Friday ,Ju ly 1,1971
*l1t MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three
State House postpones
final vote on dope law
L A N S I N G (UPI)-Oppo-
nents of liberalized marijuana
penalties let Rep. Perry Bul-
lard off the ropes yesterday,
agreeing to delay action on his
pot bill until this fall - even
though they apparently could
have defeated it competely had
they chosen to.
The House passed the Bullard
bill by the narrowest possible
margin Tuesday, but reversed
itself Wednesday in an emotion-
al session which reached its
peak when Rep. Rosetta Fer-
guson (D - Detroit), pummeled
Bullard on the House floor.
guson trade public apologies in
the state house yesterday.
The bill would eliminate jail
terms for possession of one
ounce or less of marijuana.
High level negotiations result-
ed in an agreement to delay
action on Bullard's request for
a third vote on his bill - a
motion which faced almost
certain defeat had it been forc-
ed to a vote.
agreement was Rep. Matthew
McNeely, whose soul - baring
description of his late son's
addiction to drugs was credited
with turning the tide against
the bill on Wednesday.
McNeely, who hadvowed to
"stop short of nothing" to press
his advantage and kill the bill
once and for all, relented be-
cause House speaker Bobby
Crim asked him to let the pot
question drop so the House
could proceed with other
matters, includingg the state
"We don't want to be an ob-
structionistt," McNeely said.
The Detroit Democrat passed
the word to his supporters dur-
ing a brief caucus yesterday
morning, after which the -louse
approved the delay on a voice
has more than enough support-
ers to defeat the Bullard bill at
this point and claimed the mo-
mentum is in his favor.
A subdued Bullard told re-
porters he hopes to "educate
enough legislators so by fall we
can regain a majority."
The success of this effort, he
said, "will depend on the ef-
forts of citizens who are con-
have rational information on
WORKMEN MOVE 100 yards and a cloud of cement dust
to get Michigan Stadium ready for the Blue fall foot- -
ball campaign.
FCae t helps keep
'U' stadium young
On its tolden Anniversary, many might jealously won
Der how Michigan Stadium manages to hide its age so well
The stadium's secret is a slew of workmen giving it a
face-lift" this summer. The men are working on cement
restorations, renovation anJ expansion of the stadium s
restroom facilities.
ports by the end of the summer cement restorations for 22
of 44 sections will already be completed.
"We are now in the process of renovating and expand-
ing 90 per cent of the restrooms in the stadium," said Har
is. "We will double the number of facilities for women."
Approximately 50 signs are being installed to explain
to football crowds the do's and don't of the stadium. The
signs will list prohibited items, including coolers, large ther
os jugs, kegs of beer, aisd large signs and banners.
HARRIS CLAIMS large banners obstruct the view of the
ae for mainy people.
"What you get are a o ol peuple who go to great lengths
to cover eight to ten people with a banner . . ." lie says
Concernisg kegs of beer, Ilarris reunuarked niany think
i_ is perfectly justifiable to buy two tickets, iine for your
self and one ihich can be used Tor your keg.
'A Gt ' HAS TWO tickets and his wife doesn't come,"
See STADIUM, Page 10
cerned about the issue and
have rational informsation oo it
to commuisicate with their
Bullard, who was criticized
by some louse veterans for his
allegedly heavy - handed lobby-
ing tactics, was asked it he will
rethink his strategyy.
"Well, we always rethink
what happens and try to learn
from events of life to learn
from events of life to work
more effectively for events we
seek . . . all human beings do
that," the Ann Arbor DIemo-
crat said.
NAIROBI, Kenya ') - Dip-
lmnats in Addis Ababa said yes-
terday "hostile elements" in
uniform had occupied an Ethio-
piaii town near the Sudan bor,-
der, and some reports said the
invaders were Sudanese.
In another East African de-
velopment, Kenya charged that
10,000 Sonali troops had invad-
ed northern Kenya and 5,000
more were poised at the bor-
der. It asked the Organization
of African Unity (OAU) to in
tervene "in this very urgeint
and grave situation."
Somalia denied the charge
and said the invaders were
probably Ethiopians, its bitter
enemies to the west.
The hostile exchanges under-
lined the increasing instability
of the so-called Horn of Africa,
an area of East Africa beset
withs deep seated territorial,
ideological, tribal and political
The Norivegin foreign Min-
istry ini Osts said according to
Norwegiati isissionaries the in
vaders were Stindanese troops
Blut the diplomatic sources in
Addis Ababa said they could
not coifirms whether the oc
ctmpirrs were Sudanese or
Ethiopian rebels.
