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May 06, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-06

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Page Three

Friday, May 6, 1977


Carter in G.B. for talks


LONDON (AP)-President Car-
ter arrived last night on his first
overseas mission since taking
office. He said he brought new
initiatives for a weekend eco-
nomic summit of seven of the
world's richest nations.
The President was greeted at
London's Heathrow airport by
Prime Minister James Callag-
han, who welcomed Carter on
behalf of Europe and said the
summit would attempt 'nothing
less than to overcome poverty,
get people back to work, and
our economies in a healthier
B A R E H E A I) E D in a
drizzling rain, Carter replied
that he was "very proud to
come to London" because of
Britain's historic ties with the
United States "and our special
and very personal relationship."
Carter said before leaving
Washington the summit was
aimed at solving unemployment
and curhing the "rampant roW.
Bing of people by inflation." He
told reporters en route to Lon-
don he had new initiatives, but
did not elaborate on them.
Carter's first act on British
soil was to kiss a lady - Phyl-
lis Lady Stedman, a 60-year-old
baroness who represented
Queen Elizabeth II at the cere-
armor plated Cadillac was flown
in from Washington in advance
as part of the tight security
Police with German shepherd
dogs specially trained to sniff
out explosives searched airport
buildings before Carter's arriv-
al. Police and detectives swarm-

ed over the airport's VIP sec-
The President was whisked
into the city, where he is stay-
ing at Winfield House, official
residence of the American am-
bassador in Regent's Park.
CARTER PLANS to spend to-
day on a sight seeing tour
through historic places in north-
eastern England. U. S. officials
said there were no plans for
him to seek out his ancestral
honwes during the trip even
though Carter said his family
had its roots in England.
Carter is to meet with the

"summit seven" Saturday and
Sunday and hold private talks
Monday with the leaders of Bri-
tain, France and West Germany
on such issues as Berlin and the
spread of nuclear technology.
In an arrival speech, Carter
said, "It is not an accident that
this is my first overseas trip,
because of the historical ties
that hm-e always bound the
United States of America and
the United Kingdom together in
a very special relationship."
"WE IIAVE A special mitual
conmitment to world peace and
See CARTER, Page 14

University votes in
Mobil Oil's favor

Spring stringin'
Looking like the classic street troubador, Johnny Orr lent his
own form of musical artistry to the Diag scene yesterday.
Irish women plea
for end to violence
Betty Williams and N a n c y McDonald, co-founders of the
Northern Ireland People's Peace Movement, outlined their goals
for uniting their homeland last night during a speech at Rackham
The two women, one Catholic, one Protestant are currently
touring the U.S. and Canada trying to raise funds for recreation
centers in their violence torn country. Their Ann Arbor visit was
sponsored by several local women's groups.
"PEACE IS A demanding virtue. It costs nothing else but
everything," McDonald said.
Calling herself the "sympathetic one," Protestant McDonald
told the audience of 100 persons that she had (rganized a peace
rally in August 1976.
"Forgetting Catholics and Protestants, the people of both
denominations stood as one for the first time," she said. "It took
the death of three children before we had the courage to say this
war is insanity.".
THE STRUGGLE between Catholic and Protestant factions
began eight years ago. Since then, 1,805 adults have been killed
and more than 3,000 maimed, McDonald said, producing "a total
lack of everything from employment to social facilities."
See IRISH, Page 14

The University voted against
a Mobil Oil stockholders resolu-
tion yesterday which ws'ld have
required Mobil management to
furnish proof that none of its oil
is being sold to the Rhodesian
white-majority government.
After the votes were tallied at
Mobil's convention in Houston,
the resolution, sponsored by the
United Church Board of Minis-
tries, gathered less than three
per cent of, the shares voted.
The church group had said it
would have considered three per
cent a victory.
Three per cent is the mini-
mum votes needed to introduce
the issue again next year.

