Tuesday, MY 12, L97
Page Eleven
TuesdaY, July 12, 19 77 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
Struggling Angels replace
pilot; name Robinson coach
By The Associated Press
ANAHEIM-The California Angels, beset by a
five-game losing streak and one of the season's
most disappointing teams, fired Norm Sherry as
manager yesterday, promoted third base coach
Dave Garcia and brought Frank Robinson back
into baseball.
The changes come as the Angels, who had in-
vested an estimated $4.5 million in free agent
contracts, languish in the second divisign.
Garcia, 56, signed a contract through 1978 as
the American League club's skipper while Robin-
son, fired earlier this season as Cleveland man-
ager, becomes a coach with specific duties to
work with the hitters.
IRONICALLY, GARCIA served as a coach un-
der Robinson for two seasons until coming to
the Angels this year.
Sherry said he knew he had to win this year
and the Angels failed to reach the midway point
with a .500 average. They're now 39-42 and 9%h
games out of first place in the American League
Also fired was pitching coach Billy Muffett,
with former catcher Andy Etchebarren taking
over that job on a temporary basis.
"We feel our team is definitely a contending
club," said General Manager Harry Dalton, who
announced the changes. "Our club has the cap-
ability to move into the middle of the pennant
race in the second half of the season and we feel
these changes will help accomplish those goals."
SHERRY'S CLUB posted a 37-29 record last
season after he took over from the fired Dick
Williams. Then the Angels went to the mart and
came up with Joe Rudi, Bobby Grich and Don
Baylor as free agents. All three have been hurt
at times this season and Grich apparently is out
for the season.
When pitching appeared to be the team's prob-
lem with only Nolan Ryan and Frank Tanana
winning, the Angels acquired Dave LaRoche,
Gary Nolan and Ken Brett. Nolan came up in-
jured and Brett hasn't helped, with only LaRoche
proving effective.
So Sherry, a catcher in his playing days, be-
came the sixth major league manager to catch
the ax this year.
His. successor,. Garcia, managed the Angels'
El Paso team to the Texas League pennant in
1974, succeeding Sherry, there when Norm was
elevated to the Class AAA Salt Lake City club
in the Pacific Coast League.
SHERRY WAS NOT immediately available for
comment on his firing and neiher was Muffett.
Garcia becomes the seventh Angels manager
since the club was formed in 1961 and the sixth
since 1969.
The Angels said that Robinson, who last was
with the club as a player, would be a full-time
coach but hisprimary duties would be in helpirg
the batters.
Dave Garcia
The fifth-place California Angels yesterday named third base
- coach Dave Garcia as their new manager, replacing Norm
Sherry. Frank Robinson, fired three weeks ago by the Cleve-
land Indians, was also hired by the Angels as a batting in-
SForte o the haili.nic
Fregosi finds his niche
By The Associated Press
Shula seeks Foreman deal -
MIAMI-The Miami Dolphins are Interested in bidding for
Minnesota Vikings' star running back Chuck Foreman, Coach
Don Shula says.
And Foreman says he is interested in playing for Miami.
The only c'atch is the Vikings, who don't want to lose their
All-Pro running back.
Foreman, 26, is involved in a salary dispute' with the Vikings,
claiming he is underpaid at $85,000 a year. He said he will not
finish out the remaining two years on his contract unless he is
given a raise.
A former University of Miami player and a Miami resident in
the off-season, Foreman said he likes Miami and wouldn't mind
playing for the Dolphins.
"I wouldn't be living here if I didn't like the city. I'd love
to play here," he said. "I'm home. If it came about, I cer-
tainly wouldn't object. But I don't anticipate it happening."
The Dolphins will bid for Foreman whenever the Vikings are
willing to listen, Shula said.
"If they are interested in doing something, I hope they give
us the opportunity to make an offer for him," Shula said.
Zisk's iniury not serious-
CHICAGO-Chicago White Sox outfielder Richie Zisk, injured
in Saturday's victory over the Detroit Tigers, may return to action
this week, possibly as a designated hitter, a team spokesman said.
Zisk was hit in the ankle in the fourth inning by a line drive
off the bat of Oscar Gamble while running from first base.
