The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 39-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 8, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
N bomb sparks controversy
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U.S. military has test-exploded
at least one of the top-secret
neutron bombs involved in a
new ban -the-bomb controversy,
e e expert sources disclosedyester-
building The sou said one or more
of the cantrersial people
killer" radiation bombs have
be e n exploded underground,
t o 'O p en probably within the past year,
at the Nevada desert testing
The lengthy process of mu group of neutron bomb protest-
ing eighteen federal agencies ers flung vials of their own
f r o m scattered locations lung
throughout Ann Arbor to the blood against enranceway pil-
city's new Federal Building lars early Thursday in a demon-
will begin tomorrow when em- station reminiscent of the Vies-
ployes from the North Mains nam era draft protests Police
Street Post Office move into s arrstg dfoersons for dam-
their new accommodations at aging gayernment property.
Fifth and Liberty streets. Sensitive to the political tur-
According to Donald White- moil developing a r o u n d the
acre, General Services Admin- bomb issue, Washington officials
istration (GSA) coordinator of refused to confirm or deny the
the project, the other federal sourced reports that the weapon
agencies will begin moving in already has been tested under-
early August and will complete ground.
the transition by the end of They Would say only that it is
September. obvious that any experimental '
P. imb undergoes such tests.
' merce's National Weather Ser- WORD OF THE test came
vice is expected to move into from sources close to the U.S.
k the new building sometime in nuclear weapons testing pro-
October.- gram in Nevada, who said the
a-|-|s- . |. e. -s' .- "I'm really pleased with the blast -or blasts -were carried
Doilv Photo by CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER building," said Whiteacre, "I out in underground test caverns
THIS IS THE new Federal Building which will house, starting Saturday, a new Post Office. think it's a good addition to some 70 miles north of Las
During the next few weeks, other agencies will be moving in. See FEDERAL, Page 6 Vegas.
::J..Vsr~. ."JJ: JJ: rJJ:.':;^ ..J .M r J .. s m r : 1. ! / r:J J": JVJ."" r: r./: - ' "/ , See NEVADA, Page 6
VA jury extends working hours i
DETROIT (UPI)-Jurors con-
sidering the fate of two Filipino
nurses accused of poisoning
Veteran's Administration (VA)
hospital patients extended their
working hours yesterday. They
gave no indication they were
near a verdict in their delibera-
The nine women and three
men jurors received U.S. Dis-
trict Court -Judge Philip Pratt's
permission to add about two
hours a day Io their considera-
tion of charges against Filipina
Narciso, 31, and Leonora Perez,
The jurors, in their ninth day
of deliberations, decided to hold
sessions from 9 a.m. to noon
and from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Pre-
viously they had usually worked
from 9 to 5 with up to two hours
off for lunch.
It was not clear if the new
arrangement was temporary or
permanent. Since deliberations
started there has been only one
night jury session.
"I guess they just want some
evening time for themselves,"
said Assistant U.S. Attorney
Richard Delonis. "They appar-
ently want a late supper and get
it over for the night, rather than
breaking and then coming back
for a few hours."
In addition to 6,500 pages of
transcripts and 58 exhibits from
the three-month trial, the jury
had to contend with stiffing heat
and humidity and a broken air
conditioning system. They have
worn casual summer clothes
during most of their delibera-
The nurses were accused of
poisoning patients during a wave
of breathing failures at the Ann
Arbor Veterans Administration
Hospital in July and August,
1975. A dozen victims died in
the seizures attributed to injec-
tions of Pavulon, a powerful
muscle relaxant.
Miss Narciso faced the only
murder count in the case. She
was also named in four poison-
ing counts, and Mrs. Perez was
accused in three poisonings.
Both were charged with con-
Friends and attorneys said
the defendants, earlier described
as growing anxious, were eager
flor a decision but generally
calm and optimistic. Both spent
their long wait sewing, talking
and occasionally shopping.
Check shows 'illegal' votes
* The continuing controversy over last April's mayoral elections
grew inore complex Wednesday when City Administrator Sylvester
Murray announced that a check of registered voters in Ann Arbor
showed 150 township residents illegally registered to vote in the
Ite added that of the 150 some 10-12 who voted in the April
elections may have known they were township residents.
THE VOTERS who knew they were township residents but
voted in the city elections could be subject to charges of voter
In the mayoral election Democratic Mayor Albert Wheeler
squeaked past his Republican challenger Louis Belcher (R-Fifth
Ward) by one vote. Various alleged discrepancies turned up in the
election recount and certification. As a result Belcher is suing
Wheeler to obtain the mayor's post.
Belcher's lawyer Robert Henry said Murray's announcement
will have a significant affect on the law suit against Wheeler. He
Wheeler .See BELCHER, Page 10
Yanko sayshe'1lke
to h defense lawyer
Speial Ta The )batty
DETROtIT-The Assn. U. S. Attorney who prosecuted the
Veterans Administration (VTA) poisoning trial plans so leave
his job in the fall to go into defense work.
In an exclusive interview, Ederal Prosecutor Richard
Yanko also told the Daily that he never liked the idea of
prosecuting anyone. He also dismissed rumours of a rift
between himself and the 0ther U. S. attorney at the VA
trial over his handling of the controversial case.
"I VERY much wanted to be a lawyer, but not a prose-
cutor," Yanko said. "I had some serious misgivings. I have
had troubles of my own wondering if I could ever prosecute
anybody . . . It's a difficult thine to orosecute somebody."
The prosecutor then arnounced .at he will be leaving
his poc as a U.S. attorney to practice defense law.
"I definitely intend tc do defense work soon," he said.
"I plan to leave in three er four months."
YANKO SAID that he had not decided whether he ,will
go into a partnership, or start his own firm, which is his
See VA, Page 6