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July 06, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-06

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Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, July 6, n?
Military seizes power in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (P', -
The Pakistan Army, seizing
power in an apparently blood-
less coup, imposed martial law
yesterday and promised new
elections next October.
"The Bhutto regime is end-
ed," army chief of staff Gen.
Muhammed Ziaul Hai said in a
nationwide broadcast after the
army acted in an effort to end
four months of political violence
that took more than 3011 lives.
A MILITARY spokesnan'said
Prime Minister Zulfikar All Bhu-
tto, his cabinet ministers and
leaders of the opposition Pakis-
stan National Alliance had been
Iountinuet frosm Page 1)
BEGIN HAS said he does not
want to negotiate with the
United States, and feels Wash-
inglton should limit its role to
that of a mediator bringing all
sides together for direct talks.
Carter and Begin could clash
over the President's proposal
that Israel make territorial
concessions in the occupied
West Bank of the Jordan River'
where a Palestinian homeland
might be cieated in the frame-
work of the peace talks. The
right wingliegIn government
claiiissIsranel lhay a biblical
claim to the West Blank, and
opposes creaftin oh a l1alestin-
ian state in the region, calling
it a direct threat to Israel.
But Javits said le believed
Begiii was sincere in sayingo
atit subject could be put on the

taken into "temporary protec- vinces had agreed to act as gov- UNOFFICIAL reports said the ity for any political ambitions
tine custody." ernors of their provinces. coup began with a round of he said. "The step has nst be
Ziaul said he was taking over Speaking in Urdu, Pakistan's arrests at 2 a.m., and Radio taken at the pi~m_)pting at(an
as chief martial law administra- national language, Ziaul announ- Pakistan said the takeover was interested person."
Nr, but President Fazal Elahi ced a ban on all political activity completed by 7:30 a.m. He assured the Moslem nation
Choudhry would remain head of and suspension of some pmtvi- Ziaul said he would adminis- of 75 million that Pakiotant wunsd
state and the 1973 constitution sions of the constitution. He said ter the martial law with a coon- remain an "Islamic state" and
remained in force. these will be restored in time cil composed of the chiefs of the that government would be re-
Ziaul, a 52-year-old career of- for elections. other military branches. turned to the peoples' ietceu
ficer installed by Bhutto as ar- The broadcast was low-key, "I want to make it clear that tatives immediatets''itr, th
my chief of staff last year, said and throughout the day Radio I have not assumed responsibil- October elections
the Bhutto's cabinet and the Pakistan maintained its normal -
governments of the four prow- broadcasting. There was no evi-
inces had been dismissed and dence of disturbances or resis-tiU
the National Assembly dissoly- tance to the apparently well-co- triu s Unresolve
ed. ordinated army action, and in-
IE SAID the chief justices of ternational flights were reported
the high courts in the four pro- operating in and out of Karachi. (Contiltue iinfromPget four other lawyer h.ev
Sallade is - quoted in the De- sent four relatives ni hh
troit Free Press as saying, "I poisoned victims. t'edlrtem
aallege that (the bcething fail- they areconl ide neege t
re t n w ea e aml re)were definitely c'aused by joint claim agn 1th i o
employes of the United States charging negligence It ,
overnment The whole thing pectin wrongdoin ;,

bargaining table in Geneva, in-
cluding the West Bank.
was to be followed by another
Mideast fact - finding tour by
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance,
that could set the stage for re-
sumption of the Geneva talks.
Vance first toured the region
last February.
Several problems remain to
be solved before the conference
can be recalled, chief among
them was Palestinian repre-
sentlation at the talks.
Both Israel and the Arabs
agree the Palestinians must
play a role in reaching a settle-
ment, but they disagreed over
a framework.
pears to have dropped a de-
lysts say Egypt's president ap-

mand that Palestinians be seat-
ed as a separate delegation, and
they say this could be a major
step toward eliminating the
Jerusalem has said only
those invited to the original
peace talks - Israel, Egypt,
Jordan, Syriam- should return
for the next round, a formula
designed to exclude the Pales-
tine Liberation Organization
(PLO). Syria declined the orig-
inal invitation.
Israel has said it would not
negotiate directly with the PLO
as long as the organization con-
tinues to advocate the dissolu
tion of the Jewish state.

was caused by negligence of the
Veterans lospital."
days after his breathing failure
of August 15, before dying of un-
successful operation. His death
has not been proven medically
related to any of his breathing
ALso filing u suit against the
VA hhspital is Helen Stout, wi-
dow of VA patient Glenn Stout.
Patient Stout was once listed as
a murder count against defen-
dant Perez, but the charge was
later dropped.
Ms. Stout's attorney, Walter
Federlein of Troy, Michigan,
said that he is conferring with

THE HOSPiTAl. t k10
ledged that two st.
sently pending igot i
More however tre e
fron relatives of tte
The jury is currenti;l I
the fate of the two iti tire
ed with the psi. n - d
Philip Pratt iirdet vi. tc,
to spend tn ouiiir, 1 t
deliberatinos, Ith l u e
lip for Mondas l 'he
spent a half due de
celebrate the hid t
birthday of tine joe
Chicago is 11
from Riie de Joit-i:'.

