Rage Seven
leaving them to roam the halls in the closing statements when de-
lessly. fense attorney Edward Stein shouted
TOOK 58 breathing failures and "what the hell's he doing here now,
FBi to force the hospital to tight- the chief of staff of a 450 bed hos-
its security, but how many other pital full of sick people?"
pitals are waiting for a similar Stein added, "He's here because he
strophe? wants a conviction."
,ad how many other hospitals are Federal Prosecutor Yanko, in rebut-
ty of the practice of allowing their tal to Stein's remarks, said that Lin-
ilties to be used a sa training denauer had been "rather consistent-
ud for medical s t u d e n t s and ly maligned" during the trial.
It doctors? Of the doctors who
fied, many had been practicing BUT PERHAPS the biggest contro-
less than a month. Medical stu- versy was brought out by the prose-
s were assigned to patients, and cutor himself. Yanko, at the outset
ens and residents were often their of his closing remarks, told the jury
uary physicians. and the packed courtroom "I hope
uring the summer of 1975, the VA you leave this courtroom with a re-
ef of Staff Dr. Martin Lindenauer newed feeling of confidence, confi-
on a sabbatical in Europe, leav- dence that the U.S. District Court is
the already overburdened house in the hands of able attorneys and
ors with the additional duties of able judges."
I chief. And Lindenauer's connec- But we can't have a renewed feel-
with the prosecution of Narciso ing of confidence in our attorneys
Perez is another issue that may when some of the government's orig-
r be fully resolved. inal charges had to be thrown out be-
NNIE BATES WATSON, a nurs- cause of the prosecution's miscon-
assistant, testified that Linde- duct?
er tried to bribe her, and -she still And more important, we can't be
ends she was bribed. Defendant confident when we still don't know-
aiso said that Lindenauer told her after $1 million, ten months investi-
nfess to the poisonings. gation, and all of the resources of the
ndenauer's presence in the court- U.S. government-just what happen-
throughout the t r i a 1 was a ed at the VA hospital during the sum-
e of controversy that climaxed mer of 1975?
LEONORA PEREZ testifies in her own defense.
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ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY Richard Yanko made an emotional appeal to the jury in his closing statement."