Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, July 7, 1977 Terrorists bomb Israeli market PETAB TIQVA, Israel tA) - A pipe bomb planted under a vegetable stand exploded and ripped through a bustling open- air market in this Tel Aviv sub- urb yesterday, injuring 21 per- sons, five of them seriously, in Israel's worst bombing in 14 months. The radical guerrilla group Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack, saying the bomb was its answer "to Begin's policy of creating new settlements in Palestine." ISRAELI PRIME Minister Menahem Begin has said he views the Israeli - occupied West Bank, just five miles from here, as historically-Jewish land and that he favors establish- ment of Israel settlements there. Yesterday's attack at the Pe- tah Tiqva vegetable market was the bloodiest terrorist bombing in Israel since May 1976, when a booby-trapped mo- for scooter blew up in Jerusa- lem, killing one person and in- juring 29. Police warned Israelis to be on the alert for new attacks. "We call on the public to watch out for suspicious parcels and people, especially in crowded public places," said police spokesman Menashe Golan. ANOTHER' POLICE spokes- person said 50 Arabs were quickly rounded up for question- ing in connection with the bomb- ing. Some were escorted out of the area to protect them from the vengeance of enragedIs- raelis. The bomb resembled other homemade explosives used by Arab guerrillas, police said, Of- ficers cordoned off the vege- table market and searched for more bombs. The Popular Democratic Front issued a statement in Beirut, Lebanon, claiming re- sponsibility for what it said was a time bomb planted by guerrillas who eluded Israeli security measures. ITS STATEMENT and an- other issued by Yassir Arafat's central Palestinian command in Beirut said 65 Arabs had been arrested after the bombing. The popular Democratic Front said it "warns the Zionists against harming the arrested Arabs and assures our people in Palestine that we are always capable of helping them." After the blast, crushed vege- table crates, smashed tomatoes and cucumbers and a torn pair of shoes lay among pools of blood in the wreckage. "The market was jammed when the bomb went off, with hundreds of people and trucks blocking the alleyways unload- ing produce," said Shitrit Prass- bearg, who was shopping at the time of the blast. "THE MARKET is full of Arabs. You can't tell them from the Jews," he said. "Any- one could have come in and planted the bomb without being noticed." Shmaryahu Nathan, a green- grocer, said he was selling vegetables when he heard the explosion. "People started screaming, falling down. I saw a woman with her leg blown off up to the knee, a man with his guts on the outside," he said. "A PREGNANT woman was U.N. leader repression GENEVA, Switzerland (M) - In a sharp departure from his normally cautious dealings with national leaders, United Na- tions Secretary - General Kurt Waldheim said yesterday he had asked Ethiopia's president to halt a reported widespread campaign of repression in his country. Wanted! peop1e who can: hit in the belly. Private cars rushed up and carried away some of the wounded, then am- bulances came." Sarah Bachna, 57, who so?- fered cuts on her body, told reporters: "I was counting my change when suddenly every- thing went white. The next thing I knew, someone was helping me into a taxi." seeks end to in Ethiopia Waldheim also announced at a news conference that Ugan- dan President Idi Amin had agreed to allow a U.N. mission to visit his country "look into the whole aspect of human rights" there. THE REGIMES of Amin and Ethiopia's military president, Mengistu Haille Mariam, have been accused of slaughtering thousands of their own citizens. Neighboring Somalia accused Ethiopia of killing more than one million - persons, mostly ethnic Somalis living in Ethio- pia. The Mengistu government has dismissed such allegations of genocide as propaganda. Waldheim said the human rights situation in Ethiopia was the chief topic of a meeting he had with eMngistu.during the four-day Organization of Afri- can Unity summit conference in Libreville, Gabon, which ended Tuesday. Amin also at- tended the conference. "I VOICED great concern about reports of persecution of Ethiopian citizens and I also pointed to the concern in world public opinion," he said. "I ask- ed him to take this concern into consideration and to terminate this policy, and to respect hu- man rights in his country." The reported killings are be- lieved to be part of a campaign by the leftist military junta to end the resistance of several rebel groups, including seces- sionists in northern and south- ern Ethiopia. In the capital of Addis Ababa, bands of vigi- lantes formed by the junta to "protect the revolution" report- edly have killed hundreds of opponents of the regime. The time has not yet been fixed for the U. N. mission to Uganda, Waldheim said. It would be a follow-up to a three- man U. N. Secretariat group that visited Uganda in April, headed by Asst. U. N. Secre- tary - General Abdurahim Ab- by Farah. That group has not issued a report of findings from its four- day visit. The National Prohibition Par- ty was organized in Chicago in 1869. Almost 200 delegates from nine states, concerned that nei- ther major party included a prohibition plank in its plat- form, were responsible for its organization. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXVII, No. 38-S Thursday, July 7, 1977 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 784-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. 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