HEW orders desegregation
of Southern state colleges

Carter prepares
gas rationing plan

(Continledrom Pag" i)
would be invoked in case of an
emergency, such as disruption
of the sea lanes in a Mideast or
other kind of war, so there
would be no danmaging delay.
They said should an emergen-
cy occur now, the administra-
tion would not know what to do
l umme~rHour :
m n..fot pm- f
6114hurch A2 948.5955

and would have no plan.
Schlesinger, they said, is in the
process of assessing what Car-
ter can do
Carter believes he can get a
good energy program from
Congress this year and if he
does not, he plans to make an
assessment and offer new pro-
posals next year.
Although Italian navigator
John Cabot first sighted New-
foundland in 1497, French ex-
plorer Jacques Cartier, who ex-
plored the Gulf of St. Lawrence
37 years later, is generally re-
garded as the founder of Can-

Philosophy, Mathematics
System Theory
Cha ring Cross Book Shop
316 S. STATE-994-4041
SEMINAR: 3:45 P.M., Room 1057 MHRI

WASHINGTON M) - The fed-
eral government yesterday an-
nounced a set of guidelines re-
quiring colleges in six Southern
states to increase enrollment of
blacks within five years.
lThe Department of Health,
Education and Welfare (HEW)
submitted the goals and time-
tables for desegregation to U.S.
District Court Judge John Pratt
in response to a court order.
THE NEW desegregation plan
affects Florida, Georgia, North
Carolina, Oklahoma, Arkansas
and Virginia.,
Pratt had ordered the guide-
lines in April in response to a
suit filed in the District of Co-
ltmbia by civil rights groups
charging that HEW failed to en-
force part of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 which bars racial
discrimination by institutions re-
ceiving federal money.
HEW Secretary Joseph Cali-
fano, Jr., blamed the failureof
HEW to press for desegregation
on the Nixon administration and
said he hoped that similar law-
suits would not be needed in the
GIVEN THE previous admin-
istration's record on civil rights,
I can understand why such suits
have been brought."
In 1972, Judge Pratt initially
?f you intend to graduate this
tressi wills either a master's
,degree or an intermediate de-
gree awarded by the Rackham
Graduate S chool, you must
submint a Diploma Application
to the Records Office, Room
1014 Racknam Graduate Schooi.
no later than Friday, July 8.
197 in order to be placed on
the August degree list.
Diploma appicatiorw are aval-
able in the Rackham Graduate
Schoo, Room 1014, as well as
in your department or program

had found that HEW failed to
order adequate desegregation in
10 states that had legally man-
dated segregated higher educa-
The other four states-Louisi-
ana, Mississippi, Maryland and
Pennsylvania-are involved in
civil rights lawsuits on the prob-
lem elsewhere and were not in-
cluded in Pratt's latest order.
THE HEW guidelines will re-
quire evidence of progress to-
ward desegregation. However,
Califano emphasized that the
new goals and timetables were
guidelines ro quotas.
"The department is opposed to
the use of arbitrary quotas in ci-
vil rights enforcement," Call-
fano said. "Failure to achieve a
goal set forth in the criteria will
not be sufficient evidence, stand-
ing alone, to establish a viola-
tion - - -
"The goals do, however, set
out specific benchmarks which
will help us measure progress
towards elimination of unconsti-
tutional de jure set by law racial
to state-supported educational
systems, not private . schools,
HEW said,
Major goals listed in the new
guidelines include the following:
0 First, at the end of five
years, there should be an in-
crease in the total number of
blacks attending all public col-
leges, both predominantly black
as well as white institutions.
This goal requires that efforts
be made to insure that equal
percentages of black and white
high school graduates enter col-
* Second, there should be in-
creased black enrollment at
four-year white colleges at the
end of five years, with each in-
stitution showinag an annual in-
. crease in blacks.
Under this goal the disparity
between the relative low percen-
tage of blacks enrolling and the

higher white pereen
be cut in halt iv tite
sis within fine t ea
An example ttEW 'i a
that if 20 per ccti : hic
sclsts graduates Cilnttlt iOt
10 per cent of httih g,
four-year college. K i y tthi
five years the figitte (a ht.c
should rise to 1 me esnl
* Third, state, t
action to reduce the m
parity in college grtduttti
rates. HEW said black dopo
rates are 8 per cent i 15 p
cent higher than those i o
and states should take tel
ures, such as comupetat i<eledu
cation and financil tidto
duce the disparity.
* Fourths there siild be a
increase in the numhee i tihit
students attending black to
leges. HEW said goals d tim
tables for this would he delayS
for two years until the negrth
tion of white colleges under 0
, new plan can be assessed
This move is in line witht
court's order that desegregatO
of white institutions shoulid D
threaten the existence of prod:
minantly black schools
* Fifth, the same pr opcti
of in-slate black and white pub
lic college graduates 0bosld I
to graduate and piotee
0 Sixth, the criteria say iti
equal state resources shOuldi
allocated to equivalent iust
tions, regardless of whether e
rollment is predoiminautlN",
or black.
* Seventh, the criterii
specific goais for increasitl
numbers of blacks onfaffit
and administrative staffs
Califano said the requlrele'
emphasize results, 'but lea
substantial discretion to t
states as to the best methodsf
achieving those results."e
The secretary ssaid bin dePO
ment will take "firm. seS
administrative action I
ment the civil rights laws-

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