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July 13, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-13

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 42-S Ann Arbor, Michibon-Wednesday, July 13, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Carter OK's neutron bomb

WASHINGTON (A') - Presi-
dent Carter said yesterday he
supports production of the con-
troversial neutron warhead as
a new option in the American
arsenal, but he has not yet de-
cided whether he would order
deployment of the weapon.
"I have not yet decided whe-
ther to approve a neutron
bomb, but I think it should be
one of our options," Carter told
a nationally broadcast news
conference as the Senate re-
sumed debate on a bill to pro-
vide funds for production of
the weapon.
future decision the matter of
whether the warhead wduld be
placed in the hands of Ameri-
can troops in the field. The
Senate debate on the neutron
warhead, once one of the most
secret weapons under develop-
ment, has focused on plans to
deploy it for artillerynshells and
on the Lance missile.

"I have not yet decided- whe-
ther to advocate deployment of
the neutron bomb," Carter said.
"Before I make a final decision
on the neutron bomb's deploy-
ment, I would do a complete
impact statement analysis on
it, submit this information to
the Congress." 4'
In advocating production of
the neutron warhead, Carter
used an ar-gument cited often
by its supporters in thetPenta-
gon and on Capitol Hill that the
weapon with its higher level
of radiation and lower blast ef-
fect could be used against mili-
tary targets with less likeli-
hood of damage to nearby ci-
vilian areas.
be much less," he said, if a
neutron weapon ever- were used
in warfare.
He said he warhead would
not affect the arms limitation
negotiations and that it is
"strictly designed as a tactical

weapon. ", tacks as "erroneous and ill-ad- He does not feel relations
Carter, commenting on at- vised." with the Soviet Union have
tacks on him and his policies U. S. arms limitation propos- grown worse.
by Soviet leaders, said, "I have als have been "fair and rea- "Fair and reasonable' offers
no apologies to offer" for hav- sonable," the President said. on range of topics have been
ing raised issues that have pro- He added that he thought the made to the Soviet government.
voked bitter responses from the Soviets have exaggerated dif- He suggested that the Soviets
Soviets. ferences between the two na- have reasons for exaggerating
Carter characterized the at- tions. See CARTER, Page 7
Liddy out; silent on Watergate
WASHINGTON (P) - His code of silence un- that forced Nixon's resignation, must still pay
broken and his motives for the Watergate burglary his $40,000 fine or have it "otherwise disposed
still a mystery, G. Gordon Liddy won parole from of according to law before release."
prison yesterday. The U.S. Parole Commission His lawyer, Peter Maroulis, said "that means
set his release for Sept. 7. to me if he has the funds he must pay them or
By then, the onetime lawyer for Richard Nixon's he must file an affidavit of indigency, indicating
re-election committee will have served 52 months -he doesn't have the funds."
in prison, more than two years longer than any And, Maroulis added: "He doesn't."
of the other 24 men sentenced for Watergate and Liddy devised the Republican intelligence plan
\*elated crimes. that included the bugging and rifling of files of
LIDDY, WHOSE planning and direction of the Democratic party headquarters in the Watergate
Watergate burglary set in motion the evetts See LIDDY, Page 7


'U' grad
A seemingly innocent adver-
tisement for cheap legal coun-
cil placed in the classified sec-
tion of the Ann Arbor News
has sparked a major battle.
The problem is the "lawyer"
who advertised the "low low
rates" and "house calls,"
Jahn Tiffany, doesn't hold a law
practiced law without law de-
grees," said Tiffany, .29, a Uni-
versity b i o 1 o g y gradu-
ate. "Some people have con-
tacted me because they knew
I wasn't a member of the bar."
Tiffany has studied law at
Southwestern University Law
School for a year as well as at
Robert Tvon's Layman Law
"I decided to quit law school
because I did not want to be-
come a member of a' monopo-
lostic conspiracy," he said.
"It's against my principles."
TIFFANY cl-,ims he is com-
pletely within his constitutional
rights in practicing law. lie
said the Sixth Amendment,
which guarantees the right to
council, doesn't specify that a
member of the bar or, as he
put it "club," must provide it.
"The ave'rage person isn't a
member- of the club," he said.
"They're like a nobility class."
The Michigan Bar has threat-
See A, Page 7

JOHN TIFFANY, 29, shows photographers the brick that smashed the rear window of his camper truck sometime Monday
night. He believes the incident stemmed from running an ad in the Ann Arbor News which read, "lawyer offers low, low
rates, house calls." Tiffany, a University biology graduate, doesn't have a law degree, and state Bar officials have threat-
enesl an injunction.

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