of $5.40 per hour and is
offering an increase to $5.66.

TEU is asking $6
Crumb also said ni: , st
three years seniorits hs niw
make $5.54 per hosr, are bein
offered $5.86 (a 5.8 pe cest is
crease). The Union in demand
ing $6.75 (a 21.8 peist hike)
THE AATA is ain site:ig Is
continue its present missninsn
cost of living ilainfnce 61 ln
cents per hour. The i, iasins
ever, is asking a 3 rest pes
hour ceiling.
Colleen McGee, \A i ske+
person, said thre mi, mise
economic issues were reilOved
at Tuesday's hargmining sessin
She also said a neguii'timin ss+
committee was forismed i di
cuss paid union time oft
An estimated 8,000 V lniem
have been forced to nin 61cr
native forms of : annit
since the work op n'v he"st
three days ago
"RIGHT NOW the '
it g o fa)r lmisn 2fi
of this week." McGee d
Supervisory per nn hi
ever, have tanaged ta eti
emergency servire fo tie
dicapped in operation
Picketing by uniai i riih
continued yesterday mW AN
headquarters and the interser
lion of Fourth anat tyitin
"The mood of thse pickeern h
been real good," M1cC rger cn
mooted. "We're assha i.
ports of violence diriig lb
strike. "It's been a poecell
walkout," McGee said yeste'
day. "They (the picketers) a
not impending access to t
building (AATA headtiaier
and both sides have bees rat
McGee also denied earli
ports that AATA was intendin
to start legal proceedin
against the striking einplayin
"No court action i nplann
at this time," she aid
though it is ilegat ofr pubi
employes to strikew
even discussed thaft pssihihl
at the management levet"
TEU members have schedul
a public rally for Fridan
at City Hall. According to i
Carger,_ the rally was plann
"as a ahow of public and+ is
support for the strike."
Tuesday night the fluron E
ley Central Labor Council ta
unanimously to su ppor tt
strike and donated $30In
The council represen~ts 10,
workers from 40 union tcb

Gene Littder
It's possible to go into an annual checkup feeling terrific.
And come out knowing something'swrong. It happened to
me. The doctor found what I couldn't even feel ... a little
lump under my arm, If I had put off the appointment for
one reason or another, I probably wouldn't be here today.
Because that little lump I couldn't feel was a melanoma, a
highly aggressive form of cancer that spreads very quickly.
It's curable-but only if found in time.
So when I tell you, 'Get a checkup," you know It's from
my heart. It can save your life. I know. It saved mine.
Hlavea regular checkup.
It can saveyourlife.
Amnerican CanceiSociety.
%S Act mcC sassuet1s sas, uP esorf i a ea"soIP

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