v Pge Si THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 29, 1977 'U' consolidates minority commissions F By LORI CARRUTIIERS The University's C o m m i s s i o n for for Women will cease to exist July 1. On that day, the commission will consolidate with the minority, veteran and handicap commissions and fall under the auspices of the affirmative action program and the direction of Gwen Baker. The consolidation move is considered o be for efficiency, rather than economic purposes. "SOMEONE MIGHT go to the minori- tias, women and the affirmative action office for aid with a problem. This re- sults in three different departments work- ing on the same problem," Baker ex- plained. She sees consolidation as a step toward eliminating repetitive work. But members of the commission are worried that the affirmative action office will not be as effective in rallying wo- men's concerns. They fear that changing the commission's current format will leave women without a place to air prob- lems before they get out of hand. "Lack of direction often means lack of action," one commission member said. Though JBaker has not authorized com- mission members to continue their meet- ings, she did ask for their assistante in the future. "How do we organize? How do we plan?" she asked the commission. Baker criticized the lack of activism by faculty women, minority women and men at the University. "We need their help to be effective," she said. Referring to her status as both a woman and a minority, Baker said, "Don't cut me short in my involvement and interest. "The person who discriminates against women looks the same as someone who discriminates against handicaps and min- orities. We are dealing with the same kind of animal," Baker added. "Advo- cacy is 75 per cent of the work, the other '25 per cent is administration." At an earlier meeting, the-commission met with University President Robben Fleming and asked him how the new of- fice would be organized. "I don't tell a dean how to organize an office so I don't think I'll tell Gwen how to run hers," Fleming told the com- mission. "It is assumed that within the general framework the initiative will come from her, and that she has the power to lean on administrative offices and to come to the vice-presidents and to myself," he said. Fleming said action to consolidate be- gan at this time "partly as an efficiency move. "With Eunice Burns (chairwoman Com- mission for Women) and Joe Wright's (chairman Minority Commission) terms ending, it was a logical time for a shift- over," Fleming said. According to Flem- ing, consolidation will "better intergrate problems with similar elements." The commission was established in 1971 as part of the University's first af- firmative action program. Acting as an advocate for University women, the commission has held noon meetings twice a month to discuss wo- men's issues. atICHIGAN High Court rules against Nixon (Continued from Page1) A a half years in office. But one before him, should be allowed I q Recordings Preservation Act, of the court's dissenters, Jus- to decide which portions of the -I mO was unconstitutional. tice William Rehnquist, said the presidential materials he gen- The court said the act did not Nixon case could affect all fu- erated to give to the govern- ,. -. 5 °violate the separation of pow- ture presidents. ment for public consumption. '"Desire Under the ers between the legislative and His contention was directly e U r eexecutive branches of govern- rebutted by Justice John Paul During Nixon's three-year \ U Ya s AUGUST 4 r ment, did not violate Nixon's Stevens. battle to control the materials, right to privacy or his presi- JUSTICE WILLIAM Brennan the tapes and documents have w t l adential privilege of confidenti- Jr. wrote the majority opinion, been stored at the White House ality, and did not significantly joined by Stevens and Justices and the National Records Cen- JUIra27n30 AUGUST 2 5 interfere with his rights of as- Potter Stewart and Thurgood ter in Suitland, Md. 2 Asociation. Marshall. AndSganan THE JUSTICES also ruled Justices Harry Blackmun, Nixon and other officials of that the law was not an illegal Lewis Powell Jr. and Byron the executive branch have been ou 28 3'S AUGUST 3 a "bill of attainder" - a law White joined in most of Bren- allowed access to them, but the aimed at punishing an individ- nan's findings. General Services Administra- nO ual whose guilt has not been Rehnquist and Chief Justice tion (GSA) was made custo- Mcon -Fri 1 -5established in the courts. Warren Burger dissented, say- dian of all materials by the 1974 The law, and the court's de- ing Nixon, like every president act. ,.-EN. 'I ER or the perform N arts cision, involved only the tapes and papers from Nixon's 5 and - - - -Wheeler vetoesCDB funds for downtown park som eth new U (Continued from Page 3) downtown a r t s competition, get some money from the city stands 18 feet tall and resembles to stick up a statue in the mid- a gateway.'Sullivan said the lo- dle of the street, because they're cation was perfect because the stuck with a statue and no place structure would stand as a con- to put it." nection between the Farmers' CAROL SULLIVAN, chairper- Market area and the downtown son of Ann Arbor Tomorrow, area. said in her opinion the park was On July 6, }Council will con- well within the federal guide- sider a resolution to override lines. the mayor's veto. Eight votes "It's within the CDBG target are necessary to overturn the area and it is preventive of ur- mayor's decision. w ee ::?ban blight," explained Sullivan. Sullivan said she was conf2- SIDEWALK "There's not much beauty in dent the veto would be over- CAFE the area and I think the park is ridden. "Unless we have an ab- t-pe Camrpw, on bnngs the ,ris kaate flat or ofthe side alk cafe it) Ann Arbor Located cotfl he ' ta'ty side- of the C(aipt~t. lon 0the - Lazy Daze 'Sidewalk Cate a accented by cafe tables a ' picnv-basket" ment and a friendly. casual atmosphere And u) keeping ,egh the LEuropean tradi ion. Sangna will be sered in pitchers If you ve never been to garnished with a sidewalk cafe. or just want tasty rwt to reacquaint yourselt with is very special appeal we'll be featurng a pitcher of -Lazy Daze' Sangna dtnrig something pedestrians can ident- ify with." The sculpture, winner of a sentee problem with Council, I see no problem in overriding the veto." )pening. our grand opening week of June 27th. Bnngafnend. Sit, relax and enjoy something that s very new and different to AnnArbor Open 1130 til dusk TONIGHT-Wednesday, June 29 FRENCH NEW WAVE FESTIVAL Originally used to refer to a group of cahiers du cinema critics- turned-directors (Truffaut, Godard, Rivette), the name "New Wave" has since spread to directors such as Varda, Matie, and Vadim who made personal, unpretentious films, often with very little money. 1959 was the big year for the "New Wave," the year it became internationally recognized. This summer, we are presenting six of the best and earliest works of the French "New Wave." BREATHLESS (Jeon-Luc Godard, 1959) 7 & 10:30-AUD. A A French gangster and an American journalist carry on an affair, with the police pn their heels. Godard's tribute to Bogart and American gangster films. "Heart-stopping energy, eye-opening originality, erazy, and anarchic beauty."-Time. From an original story by Francois Truffaut. Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Seberg. French with subtitles. THE LOVERS (Louis Molle, 1958) 8:45-AUD. A Often censored because of its explicitness, The Lovers concerns a marriedbourgeois woman (Jean Moreau) who meets a young man, makes love with him, and decides to stay with him. "Louis Malle has made the film that everyone carries in his heart and dreams of realizing-the story of love at first sight. The Lovers is a passionate film, free, intelligent, with an absolute tact and perfect taste." CampuslJi -.M H ro t i 'ii Aiii Arb'r M' , Phn s Iii 75i zit