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June 30, 1977 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-06-30

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Se Te THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, June 30, 1977
Planned Parenthood to stay open

By RON DeKETT 72 hour marathon session in
The Washtenaw t_'0o u n t which the staff aired their grie-
League for Planned Parenthood Jvances against Executive Direc-
Board of Directors narrowly far Jack Singleton.
averted a massive resignation
bvyseveral of the Planlned Par'- SI N GLEFT ON WA S
enthood center's staff Tuesday hired as the Executive Director
when they agreed to meet staff for the Planned Parenthood cen-
demands. The walkout would ter 18 months ago.
have critpled the clinic's oper- The staff accused Singleton
ations. of mismanagement and alleged
The board agreed to hire a that he violated grievance pro-
third - party consultation firm cedures, harrassed employes
to examine the administrative and allowed improper medical
procedures of the clinic and decisions to be reached with-
make appropriate recommenda out proper consultation.
tions Many of the staff failed to

the point where it caused defic-
iency in medical care. They re-
turned to work Monday after
the Board agreed to meet with
AT TUESDAY'S special meet-
ing unhappy s t a f f members
aired their grievances before the
Board. They were followed by a
number of staff speaking in de-
fense of Singleton, who argued
that the dissension between Sin-
gleton and the disgruntled staff
was to a lack of communications
and the heavy work-load shoul-
dered by Singleton.
Following the staff presenta-
tion, Board President Peter
Heydon cleared the meeting
room of all staff and the Board

heard Singleton's rebuttal.
The staff had presented the
Board with three alternatives to
the status quo.
0 Singleton would resign or
be fired and the staff would stay.
* Singleton wD-,d stay and
the staff resign en mass.
9 Singleton would stay and
the Board would hire a third-
party to examine the adminis-
trative procedure and make rec-
The Board chose the latter.
THE PLANNED Parenthood
clinic, 912 N. Main, provides a
variety of services for family
planning including vasectomies,
counseling, referral services,
dissemination of birth control in-

formation and abortions.
Staff and administration rela-
tions had been strained for some
time but apparently reached
the breaking point over the s
pension of Dr. Johan Etiot the
clinic's medical director. an
Singleton's efforts to itcrease
the clinic's aliartion capabilities
As a result of Sigletosns ac-
tions, several key mtedisxa per
sonnel resigned. Last 'Thr.d5
the general walkout Cssed
Should the staff decitl nt
accept the Board's terms nod
stage a massive resoigs1,nn the
clinic could face the psibitv
of losing funding from -te tat
Board of Health for heing o.
able to provide cOntr,ts1 ,,

some disputes between the staff
and Board over the terms of
the decision and the naming of
the firm to be hired to conduct
the survey, protest spokesper-
son Debra Lipson said.
Spokespersons for the staff
met yesterday with the Board
to resolve those differences.
Following the meeting the staff
held a conference to determine
whether they should accept or
reject the Boards offer of re-
The decision came after a

show up for work last Thursday
and Friday because they felt
Singleton's administration had
lowered the staff's morale to

New birth contro device seen

birth control device that makes
the rhythm method as reliable
as the pill should be on the
market within tw years, its de-
velopers say.
The -device, called an ovos-
timer, tells a woman when she
is most fertile and can also be
used by w o m e n trying to
achieve pregnancy, t h e re-
searchers say.
"THERE ARE no side ef-
fects," said Dr. Louis Kopito, a
research scientist at Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology.

"It's like putting in a thermo-
meter and taking it out again."
The rhythm method is a birth
dontrol technique in which wo-
men avoid intercourse during
ovulation. Since the time of ovu-
lation often vaires, however, the
method fails about 30 per cent
of the time.
The ovutimer is a seven-inch-
long plastic device that looks
like a tampon inserter: It makes
the rhythm method accurate,
the researchers say, because it
tells women when sperm can
get past their natural defenses
and make them pregnant.
IT WORKS by placing a sam-
ple of cervical fluid between two
small, plastic plates engraved
with microscopic grooves. The
two plates either stick together

under light force or they do not,
providing an indication of fer-
tility that day.
"It will determine exactly
when the sperm is penetrable
and when a woman will get
pregnant," Kopito said.
kpito and two doctors have
worked on the device for 11
years. They plan to ask the
Food and Drug Administration
for approval this fall to begin
testing its reliability on women
who are members of family
planning organizations.
IF THE TESTS are success-
ful, Kopito said, the device
should-be on the market in the
United States in early 1979. An-
other version will be available
to gynecologists in Europe by
the end of this year.

"Our first market ii be a
men who are trin so get pre
nant," Kopito said. "There are
six million women is the Usited
States who want to hare babies
but cannot, and ties ie hmt ely
"Another group r, those who
cannot take the pill bit wat to
limit family size."
Kopito cautioned iha sohirth
control device is absolutely ac-
curate. "We want to be some-
where within the range of the
pill," which is said to be shlt
93 per cent effective.
The ovutimer will ru :ihoa
the same as birth contiasi pills,
he said, selling for aboat $1
with disposable testing plates
marketed at about 25 cests each


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