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July 06, 1977 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-06

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Page Six


Wednesday, July 6, 1977"

Page Six THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, July 6, 1971

WW II goes Hollywood
(Continued from Pages) movie characters and situations, but in a more
around with cigar in mouth,- swearing constant- refined way.
ly, and dropping glib phrases to officers. Laur- In the end though, the action sequences over-
ence Olivier plays a Dutch doctor, and Gene shadow everything. One could look at A Bridge
Hackman gives an unintentionally amusing per- Too Far and object to its use of conventions, but
formance (by virtue of an absolutely preposter- even so, it undeniably has its good aspects. It
ous accent) as a Polish officer. Sean Connery, depicts the hellish quality of war honestly, with-
Dirk Bogarde, and Liv Ullman all perform ad- out pushing any ideas of false heroicism, and
mirably. above all, it never overplays anything enough to
In my opinion, A Bridge Too Far strikes a become offensive. Still, at a cost of 25 million
perfect balance between Hollywood romanticism dollars (Redford alone received 2 million for
and the realism we have come to expect from the half hour he is in the film), A Bridge Too
current film artists. I don't necessarily think this Far can be seen as one more step down the road
balance is good, but it certainly reflects a trend to a trend of films that not only make no at-
in which old styles are being desired, only in an tempts to avoid convention, but end up una-
updated manner. This film uses traditional war shamedly revelling in it.

Gyorgy Sandor, PIANIST
Tomorrow, July 7

Byron Janis, PIANIST
Monday, July 11


"Summer Fare" begins this week with a recital by one of
the world's leading masters of great virtuoso piano playing.
Mr. Sandor's career has spanned six continents, bringing the
highest critical acclaim, and since 1961 he has also been head
of the U-M's doctoral program in piano performance.

As the best known pupil of the legendary Vladimir Horo-
witz, Mr;, Janis' repertoire ranges from Scarlatti to Copland,
with a recent emphasis on the music of Chopin. He has re-
cently unearthed previously unsuspected manuscripts of two
Chopin waltzes, both to be performed in this recital.
Schumann: Arabesque, Op. 18; Variations on a Theme
by Clara Wieck
Schubert: Impromptu in E-flat, Op. 90, No. 2
Chopin: Nocturne in D-flat, Op. 27, No. 2; Waltzes
in G-flat, Op. 70, and E-flat, Op. 18;
Sonata in B-flat minor

Bach-Busoni: Organ Choral Prelude
Bach-Sandor: Toccata and Fugue in
Schumann: Fantasy in C major
Chopin: Three Mazurkas; Scherzo 1
Debussy: Ondine; Terrace des audie
Liszt: Mephisto Waltz

in G minor
D minor

No. 2 Copland: Piano Sonata.
nces Janis: Three Songs in the Popular Style
Gottschalk: The Banjo
Tickets for each concert availableat $6.50, $5, and $3.50
Inquire for series tickets avalability: July 7-Sandor; July 11-
Janis; July 18-Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, soprano; July 26-Theodore Lettvin, pianist



Burton Memorial Tower, Ann Arbor

Weekdays 9.4: 0, . Sat. 9-12

Phone 665-3717

Burton Memorial Tower, Ann Arbor Weekdays 9-4:30, Sat. 9-12 Phone 665-3717

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