Mayoral cam paign
funds questioned
By LANI JORDAN single vote in the April 4 elec-
tion. Belcher is currently con-
Althought the mayor's race testing the results.
concluded more than a month Morris, who issued her state-
ago,'the campaign contributions ment independent of any other
and spending of the two major Democratic council members,
candidates continues to be an said Belcher had failed to report
issue, many of his contributions prior
Recently elected Councilwo- to the election with the intent of
man Leslie Morris (D-Second "dribbling them in six months
Ward) issued a statement Tues- later."
day accusing Republican Louis City election c o n t r o 1 ordi-
Belcher of omitting many of his nances require candidates to file
contributions in a recent cam- periodic reports of all campaign
paign finances report. contributions, listing d o n o r s,
their addresses and amount of
DEMOCRATIC Mayor Albert contribution, prior to the elec-
Wheeler defeated Belcher by a See CAMPAIGN, Page 5

AN OFFICIAL at the conven-
tion yesterday indicated that
without the support of mana-
agement, stockholders resolu-
tions rarely pass. Mobil man-
agement opposed the resolution.
University Chief Financial Of-
ficer James Brinkerhoff said
earlier this week it is University
policy to support management
ip such matters unless there was
some serious disagreement with
management's position.
Although the University $1.9
million in Mobil stock is not a
substantial amount to the huge
corporation, stupporters of the
church resolution argued it
would have been an embarrass-
ment to Mobil if the University
had voted against management.
In this way proponents hope to
change Mobil policy.
THE CHURCH organization
submitted its resolution to the
stockholders charging that Mo-
bil was selling oil to the Rho-
desian government against U.N.
sanctions and U.S. law. The
group backed these charges with
a document purported to contain
secret documents obtained from
Mobil's affiliates in South Africa
and Rhodesia.
Following the publication of
this information under the title
"The Oil Conspiracy," the U.S.
Treasury Department began an
investigation of the charges. The
findings of this inquiry will be
published in the next month.
Brinkerhoff reports he will
look over these findings and
make a recommendation to the
Board of Regents concerning the
future relationship between Mo-
bil Oil and the University of

If the old grey bomb coughs and blows smoke
every time you start it up in the driveway, maybe
.it's just sick. Sunday, May 15, you have the chance
to find out, as something called the "Telephone Pio-
neers of America" hosts a free exhaust emissions
test at the westbound I-94 rest stop west of Ypsi-
lanti, from 9a.m. to- 5 p.m. According to Michigan
Bell, whose employees and equipment will be used,
the test is designed to "promote greater fuel econ-
omy and cleaner air." The test takes about three
But Mrs. Olson ...
Ever wonder why those people on the coffee com-
mercials always looks so miserable? It's not boring
jobs or nosy neighbors, but if a team of University
researchers is right it may just be the coffee. A

study of 83 psychiatric patients showed that patients
who drank large amounts of coffee containing caf-
feine were more anxious and tended to use tran-
quilizers more often. The researchers cautioned,
however, that because their subjects were psychia-
tric patients they could not be sure how the results
apply to the population at large. They also said they
could not definitely link caffiene consumption with
depression as previous studies have done. "Individ-
uals may become depressed and later self-medicate
themselves with caffiene," Dr. John Greden pointed
out. A though to ponder next time you're medicating
yourself over breakfast.
Happenings. . .
. . . are pretty sparse today. For the outdoorsy
type, the International center is sponsoring a field
trip to the Waterloo Recreation Center, leaving at
4 p.m. from the Center, 603 E. Madison . . . and for

the indoorsy type, there'll be two evenings of jazz
at the University Club with the Roots Trio - Vin-
cent York, alto sax player from Mercer Ellington's
band will be sitting in.
Idi slept here
You will recall that Ugandan strongman Idi Amin
said he wouldn't mind being King of Scotland. Now
he says that if a London hotel isn't big enough for his
retinue of 250 persons at the British Commonwealth
conference next month, then "arrangement should be
made for me to stay at Buckingham Palace." The
Queen, one assumes, would not be amused.
On the outside
If you thought summer was a time for sun, think
again. It'll be overcast all day today, with a chance
of widely scattered showers in the morning. Temper-
atures should climb to 73 degrees.

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