The Ethiopian governm-isseat
was silentitn the incident -
PIRGIM seeks
consumer agency
le Public Interest Research
Group In Michigan -(PIRGIM)
has announced the formation of
a "Nickel Brigade" to help push
for the passage of a bill that
will create a federal consumer
protection agency.
An organizational meeting
will be held Tuesday, July .9
at the Michigan Union, Room
4106 at 7:00 p.m.
The move was in response to
Ralph Nader's plea yesterday
to "build a fire" under local
persuading them to vote for
passage of the bill.
Nader noted the first year
budget of the agency will be
515 million or about a nickel
for each American taxpayer.
"It will cost the average
Ansericain only about five cents
each to create a consumer
voice within federal agencies,"
said Nader. "We want to build
a fire tnder certain reipresen-
tirge consumers nationwide to
send five cent contributions to
their representatives and ob-
serve how they vote on the bill.
"People will send a nickel
and their signature to their con-
gressmen urging them to sup-
port the bill," explained Har-
riet Strausberg of PIRGIM.
"Actually it's more like a peti-
tion drive, with the nickel as
sort of a symbol."
Strausberg said in her opin-
ion the agency was important
because "there is no consumer
advocate to contest decisions
mnade by regulatory agencies in
the federal government.
'I think the agency will give
the consumer somie say in goc-
See PIRGIM, Page 9
Nazis can help you lose
tHow upset would you be if you were forced to
donate money to the American Nazi Party, or the
Ku Klux Klan, or the Nixon Defense Fund? Would
you be mad enough to do anything to avoid pay-
ing - even if the only way out was to lose weight?
Twenty-nine year-old Frank Quale believes that most
pelople would. Quale is the inventor of a new weight
loss system based on this principle that works like
this: First you make a contingent contract, and
leave with Quale a pad of checks for amounts rang-
ing from 50 cents to $100 each, all made out to some
cause or organization you really hate. If you lose
the amount of weight you contracted for you get
all your checks back, but if you don't lose, or you
gain weight, then you're in trouble. Every time you
fail to meet your weekly weight loss goal, you will
find yourself funding the cause you find the most
repugnant. And if you should (heaven forbid) gain
weight, that dispicable organization will receive one
check from you for each pound you gain. Quale
claims the system works wonders, and explains,
"Anyone who has made a contract is not about to
eat that chocolate cake if he thinks it will help the
are practically non-existenmt this Fourth of July
weekend, but here goes. Today from 4-6 GEO is
having a party bor all present and future TA's
RA's and SA's in the GEO office at 514 E. William
... on Sunday, the Outing Club plans to go hiking,
and anyone interested should meet at N. Rackham
entry at 1:30 ... and finally, world-reknown caril-
lonneur Hudson Ladd will perform at the Burton
Tower at 2 and 9 p.m. -
Word Wizard
If you're going to play Scrabble 'with Josefa
Heifetz Byrne, you'd best get about a 200-point
handicap first. Byrne is the proud compiler of "Mrs.
Byrne's Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure, and Pre-
posterous Words." Included in the work are such
gems as "bismer," which can be either a shame,
a disgraceful person, a steelyard or a . 15-spined
stickleback fish. lonest. Or consider "kakistocracy,"
government by the worst, 'omphal'oskepsis," star-
ing at one's belly button; "zzxJoanw," a Maoridrunm;
or, for science buffs, a 1,913-letter name for an
enzyme with 267 amino acids. (hint: it starts with
an ). Byrne says all the words in her collection
are real, and some date back as far as 1620, when
they were in common use. "The author and ediDor
apologize for the ammunition this book provides to
bad writers," she adds. Our personal favorite is
"palilalia" - the helpless repetition of a phrase
faster and faster and faster and faster and faster
and .
On the outside
It'll be a great weekend to head out t the
beach, or plan a picnic in the park, as highs will
he in the upper 70's and low 80's, and skies will
be mostly sunny. Low's will be in the mid-50's,
so we should all be able to sleep well. So enjoy
yourselves at the beach or the park, or if you're
feeling adventurous, try the World Frisbee Cham-
pionships in Iron Mountain, Michigan.
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