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June 17, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-17

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 32-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 17, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

'Ufigh0ts to
The Regents were silent and attentive yesterday as
University Attorney Roderick Daane summarized how
the Board could circumvent the new state Open Meet-
ings Act, which would seem to require the University
to open all decision-making meetings to the general
Daane briefly outlined what he termed the "most
defendable" legal position the University could adopt
for exemption in five areas, and presented each Re-
gent with a copy of his interpretation. The contents
of this document have not been made available to the
LAST MONTH, the Regents asked Daane to prepare
a legal position that could be used to avoid compliance
with the act in the following areas:
* Purchase or leasing of real estate.
Salaries of executive officers and deans.
*Discussion of promotions to dean and review of
current deans.

retain closed meetings

* Discussion of candidates for the vacated post of
vice president for academic affairs.
! Internal audits.
Daane explained the defense of his interpretation
hinged on the key words "unwarranted invasion" of an
individual's privacy, and said publis discussion on these
five areas did represent an invasion of privacy in his
President Robben Fleming told the Board he had
read Daane's statement and believes is to be a "rea-
sonable analysis of the law." Fleming added there is
no way to know whether this position would stand up
in a court of law due to newness of the Open Meetings
Act, which went into effect April 1.
THE REGENTS decided to meet privately last night
and this morning to discuss these five matters.
In further action at their monthly public meeting
and discussion session yesterday, the Board received
a preliminary introduction on the subject of a Health
Maintenance Organization (HMO) for the University

Professor Myron Wegman outlined to the Board a
40-page document he has written on the subject and
explained although the Medical School and University
Hospital feel they could not develop the HMO, it had
received their positive recommendation.
WEGMAN SAID the HMO would be modeled after
the Kaiser medical clinics on the west coast and would
stress more preventive medical activities than the cur-
rent insurance plans. "The desire is to keep them (the
subscribers) out of the hospital and keep costs down,"
he said.
Programs similar to the one the University is con-
sidering are being successfully utilized by both Yale
and Harvard Universities.
UNDER THE HMO plan, the present health service
would be integrated into the program and health care
for students, faculty and staff members would be in-
See 'U', Page 6

Senaterejec ts
/ / orea troop
WASHINGTON /')-The Senate declined yesterday to endorse
President Carter's policy of withdrawing U.S. ground forces from
South Korea in four to five years.
The lawmakers backed away frrom an endorsement during a
debate in which the timing and wisdom of the policy were ques-
SENATORS VOTED 79 to 15 to adopt an amendment by Demo-
cratic Floor Leader Robert Byrd, much modified by suggestions
f from Republican lenders Tbhe amendment diluted a provis'ion which
would have placed the Senate on record as accepting the Carter
The Byrd amendment to a State Department authorization bill
dropped language endorsing the Carter proposal and expressed the
sense of the Senate that any plan to withdraw U.S. troops from
South Korea "should be arrived at by joint decision of the Presi-
dent and the Congress."
irThe original language put bthe Senate on record as affirming
the Carver policy that the United States should seek to accomplish
a complete withdrawal of United States ground forces from the
Korean peninsula within four to five years."
Dailv Phatn b CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER "IT SHOULD be entirely clear that nothing in this amendment
JANET GUTHRIE, the first woman to compete in the Indianapolis 500, was at Briarwood Mall implies that this will be the policy of the United States," said
last night to show off her car, answer questions, and sign autographs. See story Page 20, See SENATE, Page 6
Financial strains burden fim co-ops

Local film co-ops are struggling against
a variety of economic problems which
threaten to alter the quality and quantity
of their programming. Although leaders of
the film groups, which include Cinema It,
Cinema Guild and the Ann Arbor Film
Co-op, are unsure exactly what factors ore
responsible for their economic decline, it
appears certain that there will be a number
of changes in their operations come fall
In addition to the threat of one of the
co-ops folding, other probable policy
changes include:

" Raising ticket prices from $1.25 to $1.50.
* Taking fewer risks on obscure and for-
eign films and scheduling more commer-
cial films.
* Reducing funding for independent fes-
tivals, film lectures and film publications.
* The Ann Arbor Film Co-op may discon-
tinue Sunday and Monday night showings,
and may cut down Friday and Saturday
showings as well as double bills.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op president Lonie
Ruhmann sums up the situation succinct-
ly: "The age of indulgence is over."
Successful management of co-ops, leaders
say, depends on a fine balance between

commercial "moneymakers" and more ob-
scure, yet worthy films. "There seems to
be a widening gap between what the film
co-ops are showing- and what the audience
wants," said Jane Siegel, chairperson of
Cinema II. "But something must be wrong
when Bruce Lee kung-fu movies sell out,
and hardly anyone shows up for a film by
someone like Costa-Gravas.
"PEOPLE ARE more interested in being
entertained and in escaping daily pres-
sures. A lot of people don't seem towant
to go to films that are challenging intel-
lectually," she said.

'The fall w a s slow,
early winter was bad,
late winter was disas-
trous, a n d it hasn't
gotten any better ths5
--Connie Basely,
film co-op

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