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July 06, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-06

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Wednesday, July 6, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three
21 quit Planned Parenthood staf

Twenty-one staff members re-
signed fim the Washtenaw
County League for Planned Par-
enthood in protest over the
Board of Directors decision to
retain the executive director and
it's inaction over staff demands
made at a special meeting held
a week ago.
"The board would niot negoti-
ate theit decisions with dissatis-
fied stff members," protest
spokeswoman Debra Lipson
. n AT THE special meeting the
staff aired their grievances
against Executive Director Jack
Singleton for alleged misman-
agement. They also accused
Singleton of violating grievance
procedures, harrassing employ-
es and allowing improper medi-
cal decisions to be reached with-
out proper consultation.
Reached ty phone last night
Singleton said, "some of the
staff who quit we will miss a
great deal, but they made their
own decision and I respect their
right to do so"
ACCORDING to Singleton the
resigning workers were mostly
volunteer andpart-time staff
and included only seven full
time staff members.
The disgruntled staff had ask-
ed the board to fire Singleton or
hire a third-party management
consultation firm to examine the
present administration. T h e
board agreed to hire a consulta-
tion firm but a rift developed
over the terms of the decision.
According to Lipson the staff
felt the board did not assure
them they would have direct in-
put into the design of the man-
agement study or that they
would have unimpeded access
to the board to report alleged
incidents of harassment by Sia-
AS A RESULT the mass resig-
nation ensued.
Many staff members refused
to show up for work nearly two
weeks ago-shutting down the
clinic for two days-claiming
AP Photo Singleton's administration had
The bridal- suite? lowered staff morale to the point
where it caused a deficiency
Some students are prepared to go to any lengths to circumvent in medical care to patients.
Ann Arbor's high demand, high cost housing market. The resi- Ty re en te hor agreed to
dent of room Sa (the tent on the left rear corner of the roof) hold the special meeting to hear
of the Bell Tower on Thayer Street said he liked the view but staff complaints against Single-
he wished the walls were a little thicker. ton.

The suspension of Dr. Johen Under the new procedure wo-
Eliot and Singleton's plan to in- men will only have to spend one
troduce a new abortion proce- day at the clinic to get an abor-
dure sparked the original work tion instead of spending one day
stoppage. in counseling and then returning
the next day for the abortion
LIPSON SAID nany staff fear
the new procedures designed to The Planned Parenthood clin-
increase the abortion capacity ic, 912 N. Main, is the only fam
of the clinic wil turn the center ily planning center in the coun-
into an "abortion mill". ty. Its services include family
Singleton said the new abor- planning counseling, referral
tion procedure designed to make services, vascectomies, dissem-
more efficient use of the clinic's ination of birth control inlorma-
facilities, will start next Tues- tion, methods and devices, abor-
day. lions and pregnancy testing.
State House OK's bilrth
control classes in schools
LANSING (UPI) - In an effort to stem a risiug tide of teenage
pregnancies, the state house voted yesterday to lift Michigan's
50-year-old ban on teaching birth control in the public schols.
The vote followed over two hours of debate durit which num-
erous weakening atnutadmetits were rejected sotietimes by very
narrow margins
CURRENTLY, local school districts cat ilfet sex education
courses if they wish, but birth control mteasatres cannot be dis-
cussed in these classes
Only one other state, Louisiana, has a sitilar prohibiti.ui
The bill, passed 69-33 by the House and sent to the Senate, al-
lows discussion of birth control in helth and sex educiatno classes,
but does not mandate it.
SEX AND family planning courses would be optional atd stu-
dents could be excused without penalty from classes in which birth
control is discussed if they or their parents request it.
The carefully-worded measure, drafted over a three-month per-
iod, specifically prohibits discussion of abortion as a birth control
measure and mandates the creation of local advisory biards to re-
view class materials.
Conservative groups, such as the Happiness of Wonianhotad,
Inc., strongly opposed the bill as "a usurpation of parent's rights."
Some worried openly that birth control classes wvil actually encour-
age sexual experimentation among the young.
PROPONENTS OF the measure, on the other hand, pointed to
alarming statistics on the rise in teenage pregnancies as proof of
the need to provide youngsters with accurate sex and birth control
information-infor'mation they all too often fail to get from their
The state Department of Public Health recently reported that
live births to girls under 15 have increased nearly 150 per cent in
the past 15 years. In 1975, 94 per cent of all birth to girls under 15
were illegitimate.

