/I The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, July 7, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Our system o injustices TE PAST WEEKEND'S rash of Ku Klux Klan rallies and ensuing violence underscored recent actions within all branches of our government indicating serious backsliding within the civil rights movement. Yes, racial hatred is still alive and well in "the land of the free, home of the brave." The Supreme Court carries the torch. The Justices ruled job seniority systems which keep alive the effects of past racial bias legal, if the intent to discriminate is absent, and such systems were set up prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Justices also ruled that predomi- nantly white communities need not rezone themselves in order to make way for low-income housing for blacks or other minorities. The Senate, meanwhile, has been busy debating whetler federal aid could be withheld from communities which refuse to introduce busing (or other methods to achieve desegregation), and whether government funds should be spent to enforce racial quotas designed to give minorities priorities in jobs and school admissions. And the Executive Branch is re-evaluating its stance on busing, racial quotas and housing integration. HE CRIES OF reverse discrimination whenever whites feel they have been inconvenienced (i.e., been edged, out of a job opportunity, or denied admission in the col- lege of their choice) by racial quotas which put a black or other minority in the spot the lily-white thinks he-she deserved grow dangerously stronger. After centuries of discrimination, segregation, and hatred, the slight provision of jobs and college education through quotas systems is but a small step to take. The average income of blacks is still 40 per cent less than that of the average income of whites. And segrega- tion in education, jobs, housing and socio-economic class is still far more widespread than most whites care to ad- mit. The problems of racial hatred and racial discrimina- tion are far from over. Someday, people will be given jobs or admitted to schools on the basis of their qualifications only. Someday, our system might be an open one. But, until that day, we must use every mode of re- course, take every step we can to equalize the inhuman conditions we force upon our minority citizens now. And with luck, Martin Luther King's dream might come true. Kleinran's 'land bank' could.be solution here Ann Arbor's housing crisis af- fects local tenants in a variety of ways: it forces them to scramble to find one of the few available places to live in tOwn when they're getting ready to move; it forces them to pay high rents; it forces them to live in rental units which may be run by one of the unscrupu- lous Ann Arbor landlords who have such charming habits as refusing to make necessary re- pairs in dwellings and refusing to return security deposits. The reasions for the housing crisis are as diverse as the problems the crisis causes. One important factor is that no significant housing construction has been undertaken in the city in the past ten years. Another reason is that local landlords by and sell buildings often; this raises rents, because when a landlord sells a building, as a rule he sells it for a pilofit. The buyer pays the old land- lord the profit, and gets the money to pay the profit by rais- ing rents. It will take time to solve the local housing crisis because it is a complex problem, and com- plex problems require complex solutions. But one advantage of complex problems is they can be approached from a variety of ways. Rent control is a familiar scheme for taking some of the squeeze out of the housing prob- lem. It has been turned down by the Ann Arbor svters twice, but here's hoping it's not dead for- ever: it would mean relief for Ann Arbor tenants. Rent con- trol is the best-known approach to housing reform among resi- dents of this city, but it's not the only one. ROSE KLEINMAN, a Detroit resident who has been a hous- ing activist for some twenty years, has formulated severa .housing reform plans which wouldl perfectly suit Ann Arbor's pioblems. One such- plan calls for a "Land Bank," was pro- posed by Kleinman in the mid- Sixties as a means of rehabili- tating Detroit. The Detroit city g1vernment rejected the plan. The Land Bank schema works like this: the local government buys up blocks of property in or around the city, either land with buildings on it inside the city, or undeveloped land in lo- cations where the city is expect- ed to expand. The city then sim- ply holds on to the land and rents it out for a period of decades. When land is public- ly owned like this, rents remain much more stable than under private ownership. Because the buying and selling of property is a major factor in property value inflation and this in rent increases, the city holds rents relatively low by halting the buying-and-selling cycle. in such distant lands as Sweden, she, has engineered several schemes which have indeed seen the light of day. Kleinman is an ardent backer of cooperative housing; she gave Ann Arbor's ICC co-op system a sllot in the arm in 1968, when she played a major role in getting the funds -for the construction of the North Campus co-ops. She helped to organize ICC's 1968 conference on co-op hous- ing, and one of the housing ex- perts she convinced to attend was Trevor Thomas, an admin- istrator in the Federal Depart- ment of Housing and Urban -De- ien anti By The larger the Land Bank gets as the city buys more and more property, the larger the area in which rents are kept stable. The cost to the city of pur- chasing a Land Sank doeen's have to be higher than the cost of making down payments on the property. Rental payments would cover the cost of the city's mortgage payments. The city could even earn a modest psiofit on the land, while keeping rents low. v Corneir STEPHEN. HERSH velopment (HUD).Thomas was impressed by ICC's proposal to build the North Campus coops, and arranged for the $1.24 mil- lion HUD loan which made the construction possible. The expansion of cooperative- ly-owned housing, and the cre- ation of a stock of publicly- owned land, are two options which should be seriously con- sidered as ways to beat the Is- cal housing crisis. Stephen Hersh, former Daily Magadine editor, is the com- munity education director of the MSA Housing Law Project. AFTER HOLDING on to the land until the mortgage expires, the city could either continue to rent out the buildings, or con- struct new buildings on land which it now owns. Kleinman wrote, in her Dettoit Land Bank proposal, "Stockholm, Sweden has found that bf buying 15 to 25 years in advance of devel- opment ... and by keeping the farmers or commercial users of the land on the land at mini- mal rentals, not only was the land paid for by the time it was needed, but often they had ac- cumulated enough extra to in- clude the costs of bringing the utilities to the land." Although some of Rose Klein- man's plans are the kind of schemes which are reality only TODAY'S STAFF: News: Eileen Daley, Stu Mc- Connell, K e n Parsigian, Sue Warner Editorial: Linda Willcox Sports: Gary Kicinski Photo: Chris Schneider Arts: Dave Keeps Editorials andcartoons that appear on the right side of tjse Editorial Paqe ore the opinion of the a u t hror or artist, and not necessarily the opinion of the paper. I X ~~CMARACThg SRA STHAT I r SEAW~.). JIXY) ARrS JropC' ' &MIDe P'AN. as°U' PAWQ,5OVW PCO-S17R 9ftZ- KICK. BRASf1 Al' nPr FROM THEic t1xLL MAN. (2TAPV WfbAH UJ TC'fREj c a &