I PY R.S THE AUTOMOBILECAME 1L. L~tIZ06Mil- f MY- HA% PR1OP2UCT(O&l) CAM& I1 Ali IN). WVAFFUVOWJCC 56A&PDCH(Lt2)>$ A ireWUIOT OUT TIMH clK). LouM CM 9AF // {{)CC(A 0. CME 1k) -11E L.C5'0Q XF HISTGPRY 15 T THE11CXAHINJ&~p OEXMII 6"WORTH t1 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, June 30, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 SRe~gardless of verdiCt, VA trial sinister farce AS THE END of the Veterans Administration Hospital nurses trial draws to a close, the U.S. attorneys drawn the first verdict: guilty of first degree mockery of the American system of justice. As a result, Filipina Narciso and Leonora Perez have literally played the game for -their lives., The nurses, charged with a series of poisonings at the Ann Arbor hospital in the summer of 1975, some of which resulted in death, now await the return of their verdict, expected before Independence Day. After two years of investigation, three months of testimony and $1 million to bring the case to trial, the travesty of the courts becomes ever clearer and more sinister. The case should never have seen the light of the trial. The decision to hold the reverse kangaroo court was entirely in the hands of the prosecutors, from Richard Delonis and Richard Yanko, the trial attorneys, to U.S. Attorney Philip Van Dam. The prosecution patently ignored what would norm- ally be considered fertile areas for testimony. One such area was the testimony of William Miller, a patient dur- ing the summer of "75, who stayed directly across the hall (and could see all activity) from John Herman. Herman was found dead after a breathing failure which the prosecution claims was induced by the drug Pavulon. All poisonings were said to have been the result of in- jections of Pavulon, a powerful muscle relaxant. The prosecution also ignored the testimony of one of the victims of the poisonings, presumably because that testimony would undercut the shred of a case against Perez and Narciso. Instead, this case proved to be only case in history in which the defense, and not the prosecution, called for that testimoney. The list of perversions is, unfortunately, unbearably long, as persons following the trial closely could testify. It has all been a long and tiresome tale of injustice and harrassment.of the two nurses standing trial. Only part of this inhuman mockery has been the reported harrassment of the defendants by investigators. Perez was told she might not see her son again, if she did not confess to the crimes. Narciso was warned to light a candle for herself in church. M.n rP -zn fra a nr p: mr.Qer a, ,,v m il l ni National medical plans not the greatest answer By MARTIN BROWN With President Carter's prom- ised backing, Congress is like- ly to pass a national health in surance plan within the next yearfor two. If so, Uncle Sam will be writing many -- or most - citizens' medical care checks, easing the staggering financial burden of getting sick in Ameri- ca. Health care costs will keep skyrocketing, despite Carter's efforts to ground themruntil a comprehensive national health plan replaces the jerry-built sys- tem that now encourages need- less spending by hospitals and doctors. A growing number of medical finance specialists believe the cost of health care depends not on whether it's public or pri- vate, but on how it is organ- ized. PROPOSALS for national health insurance plans now be- fore Congress are meant to ease many inequities and to aid in better distribution of medical resources. Yet, unless Congress agrees to a plan which funda- mentally, alters the way public money is spent, it might do less for the nation's health than for the incomes of doctors and hos- pitals. Carter, though committed to a nationalehealth system, has warned "reform of the delivery system must accompany fi- nancing reform. Our purpose must 'be to promote health, not just provide health care as such.' In the U.S., roughly $60 billion a year in federal money is dis- persed through a plethora of public and private, profit and non-profit agencies. Few are ac- countable to either the consum- er or the government. And the funds are dispersed without regard to the total ef- fect on health care. As a re- sult, analysts believe, govern- ment aid and aompetitive eco- nomics have encouraged: * excess purchase of epenaive equipment * and, the neglect of many health care needs for which government incentives are lacking. Carter has also stressed the need for preventive medicine, going beyong- bio-medical re- search and physical examina- tions to measures to "reduce the need for more expensive hospital treatment." Of the plans now under con- sideration, the one closest to meeting such needs - though still lacking a basic reorganiza- tion component - appears tO be the Kennedy-Corman bill. It would cover all citizens and most medical services, provid- ing a choice of insurance plans. Financing would be partly by employer-employe payroll tax, partly from general revenues. ADMINISTRATION would be handled thriough a national health insurance board within the Social Security Administra- tion, thus channeling most funds through the government rather than private insurance compan- ies. Given a slightly better chance of passage is the much narrow- er Long-Ribicoff bill. It would provide "catastrophic health in- surance" designed to keep fami- lies from going bankrupt be- cause of extraordinary medical bills. It would supplement exist- ing insurance plans and be fund- ed by payroll taxes and federal/ state general revenues. The model basically is Medicare. The American Medical Asso- ciation's plan - Medicredit - would give consumers tax cred- its for private insurance or pre- paid plan membership. The very poor would be given certificates to buy insurance, with subsidies of a sliding scale according to income. There would be no provisions for quality or cost controls. And a specific prohibition is includ- ed against government-spionsor- ed charge in the organization of health care. Even the most extensive and stringent of the proposals, the Kennedy-Corman bill, fails tr address the problem that health care in this cpuntry is, essen- tially, disease-treatment. DR. LEON R. KASS, profes soc of bio-ethics, neurology and philosophy at Georgetown Uni- versity, noted the current pro posals "will simply make avail- able to \the non-insured what the privately insured now get: a hospital-centered, highly tech- nological, disease-oriented, ther- apy-centered medical care. "The proposals have entirely ignored the question of whethet what we now do in health is what we should be doing ..The irony is that real econQizing in health care is probably pos- sible only by radically reorient- ing the pursuit of health." Martin Brown is the science editor of Pacific News Service. Contact your reps Sen. Donald Riegle (Dem.), 1205 Dirksen Bldg., Washing- ton, D.C. 20510 Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Rep. Carl Pursell (Rep.), 1709 Longworth house Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep.), Senate, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933. Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem.), House of Representatives, Stats Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933.