Caterpiller contraception
And then there's the story about the Pennsylvania
State University entomologist who is so kinky, he
gets off driving male gypsy moth caterpillars crazy,
with a homemade aphrodisiac. It seems Dr. Alan
Cameron is trying to stop the hungry gypsy moths
from destroying more than one million acres of
trees this summer, in Pennsylvania alone. To ac-
complish this, Cameron is trying to find ways to
prevent the moth from mating. He has developed
a love potion, made from a syfithetic reproduction
of pheromone, an attractor-stimulator given off by
the female moth after she emerges from her co-
coon. The potion is spread around the trees to dis-
tract the male moth, keeping him on a wild goose
chase from the time he emerges,.from the cocoon
until he dies, usually in about seven days. One of
the problems is that the pheromone does not work
well in heavily infested areas simply-because there
are so many moths the odds are overwhelming that
the maje will eventually stumble upon a female,
distraction or not. By that time the poor fellows.
are so horny - well we're just afraid the poor
doctor may have more moths than he can handle.
Happenings t
. . . today through next Wednesday Drug Help

is interviewing people interested in volunttering to
answer crisis phones, call 994-HELP . . . the School
of Art will feature painting by Burton Dickerson at
the Jean Paul Slusser Gallery from 9 a.m. to 4:30
pm. . . . there will be a free showing of five short
children's films at 7:30 in MLB Aud. 3 . .. also at
7:30, the Students' International Meditation Society
will present an introductory lecture in the UGLI . . .
and at 8 in the Music School Recital Hall, Deborah
Ash wilt perform on the flute.
Prof. Klaus Riegel, 51, a prominent University
professor in the fields of psychology and aging, died
Sunday after a prolonged illness. A psychology fac-
ulty member since 1959, he was instrumental in the
formation of the University's Center for Human
Growth and Development and the interdisciplinary
program in the psycho-linguistics. He also taught,
regularly in the University of Michigan-Wayne
State University. Institute of Gerontology. Riegel re-
ceived the Abitur degree from the Oberschule Old-
enbur'g in Berlin Germany in 1947, an M.A. from
the University of Minnesota in 1955, and a Ph.D.
from the University of Hamburg in 1957. Prior to
joining the University, he was a visiting scientist at
the National Institute of Mental Health at Bethesda,
Md. Riegel's teaching, writing and research inter-

ests focused on developmental psychology, partic-
ularly the development and assessment of intellect-
ual functions of the aged. He was considered a lead-
er among American psychologists in the recent re-
surgence of "dialectical methodology," as well as
an authority on the history and philosophy, of psy- -
chology. A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m.
today in Rackham assembly hall. Memorial con-
tributions may be made to the Project for Construc-
tive Psychology, instituted by Riegel, in care of the
University psychology department.
On the outside ...
Remember all those frigid days last winter when
you prayed for just a little bit of summer? Well, at
the rate we're going you'll soon be begging for
that cold air, because the remainder of this week
(and very likely the rest of this month) is going to
be hot, humid, and unbearable. Today's high will
be in the low 90's, and skies will be partly sunny
with a chance of thundershowers. Tonight you ought
to catch at most an hour or two of sleep as the low
will drop (?) to a totally unreasonable figure (low
70's) and humidity will remain high. If you don't
have an air conditioner, we pity you. But you are
welcome to join the Daily staff which is camping
out in temperature controlled Briarwood Mall-


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