Arnins antics could be contagious By LINDA WILICOX Now that Marshal Idi Ami-r has once again, onfortunately, been found safe and somewhat sound in his native Uganda, af- ter another round of hide-and- seek, observers in several coun- tries wonder whether Amin may be trying to engage other international figures in similar games. A British friend of mine, liv- ing in Kamtpala (who prefers to remain anonymous, fearing governmental reprisal) said he found the following clipping in a Ugandan newspaper. He said similar accounts had been aired over Radio Uganda. NAIROBI - Hours after United States Ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young denounced Marshal Idi Amin's rule in Uganda as "ter- rorist", U. S. officials report Young is missing, and they don't know where he might be headed. Young spent a week in Kam- pala, the Ugandan capital, ne- gotiating httman rights with Amin, and made his comments to reporters, vhile his plane re- fueled. IN IIS COMIENTS, Young said, "In iddition to sheer hu- man injustice, Amin regularly practices sever racist policies against members of opposition tribes in his country. His re- gime is one which should be tempered by United Nations di- rectives." U. S. officials said the plane was bound for Johannesburg, South Africa, but South Afri- can sources said Young was barred from entering that coun- try, on the basis of Young's outspokenness on that country's apartheid policies. The plane was last sighted by civilians attempting to land at the airport at Salisbury, Rhodesia. But officials there say they have not seen Young or his plane. Persons telephoning Young's offices at the United Nations were told this morning, "We are still trying to find our am- bassador. Since this afternoon, we don't know where he is. We have no other information." U.S. OFFICIALS said they contacted government persontel in Uganda, fearing Young might have been abducted and re- turned to that country for a taste .of Amin's treatment of opposition voices. "We told you this morning, we have no information regard- ing the whereabouts of your Mr. Youn. Why do you keep call- ing? Are you drunk?" they were told. Amin, with an apparent note of pleasure that other figures might be following in his foot- steps, commented on Radio Uganda late this morning. "As you know, the nature of Mr. Young comments was extreme- ly derogatory and threatening. I responded by telling him I would be willing to serve as King of the United Nations, if that body should vote me in in that capacity. "In the meantime, the devel- opments which indicate Mr. Young is missing make a clear display of the wrath of God against those who oppose my- self and my policies." Young's African tour was to have taken him to Uganda, South Africa, Rhodesia and An- gola. The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the Universityof Michigan Friday, July 1, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Carter stalls the B-1 the fight's not over yet AFTER MONTHS OF WAITING, President Carter, in a surprise announcement, finally publicly said just what he said he would say all along: that he would stop the production of the B-1 bomber. It's about time he made good on his campaign promise to scrap the B-1, the white elephant of our defense system. But his qualified opposition is simply not good enough. The bomber isn't dead yet. Just this week, the House voted to spend $1.5 bil- lion to build five B-1. Despite Carter's public opposi- tion, the appropriations measure still heads for the ien- ate where, although ultimately expected to fail, there is bound to be a knock-down drag-out fight. Carter's opposition falls far short of the mark the public was led to believe he would set. Carter still al- lows for testing and development of the bomber. The testing and development of a weapon which one opposes would be more wasteful than the produc- tion of the . bomber itself. It's either that, or Carter doest't really oppose production of the bomber at all. NJHITE HOUSE Press Secretary Jody Powell said a search-for maximum deterrent for dollars spent was the basis of Carter's decision. Powell also said the B-1 didn't give maximum deterrence, alone, or loaded with a missile. Why, then, should Carter allow further testing and' development of this bomber which is reputed to have been obsolete before full production could have been completed? Since the project was originally announced, the price tag has been on an upward trajectory. The first esti- mate per plane was $36 million. Today, the price tag was estimated by the House at $1.5 billion for five planes and parts.. That same 1.5 billion is ten times the cost of the Peace Corps, larger than either the Environmental Pro- tection Agency or the Department of Justice, or half the budget of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. ^ The choice, on the basis of priorities is clear: scrap the project - testing and all - entirely, and put the N-ON. - C-o-M-M-E-N-T... N- - -. Bumper stickers ~tell all1 By DICK WEST WASHINGTON (UPI) - It is well known that most of our information about what is going on in China comes from wall posters. What isn't as well known is the method used by the Chinese to keep up with what is happening in the United States. I didn't know it myself until I recently developed a contact in the Chinese liason office here. He told me that People's Republic representa- tives in Washington and at their U.N. mission in New York get most of their information from T- shirts. "There are many political and cultural up- heavals in America that are never publically acknowledged," my contact said. "Sooner or later, however, references to such events will start showing up on T-shirts. "By piecing together the inscriptions on the chests of people we-see in the streets, we usually can get a fairly complete picture of the situation." I said, "What's wrong with getting your infor- mation fro mbumperstickers?" "We have found that American bumperstickers are pretty unreliable," he replied. "The trouble is that bumperstickers are so hard to scrape off, they may be left on a car long after the messages on them have become out- dated. "Last year, for example, one of our U.N. rep- resentatives spotted a bumpersticker that said "le took that to mean there was a Goldwater resurgence movement underway, and we sent a report to that effect to Peking. "Later we discovered that the sticker had been on the car since the 1964 campaign. "On another occasion, we were badly fooled by a bumpersticker imprinted with the words "Tip- pecanoe and Tyler, Too.'" I said, "Why are T-shirst more reliable?" "Generally speaking, Americans change their underwear oftener than they change automboiles. Therefore, the inscriptions on T-shirts are likely to be more current. "Another odvantage is that T-shirts are more plentiful than autos. In 1976, America produced 48 million T-shirts, including a few rare unlet- tered models. But fewer than 7 million autos were built. "While bumperstickers ma ybe an accurate reflection of how car owners feel about a given issue, they do not provide the broad spectrum of opinion that is available on T-shirts." I asked what types of political or cultural trends the Chinese had spotted on T-shirts. Last month, he said, T-shirts began appearing with the legend "Paranoia For Peace." He said this was interpreted as the beginning of a cam- paign to force the Carter administration to adopt a more neuroQtc foreign policy. That inforamtion probably will cause some sort of reaction in China. But we'll have to wait for the wall posters to find out what.