Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY tNednesday, July 6, 1977 Air bags face tough fight in Congress WASHINGTON 6P)--A lobby- ist fired an automobile air bag into the face of his three-year- old daughter yesterday to dem- onstrate the safety of the res- traint device. But across Capitol Hill, a Re- publican congressman said the Carter administration's decision to require air bags was a slap at individual freedom. THE DEMONSTRATIONS and speeches came as lines were drawn' for the battle over an ef- fort to overturn that decision. Unless Congress acts within 60 days, air bags will be installed beginning in 1982 model cars. Ralph Nader, who thinks the Carter administration is moving too slowly, told a news confer- ence that the air-bag order will stand because of wide support against tlbse who "believe Am- ericans have the right to die in their cars . .." BUT REP. Bud Shuster (R- Pa.) who already has introduced legislation to block the order, said the administration's propos- al represents "a very small piece of a much larger dark and heavy blanket being lowered ov- er a free people by their patern- alistic government." "Free people should have a choice," said the third-term law- maker. "Anybody who doesn't wear a safety belt is a dummy. But free people have a right to do dumb things." Transportation S e c r e t a r y Brock Adams last week ordered that all standard and luxury -ars sold in the United States starting with 1982 models in- clude a passive-restraint sys- tem, meaning one that protects front-seat occupants even if they do nothing. INTERMEDIATE-SIZE cars would have to be equipped start- ing in 1983. The order would ap- ply th all cars starting in 1984. Although this system could in- clude a seat-belt harness that automatically covers the driver and passenger, the air bag is the most commonly discussed method. The air bag, which would cost $100 to $300 per car, is a balloon that inflates automatically when sensors feel a collision, keeping riders from slamming into the windshield, dashboard or steer- ing wheel. THE TRANSPORTATION De- partment estimates passive re- straints could save 9,000 to 12,- 000 lives each year and prevent 100,000 to 200,000 serious injur- ies. Carter seeks more funds for education--Mondale MINNEAPOLIS WP) Vice Pre- sident Walter Mondale says the Carter administration will sup- port a 15 per cent increase ii federal spending for education, if differences with Congress on other issues can be resolved. At a news conference an4 in remarks prepared for a speech TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY Volune LXXXVII, No. 37-S Wednesday, July 6, 1977 is edited and managed by students at the Univ-ersity of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michian 48109, Publi hed daily Tuesday through Sunday aorninq during the Univer- sily year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Ar-bar. MIichigan 48t09. Subscriation rates: $12 Sept. thr April (2 snes- ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session pablished Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Aebor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. to the National Education Asso- ciation (NEA) yesterday, Mon- dale said the government will pump $1.5 billion additional into educatln in the next fiscal year. MONDALE CALLED it "a turnaround" in terms of federal aid to local schools, and said the increase will be the largest since federal aid to education began is 1965. He also said the budget con- tains substantial funds to help s c h o o 1 s educate handicapped children. In the NEA speech, Mondale asked teachers to' support re- forms in the federal aid pro- gram to get the money to the poorer school districts. "Right now, one dollar in four goes to a school district in the upper 25 per cent income brack- et of this nation," Mondale said. STEVE'S LUNCH 1313 S. UNIVERSITY 769-2288 COME FOR: Vegetable Tempura Sweet & Sour Korean Bar-B-Q Dinner Beef Dinner (Bul-go-gee) Fresh Bean Sprouts Mandoo (Kyoza) Plate Brown Rice WE TAKE CARRY-OUT ORDERS NE W BREAKTHROUGH IN HUMAN POTENTIAL Consciousness discovered as DA- the field of all possibilities. O FLrI. H E Experience for yourself the re- suits of recent discoveries at (JF Maharishi European Research G E O Universtty in Sitzerla sta ENLIGHTENMENT Highly developed mind-body M AHARISHI coordination verified by direct MA HESH YOGI experience of LEVITATION- fouder of the command of the law of gravity Transcendental whereby the body lifts up \icditation Program moves forward and gently tames down - inner experi- ence of great freedom and bliss, release of deep stress. TRA SCE DENTAL MEDITATION FREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURE TONIGHT, Wednesdoy July 6 at 7:30 P.M. in the UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARY Multi-Purpose Room for more information CALL 668-8256 1976 World Pin- Execute Counci-U.$. All u ,,hts res-od WEP C- S a o-n P,0 nduc utonol or n THREE-YEAR-OLD SIELBY Sutcliffe reacts as an air bag pops from the steering wheel of a simulator during a Washington press conference yesterday. Watching over the display is con- sumer advocate Ralph Nader who also participated in the briefing which was designed to demonstrate the safety of the restraint device. IGANm RTORY 77 At The UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAe 4oy- JULY 5-10 Michigan Rep TicketOffice Mon- Sat 1-5 Mendelssohn Theatre Lobby For Ticket information Call: (313) 764-0451