Thursday, June 30, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Thursday, June 30, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven VA jurors deliberate (Continued from Page 1) how much they tell you about the real evidence in this case .. Where is the defense bas- ed on facts? Narciso and Perez both citi- zens of the Philippines are ac- cused by the government of in- jecting Pavulon, a powerful muscle relaxant, into the intra- venous medication tubes of sev- en VA patients during the sum- mer of 1975. Y E S T E R D A Y was de- fendant Leonora Perez' 33rd birthday. Yanko also responded to de- fense accusations that he was circumventing the nurse's pre- sumption of innocence. By law, a defendant in a criminal case is innocent until a jury returns a verdict of guilty. "The defendants stand before you innocent - totally - and you must extend to them reason- able doubt," Yanko said. He told the jurors "don't guess, be sure. And if you can't be sure, acquit." Yanko then summed up his version of the nurses defense using a Latin proverb: "He who hath not, cannot give." Bicycle delivery: Freewheelin' (Continued from Page 3) "PEOPLE FEEL reluctant to use them," Chapman added. "Out of all the coupons handed out, we have made only eight or ten free deliveries. "One woman called up the county to make sure it was a registered business. Finally we delivered a fourhdrawer file cabinet for her," he said. Deliveries have included flowers, birthday cakes, a one hundred pound load of bread artistic writing? It yes are interest- ed n reviewliu ery, and mask- itrting featu r draa. dance, tinm arts Contact Arts oditr, c/o rhe MiueaDaily. and even chocolate chip cookies delivered to the Botanical Gar- dens. Chapman admits the Free- wheel Express has gotten off to a slow start. "The most deliveries we have made in one week was 38, that was about two weeks ago," Chapmansaid. I would really like it if we could get 100 de- liveries a week. "A real sign of success was yesterday when Tony and I met each other going in opposite di- rections on Packard," he said. Chapmsan estimates that it will take all summer to get things moving. "I think we are doing pretty good but the real test will be in Join The Daily the fall when the students come back," Chapman said. Freewheel Express antici- p a t e s continued . delivery throughout the fall and winter. Interesting facts More than 1,000,000 meals are served to patients, visitors and staff each year by the Dietetics Department at the University's Medical Center. Sal Yvars, who ended the 1951 World Series by lining out to Hank Bauer in right field, is a stock broker in White Plains, N.Y. In 1817, the University became the nation's first large state uni- versity to be governed directly by the people of the state. Supreme Court rules out death penalty for rapists executed for rape have been black and said that the decision means that "this grevious example of racial prejudice may no longer flourish." CHIEF JUSTICE Warren Burger, who along with Justice Wil- liam Rehnquist voted that the death penalty is a valid punishment for rape, said in a dissenting opinion,- "The clear implication of today's holding appears to be that the death penalty may be properly imposed only as to crimes resulting in death of the victim." The Supreme Court also ruled yesterday that Congress can not immediately cut off all federal Medicaid funds for abortions deemed not necessary to"save the lives of mothers, but opened the way for a cutoff in the next few weeks. AT THE SAME time, the justices overturned a lower oourt order that prohibited the government from cutting off the funds and told the lower court to review the constitutionality of the abor- ion funding ban, the so-called Hyde amendment. The court's action means the federal government can stop spending Medicaid money for abortions sought by poor women as soon as the lower court formally receives the Supreme Court order. Health, Education and Welifare Secretary Joseph Califano said his department would cut off federal funding for elective abortions as soon as the order is received by the lower court. Join the Daily Welcome Students -:---~ - TOTHE DASCOLA H!HAIRSTYLISTS /ummer Hourr: ARBORLAND-971-9975 Mon-fat, Opm-2m MAPLE VILLAGE-761-2733 611 ChurCh A2 995-5955 E. LIBERTY-668-9329 E. UNIVERSITY-662-0354 ANN AL40 FILM CC-fD Thursda'y, June 30 McCABE AND MRS. MILLER Robert Altman, 1071) 7 & 9---AUD. A Ptline Kael aptly describes it as "a. beautiful pipe-dream of a movie--a fleeting almost diaphanous vision of what frontier life might have been." Photographed by Vilmos Zigsmond, music by Leonard Cohen. warren Beatty, Julie Christie, Rene Auberjonois. U ____ ________ TONIGHT AT 7:00 & 9:50 *PF * A w 1214 s. uniiersity, CAMP Tetre _ ,Phne'68641 TONIGHT AT 7:00 & 9:00 OPEN 6:45 i. ENDS TONIGHT-- "THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME" (PG) 7:00 & 9:20" TOMORROW We Don't Just Publish a Newspaper " We meet new people " We laugh a lot " We find consolation " We have T.G.'s " We play football (once) * We make money (some) * We solve problems " We gain prestige " We become self confident * We debate vital issues JOINthe DAlLY staff Come by 420 Maynard St. Call: 764-0560 or 764-0562 TA RTS