Wednesdoy, June 29, 1977 DAILY CLASSIFIEDS (Continued from Page 8) PERSONAL QTyts LUNCH-Come for home 0gn Breakfast all day, great so6ps and egg ros. 3 egg omelets sith res vegetables aod fresh Ornsoets served all day, Sundays -. 1313 South University. eFtc sew: ie off al copies left over- night boo tool! IMPRESS, 524 E. sVilllno, 665-5321. cFtc XEROX AND OFFSET ast, Iow cost duplicating COPY QUICK 127 S. University 769-0560 cFte DISSERTATION SPECIAL LOWEST PRICE I N TOWN FOR COLLATED COPI ES RACKHAM QUALITY GUARANTEED COPYQU ICK 1217 S. niversity, 769-0560 eFtc THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine SEEK FREEDOM FROM MOSCOW: Euro communists soften line LONDON lA) - A Soviet at- existent monolothic Communist dependence." The French Com- * Relations between Moscow tack on the Spanish Commu- movement." munist newspaper Humanite and the Swedish party have nists has further widened the published a mild rebuke of the been strained since the mid- split between Moscow and Wes- THE ITALIAN party leader, attack on Carrillo. 1960s. Sweden's Communists tern Europe's major Commu- Enrico Berlinguer, is seen as call themselves a Western nis patie, ad a Asocited the main architect of Erocom- Of the three major parties, cal httsve a Wser Presa aurvey and Associated l mnism and has often shaken French Communists have been demratic party. Press survey shows that small-Moscowis thhisindepenen c closest to Moscow, though they *The British Communist party er parties, too, are rethinking h i denounced the 1968 Soviet inva- s - their unquestioning allegiance French party leader Georges sion of Czechoslovakia. frequently shows its hy depen- to the Kremlin. Marchais, questioned by report - dene, has publicly opposed the The dispute is growing as the ers about the Soviet artists, Kremlin on the dissident issue Western Communists strive for stressed that "we act full - with the French Socialists, Mar- and has acked Carrillo. popular acceptance with their chais hopes to get a piece of brand of "Eurocommunism," a power in parliamentary elec- movement marked by indepen- tions next spring. dene from the Soviet line and Among Western Eprope's adherence to democratic values. smaller, less successful Com- THE MOST IMPORTANT mmnist parties: parties - in Italy, France and *0Greek Eurocommunists, who Spain - aim for e4her signifi- are organized as the "Com- cant power - sharing or event- munist party of the Interior," ual takeover of their govern- denounced the attack on Car-. ments. To do-this, they reason, rillo as "an expression of out- they must shake the image of dated despotism." Greece's being manipulated from afar. larger Moscow-line Communist But even smaller parties with party is believed to be rapidly no immediate hope for power losing support to the maverick are separating themselves more group. and more from the Soviets. " The Belgian party is cau- The attitude of the Carter tiously taking a more indepen- administration has become a dentline toward Moscow, criti- significant factor in the Euro .cizing Soviet treatment of do- communists' growing debate mestic dissidents and siding with Moscow. Marc ais w C ler ng? er Washington is now taking a softer line on the dangers of Eurocommunism to the Western alliance than did former Secre- tary of State .Henry Kissinger. The current secretary of state, Cyrus Vance, even agreed withw ' a suggestion by an Italian jour- nalist in a recent interview that the potential damage to the So- viet bloc from Eurocommunism might eventually outweigh any harm done to NATO. BESIDES INSLSTING on au- tonomy from the Russians, the Eurocommunist parties say they will seek power through parliamentary means and will generally respect Western dem- ocratic institutions, tactics con- trary to the Russian line. Many Eurocommunists say the Soviet way means repression of human rights. The latest battle broke out last week when the Kremlin de- nounced Santiago Carrillo, head of the Spanish Communist par- ty, accusing him of playing into the hands of "imperialist reac- - tionary forces." Western Euro- peon Communists quickly ral- lied to Carrillo's side. The Kremlin, which still nurses a desire to keep a guid- ing hand on Western European parties, attacked Carrillo be- cause of his outspoken support of an independent line from Moscow. C A R R I L L 0 RETORTED, that Stalinism "still is very much alive in the Soviet Un- ion," and he challenged Soviet leaders to an open debate. This touched a partiularly sore spot with the present Kremlin leaders, who have tried to convince the outside world ON ALL that Stalin and his authoritar- ian excesses are buried for- ever The Italian Communist party, which is the biggest in the West and already has an effective role in the Italian government, said Moscow's attack, publish- ed in the Soviet magazine New Times, was based on a "non- The Crass Eyed iu nrCMosha Moose BiQuI has FREE Inickels arcade PINBALL monsalt930-530 It's a spewing smoke- stack. It's litter in the streets. It's a river where fish can't live. You know what pollu- tion is, But not everyone does, So the nekt time you see pollution, don't close your eyes to it. Write a letter. Make a call. Pointitouttosomeone. who can do something about it. People stmrt pollution. People can stop it. .o Keep America Beautiful " I Pk Avenu. New York, N.Y . 10016