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So much for our faith in the Amer- ican system of justice. The prosecution admitted all along the case was based entirely on circumstantial evidence. And the one piece of direct evidence in the entire trial was totally discounted. That evidence was provided by William Miller, a patient in the same room with one of the victims. The victim died later. Miller told the court he definitely saw suspicious activity by a man in a green surgical suit with the other patient's intravenous tubes shortly before that patient's breathing failure and subsequent death. WILLIAM LOESCH, a victim who survived his breath- ing failure induced by the drug Pavulon, testified he remembered another man in green surgical suit fiddling with his intravenous tubes shortly before his breathing failure. The prosecution only hinted at, then later disclaimed,. the most absurd of possible motives: that the nurses poisoned the patients in an effort to underscore poor working conditions and understaffing in the Intensive, Cave Unit ,of the Veterans Administration Hospital. Now, the nurses could face life sentences for each of the counts upon which they have been unfairly convict- ed. According* to their lawyers, they may have no chance for an appeitl. The only cleat' hope left for the. two lies in a ,series_ of motions by odefense attorneys ftr. the judge to overt. Council and committees of the National District Attorney's As- sociation and the American Bar Association. DR. PETER BOURNE, Presi- dent Carter's special assistant on drug abuse, has opened the door to heroin maintenance pro- jects. Speaking in San Francis- co at the annual conference of the Ford Foundation's Drug Abuse Council, Bourne declared such proposals "will get the same kind of consideration as any other scientific proposal." Bourne's statement also open- ed the door to a storm of con- troversy from the top of Am- erica's drug control establish- ment all the way down to neigh- borhood treatment clinics in such cities as New York, Detroit and Oakland. Richard Hatcher, the black mayor of Gary,,Indiana, is one of the leading proponents of heroin maintenance experi- ments. Last year he chaired the National League of Cities committee that endorsed such experiments. had increased ten-fold. It is partially because metha- done maintenance has had so little impact on drug addiction, however, that a strong opposi- tion has emerged against any legalized heroin projects. . SURPRISINGLY, some of the staunchest resistance has come not from local police - where it might be expected - but in- stead from community groups and drug counseling programs. "A band-aid solution" design- ed to "pacify people" is how Amos Henix, founder of New York's Reality House detoxifica- tion project described the new proposals. An ex-addict himself, Hemix adamantly opposes any scheme to provide heroin to junkies. And, he says, his neigh- bors in Harlem are just as de- termined. "If I can believe what I've been told, the people are going to blow them up if the govern- ment tries to put any clinics here. The people have had it as far as these band-aid solu- tions are concerned. If they 'We would be forfeiting the struggle over the real issues if we paralyze half a million peo- ple with heroin and accept the government as pusher.' even death penalties are really in bed with the people who pro- pose heroin maintenafnce. 'We figure, conser- vateivel y, that at least 60 p e r c e n t of the criminal calendar is drug related. Heroin maintenance w o u I d knock out 90 per cent of the black market.' -San Francisco Judge Francis McCarty GARY'S MAYOR Hatcher ad- mits the major' reason the Na- tional League of Cities endorsed heroin maintenance projects is "they were convinced it could help control crime"' - a con- cern expressed most loudly not in the ghetto but in the middle class and commercial districts of the cities. Frustration with the mounting crime problem was the key to a San Diego County grand ju- ry's recommendation last Au- gust to establish a network -of county-run clinics for free hero- in distribution to registered ad- dicts. The San Diego grand jury de- nounced expansion of the coun- ty's $8 million methadone detox- ification program as "a con- temptuous and unnecessary ex- penditure of public funds." So far, however, the momen- tum appears to lie with some form of heroin maintenance, and the bets among Washington poli- cy makers are that initial ex- periments will begin within the next two years. "The opponents say heroin maintenance won't work," sighs San Francisco's Judge McCarty. "They say it won't stop the black market, that it won't stop addiction. Well, I don't like negative thinking. Try it!t If after two or three years it does- n't work, we'll make modifica- tions. But we just can't sit back and do nothing with theintol- erable situation we're in now." ~ ark 'crwrtz ocaeIy Itrites for Ibe Psciftc News Service about drug use ord eO- tro in Americo. "LOOK, WE'VE SPE billion a year on drug and what we have to sI it is a half million addi maybe two million Hatcher argues. "In effec already is a heroin main program - and it's be erated by the underworld posed to the governmen Even more outspoken Francisco Superior Cour Francis McCarty, an -veteran of the bench. "W between 7,5040 and -20,000 users in - this city," N says. THE SORT of progra :Camty favors.would firstl heroin, then administer government-controlled cl registered addicts free a few cents a dose,t undercutting tp profit h -M um ' -Detroit Judge Justin Ravifz :NT $3 think they're going to put one abuse in our community, they better how for think again." cts and users," A COMMITTEE of the Michi- ct there gan legislature held hearings tenance last month on a bill proposing ing op- establishment of a state-run ex- i as op- perimental maintenance pro- t. gram. is ,San Detroit's Recorder's Court t Judge Judge Justin Ravitz, who made 18-year his reputation working with fe have militant black union organizers heroin in the late .'60s, regards the McCarty proposed system as a clever maneuver to.."cool out the cit- ies." rm Mc- "It seems to me that in De- legalize troit and other big cities we're r it in reaching the point where com- Anica to mui ty imnpatience- over jobs or at andbasic social problems might thereby not 'be held back any longer. n black Heroain;maintenance, on the oth- - er hand, islpart acid .parcelof govern- the whole repressie approach imetha- to urban problems hi Ansie rls.- tatment Those who call for. more cops, budget bigger prisons, stiffer sentences,