Initial X-rays in Detroit indicated the injury might be a
broken ankle, but further examination Sunday in Chicago indi-
cated that the line found in the X-rays was from an earlier
Rice, Garner grab weekly honors
NEW YORK-Jim Rice, designated hitter for the Boston Red
Sox, and Phil Garner, Pittsburgh Pirates third baseman, were
honored yesterday as the Players of the Week in their respective
Rlce collected 13 bits last week, including three game-
Winners, and slugged three home runs while hitting .394. -
Garner, obtained from the Oakland A's prior to the season,
aso Melted three round trippers, while hitting .351 with ten runs
baU d in.
By The Associated Press Angels late that season, halfway through the next sea-
PITTSBURGH-Jim Fregosi's Tanner was at the end of his son he was sold to the Rangers,
17-year big league baseball ca- playing career. Fregosi was a with whom he spent the past 3
reer hasn't been all glitter and highly regarded young short- seasons as utility man.
gold, but the diamind ring he stop.
wears certainly is. "You could tell even then "When I played for the An-
"My World Series ring," he that Chuck was going to be a gels, I was kind of on top of
says bigleaue mnagr," aid things, everything was rol-
says biy hh Frg l ue manager" a i tively easy," Fregost said.
What? In his years with the Fregosi. "He was a player at
California Angels, New York Dallas-Forth Worth, but he "But when you hit the skids,
Mets and Texas Rangers, Fre- kind of ran the team." which I kind of did for a year
gosi never placed on better Fregosi made the American and a half in New York, you
than a third-place team. League All-Star team six times learn to appreciate the good
"I was never in the Series, so in his 10-year career as a short- times that much more.
I went out and got. my own stop with the Angels.,
ring," says the onetime teen- After the 1971 season, the New
aged phenom, now a 35-year-old York Mets, desperate for a third SHORT or LONG
reserve with the Pittsburgh Pi- baseman, lured him from the Haircuttinq By Experts
rates. Angels for four players, includ- DASCOLA
The 18-karat gold ring doesn't ing a young pitcher with a
have a "World Series" inscrip- s rong armn. STYLISTS
li'on, but Fregossi hopes to earn That pitc-her, Nolan Ryan, has Abrln-7 97
one'that does with Pittsburgh, become thu strikeout sensation Arbolond-971-9975
which got him in an unglamor- of baseball. Fregosi fizzled with Monte Villone-761 -2733
ous June trade that sen Ed the Mets. t. Liberty-668-9329
Kirkpatrick to Texas. le batted .232 in 1972 and E Universite-662-0354
It was expected Fregosi
would play sparingly here. There IS a dt+iffereeg!!§7
Yet he's been in 18 of Pitts- PE EF -f
burgh' s 26 games since arriv- PREPARE FOR:
bastar i g 11 thena firt MOATO DAT@ LSATO SAT
basebecase f inurie toWil-
lie Stargell. GRE * GMAT * OCAT . VAT
Ie's batting .326 as a Pirate )ib oad rainie of orram s povs uasmbrella of test-
with 13 hits in 40at bats, and ii 5w 5 ci t Sisahat bls a t -ttr st preparation
p ' r ) i tle uwticr s vd . aPi k ) r 38years
he has 10 RBIs, twoof them on Volu n uis a yas
a triple Sunday that helped a sti c ourc s a lastantly up-
Pitisburgh complee a -weep of -ltd iar et ' s ag m layp wr Si & uwek-
:5 .s tiimptit'la rt.i-of;- in WiOw nlcass
I iladeiphia. a".,a r .,£a-up{)'- a icy s ,n MS ans
"Bench me or trade me," - 1. i r r. k
Fregosi deacipanned recently ECFMG 11 FLEX
to Manaker Chick Tanner af- NAT'L MEDICAL & DENTAL BOARDS
ter playing several games in Flexible Programs & Hours
~a, row. 'write o, c -ir.
Indeed, Freg-ssi and Tanner 1943 PAULINE BLVD.
are no strangers. They both ANN ARBOR 48103
played in 1961 with the Dallas- 462-314 Imp N
Forth Worth farm club of the CALL $-ot.IiFre94A
Los Angeles Angels, and .hey i. r C s i ,'o T . st PEPARATiO*
spent :ime togather with the SPECIAaScs SINCE 1938
s~a5stssl issussn 51- i 5*' V$ 5 i -isisiiil t.5 is'iisa i ii 5 ii5O t I II1r .,r r