1hursday, July 7, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wage Nine ThursdaY, July 7, 1977 Il-IE MICHiGAN DAiLY I'age Nine Daily Classifieds (Continued from Page 8) PERSONAL ONE GAME FREE bowlinag wills ibis ad at ypsi-Arbor Lanes. Pinball, pool and saloonf too! 2985 Wasltenaw, 1 milecat of U.S. 23. cFtc SELECTING WINE freomtbe Village Apothecary cellar means properly stoced wine at a reasanable price. Viiage Apothecary, 11123S. Univ. Ave. eFte LEARN THE FACTS before you buy tbece is mace to a diamond tban meebtb te eye. Austin Diamtond, 209 s. Univete~Y, 603-711., cFtc ARE YOU A CONSUMER? If so, we need volunteern to camapain far a fcdecal Agency For Consumer Pro- ttion. Call PIRGIM office, 003- 0591, 062-6315 or 709-4211 or came to 4100 Mibigan Union, Toes., July 5 at 7 p.m. 28F707 RlATHER SE 'TRAVELING THAN STUDYING? Join tbe INTERNA- TIONAL CO-OP for etbnic meals,, crass-cultural -socializing and out- rageouasvolleybali. 761-7435. 059707" FRIENDS LAKE COMMUNITY-- acre wild life preserve near Cbelsea; awimminf, sailing, ranoeing, picnic- king, caming. Membersbip $50! adult; childcenI free. Brocbuce from alooda, 2005 Pennccaft, Ann Arbor, I 481103. 9716 G'IAD MAN (adv. bef.) desirms fe- male jaoing/tennis partner far fun and gamesa on and off the court. Writc Gaily Box No. 16. 001157 OPPORTUNITY for (very) COLOR BLIND individuals ts better under- stand tbrir visual system and make some mosey in a psychopbysical, ex- perimentTmsk involves PATIENT nbservation / description of rolored stimuli sod adjustment of roloe to meet prceptual criteria. Leave mes- sage at Mathematical Psychology Department, 704-6335 days. 1701107 NEW-?ac of f all copits left over- nigbt (books too) l IMPRESS, 524 1E. Williiam. 605-4321, eFtc PERSONAL STUDENTS, CAN YOU SPARE SOME TIME? . . . Volunteers see wanted to sbare an boor a week with pros- pective 0-M3 students sod tbeir familien wbo'd like to mee the cam- pus and bear about life at Micbigan. Call Edi Blrtcber, Alumni Associa- tion, 700-0314, 0 am.-5 p.m. 04F707 PREGNANT? Need help? Call Problem Pregnncy Help. 709- 72a3. Pregancy tests avnilable. cPtc FOREIGN MEDICAL SCHOOL Still takinf applications far tbis year. New applicants welts to: In- ternational Education Center, 200 B Lawn Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. 14207. 79F709 PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS a Tbraughb B e b a vio r Modification. Wolverine Institute, 973-1480. c~tc STEVE'S LUNCH-Came for bome rooking. Breakfast all day, great soups and ego rolls. 3 eoo omelets witb,0fresb negetables and fresb bean sprouts served all day, Sundaya 10-0. 1313 -Soutb University. ePtc XEROX AND OFFSET foot, law cast dluplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S. Univeraity 700-030 cFtc DISSERTATION SPECIAL LOWEST PRICE. I N TOWN FOR COLLATED COPIES RACKHAM QUALITY GUARANTEED- COPYQU ICK 1317 S. University, 769-0560 cFtc ..-- ---..NOW SHOWING' SHOWN DAILY at 'loco WASHTENAW 1mc t434-h1 100 en 1620084 3 IN THE FINEST TRADITION OF WALT DISNEY WALT DISNEY Prodctios' :. 5 A azzlngntew 0n anima ecdytriller TECHNICOLOR5 E. leb .14VSA05RBTO INC 5 ,0197WL hYPOTOS s n TONIGHT at 7:00 & 9:50 TONIGHT at 7 &9 Omen 6:45 Open 6:45 .n 231 out ,. NOW SHOWING TONIGHT & FRIDAY at 7:00 &9:50 Open 6:45 LjheafreSATURDAY & SUNDAY at -1:00-3:40T-6:20 -9:00 LIZA i ' MINNLLIDE I,0 NNEM Ww'IuP Ahhhh! Edwin Miller, chief pharmacist at Southern Michigan Prion in Jackson, has, found a sure cure for the first heat wave of the summer. He just crawls into his backyard bathtub, sips a cold drink and watches his rubber ducks float by. His wife Margaret fills the tub at 4:30 and has his drink prepared. the mii ad with MAXI po wer You'll get fash results from a Daily classified ad and now you can place it by mail. Just fill out the coupon below and enclose your check-for $3.70. Checks are payable to the Michigan Daily and'no ads will be' accepted without payments. Your ad will run in the next 3 issues following receipt of your ad. Call 764-0557 if you have any ques- tions. SEND TO: Classifieds, Michigan Daily 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48.109 sI w .r w wr w Iww w w ~ rw w r w w ww Name Please indicate s where this ad is to run:I a Address________________ * hneN . Personal * Pon No....___ .- arrent r H s for sole * line)-- help wonted line 2r .. ___ __-roommates s* U etc. line 3...___ ________ * T here are five words per line, *Each group of characters'counts as one word. e*Hyphenated words over 5 characters counts as two words