rite Mtv~rluAN UAILt Friday, May b, 1977 nc IVIILAIISAN L)AILT Friday, May 6, 1sf] I , Put the DAILY on Your Doorstep! Next stop for mayor's race -state Attorney General (Contjnued from Page 1) ney General's office that no ac- tion would be taken on Belch- er's request. "I have informed Judge Kel- ley of this development," said Henry, "and I expect word from him soon on when the case can be continued." Arguments in Kelley's court- room centered on the proper procedure for granting a writ of quo warrentum - by which the judge could rule that Wheeler was holding the mayor's office invalidly. HENRY ARGUED that any citizen could pursue the writ. Robert Grace, Wheeler's law- yer, insisted that proper proce- dure was to consult the Attor- ney General's office first. Judge Kelley agreed with Grace. However, Kelley, possibly ex- pecting quick action by the At- Fiorello La Guardia, mayor of New York from 1934 to 1946, was raised in Prescott, Ariz. He was, however, born in New York City of an Italian father and a Jewish mother. torney General's office, did not adjourn the case, but merely called for a recess. Belcher accepted the Judge's ruling calmly and called it "a momentary setback." Belcher went so far as to predict a quick and indecisive response from the Attorney General. "The judge will probably re- ceive a standard form letter with a directive to bypass that office on questions of this sort,' said Belcher. Daily Classifieds Why wait until the afternoon to catch up on what's happening in the world when the Daily can be at your doorstep in time for breakfast. We're prepared to bring you the best in news and sports -- so subscribe now and, don't miss a single issue! TO GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION--STOP BY 420 MAYNARD OR CALL 764-0558 (Continued from Page 10) HELP WANTED LOOKING for students interested in free apartment.in return for lawn maintainence in apartment cr- pirs. Call 1-337-2880. 37510 ATTENTION UNDERGRADUATES: GRAPHICS CONTEST-$50.001 A contest is eing sponsored by the Women's Programs Coordinator. We are publishing a Directory of Uni- versity and Community Resources for Women and need a graphic to ilustrateor cover, Yea ran win $50.00 by submitting the winning design! Deadline for entries is May 30, 1977. For more information call us at 763-4187 or drop by at 3411 Michigan Union 3256 0 *WEE E Da yoNWN Iii Ir LU .nw i\C b } ACCORDING TO OUR LATEST POLE- A2 students say the best way to weather out the w winter weekends in your dorm is to PARTY DOWN! with enough COLD drinks, food & ice cubes to last the term - in a REFRIGERATOR RENTAL from the UNIVERSITY RENT DAMAGE CELLAR.... and for only pennies : CU. F. REFRIGERATOR $980 $10.0 a day.... 4 DIFFERENT SIZES 3 7 ERGEAO 2.0 1.4 T CU. .FT. RFRIGE ATotR $22.80 $14A .LCTFRM *R o '- TO SE LECT FROM. El, 5 CU. . REFRIGERATOR $31.20 $10.00 T ( 12 INCH DIAG. TELEVIS0ON $24.00 $14.00 5 INCH DIAG. TELEVISION $31.20 $10.40 OPEN Mon-Thur. 9-9, Fr. 9-5:30, Sat. 10-5:00, Sun. 12-5:00 7WW -4S3040I- HELP WANTED VOLUNTEERSO NEEDED to work as- p at i ensadvocates at cridrerr Health Fair in Ypsilanti, May 14 and 15. Please call 662-1546 before May 12. 66HSiO STUDENT TO DO yard work and other Jobs in exchange for room 663-5700. 63HSM1 COUNSELORS WANTED-Phys. Ed. majors, athletic students, drama, WSI, coed overnight N.Y. State ehil- dren's camp. Apply David Ettenberg, 15 Eldorado Place, Weehawken, N.J 07087. 4Nu: COOK WANTED - For the largest health food restaurant in the mid- west. We serve both meat and vege- tarian foods. Contact Mike Huddles- ton or Joe Bassett, 419-531-0334. Bas- sett's Health Foods and Restaurant, 3301 w Central, Toledo, Ohio43000 SENIOR PROGRAMMER We are seeking an Individualex perlenced in operating systems is establish an extensive engineering program on a PDP 11-70. System Wil include plotters, CR s, and graphic displays. would like a one year om mitment. Please contact Tom wev- and at Techical Advisors. 4455 Fletcher, Wayne, Maich. 722-5010 46510 SUMMER SITTER for two boys ast 10 and 5. Swimming pool and tenois privileges. 7:30-5:30. Call 971-7182. 440500 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WANTS SALESPEOPLE to sell display ad- vertising on a commission basis-for spring and summer terms. Call Rod, 704-0500, dR51i Programmers ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE COMSHARE, In., supplier of specialized computer services, has career positions available in technical support of our Marketing Division. If y o u would enjoy being a trouble- shooter, a problem solver, and the main technical communi- cations link with our custom- ers, you already meet half the requirements for the job. In addition, we're looking for two years of FORTRAN or COBOL programming experience (or equivalent course work) and g o o d communication skills. Business experience in a finan- cial, manufactpuring or statisti- cal environment a definite plus; Applcants must lse be willing to relcaein n i months time to one of our 15 branch o f f ie locations throughout the US. Please send resume or al: .ars Lewis COMSHARE, INC. 3001 . State Rd Ann Arbor, Michgn 41104 Telephone: 994-4800 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Styling is our game. U-M stylists at the UNION 8:30a.m-5:15 p.m.