Rage Ten THE MCHiG;AN DAILY Thursday, June 16 M P~Ten TIlE MACI-IIGAN DAILY Thursdoy, June 16 197 Black South African Miller tops UMW race students stage protest (GOntinmed from Page 1) shift to English which was gen- erally regarded as more useful The students have urged So- weto's more than one million residents to mourn the deaths by boycotting work, canceling all entertainment and attending mass prayer services. About 250,00) blacks commute to jobs in Johannesburg from Soweto daily. Brig. Jan Visser, Soweto's white police chief, accused the media yesterday of responsi- bliay for the current tension sweeping Soweto and other black townships. He said the lo- cal press had "prepared the climate and the mood for to- morrow's commemoration of the unrest." YET, IN a shift from past policy, the West Rand Adminis- tration Board, Soweto's govern- ing body, relaxed regulations for entry permits into the town- shIp, allowing all accredited re- porters 24-hour passes. Police set up a press tent outside the Protea police sta- tion, the riot control command post, as an information center. The police, despite apparent provocation, have seemed re- strained in quelling eruptions of violence, avoiding conflict with students when possible and us- ing tear gas rather than bullets to disperse crowds. They have also introduced a new weapon - a sneeze na- chine - which spews a combi- nation of tear gas and talcum powder from the top of a shielded Land-Rover to break up rioters. COMMUTER RAILWAY traf- fic between the township of Um- lazi and the coastal city of Dur- ban was restored by midday yesterday, after saboteurs blew up an 18-inch section of rail- road track. Arnold Miller claimed yester- day to have won his second five-year term as president of the troubled United Mine Work- ers (UMW) union. He called on his two rivals to forget the past and join in the fight against the coal operators. As his two opponents agreed the controversial union head appeared a certain winner, Mil- ler said he is "prepared now to go to the bargaining table." THE 54-YEAR-OLD u n i o n chief will negotiate a new work contract with the coal industry this winter on behalf of 277,000 miners. The talks will come at a crucial time in which the na- tion is expected to increase its use of coal as part of Presi- dent Carter's energy program. Government officials believe a strike is almost inevitable. "It is time now for the wounds to heal and for those who opposed him to come for- ward and recognize who the, enemy is, and the enemy is the operators," he told a news conference caisis Cha W. Va., campaign he ters, The official count o day's election won't b until after July 1 but sociated Press tally Miller holding a large le more than 60 per cent ballots counted. MILLER SAID it is u opponents to decide1 they want to cooperate t ed "I will no longer b ant or exhibit the pat have with those whoA working for the member A veteran of 22 years Mines, Miller first wo tion in 1972 on a tide of ers' zeal following the of union insurgent Jo blonski. He defeated in Tony Boyle, who was quently convicted ofgh the murders although trial was ordered. Open feuding broke ou the union leadership wi past two years and Gaer sdJ If Red Cross hadn't trained young Lars AleCksen in lifesaving tech- riiques,last summer Adam Gauthier just might have ended up one more drowning statistic. (AdamS alive and well today, thank you, and in the first grade in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.) We're not asking for medals (Lars is the one who T deserves those). But we do need your continued support. Help us. Because the things we O do really help. In your own neighborhood. And across Y OIL Amnerica. And the world.,= rleston, strikes spread through the cw adquar- fields. Miller's rivals charge that he was inept and lack- d Tues- the leadership ability to run t i e made union effectively. an As- ad wish showed the with of the p to his whetheroo o but add- O ses e toler- are not arI o~sng ship." in the ordn in elec- reform- n flCE murder ck Ya- (contnu[sr tren e, cumbent terest Research Grot in li subse- igan (PIRGIM) said tht a lp ordering surveyf leas in Ann a new and ast Lansint 'i-redth "unenforceable l e a s e ciaus t among are prominent throughouth thin the state. wildcat "I think it's obvious that th illegal clauses are meant to i hibit the tenant," said Kunian Kunian also pointed to a on vey conducted by the istitu of Social Research (ISRI for t mayor's Blue Ribbon Comm tee, that pointed to tenan basic ignorance of the right IN SUMMARIZING, the I survey, the Blue Ribbon cai mittee wrote: "The suriey dicates that tenants are go ant of their legal ights a duties. Elementar econoi teaches no that consmer knot edge is essential for a proper functioning market Yet over per cent of the tenantt survey did not give any orrect swers to five questionso n: l lord-tenant law." But area landlords, ;ote are members of the ishten Property Owners A.nocali (WPOA), object to the man tory provisions. "No doubt snoin elerse Ici Main provisions that are ille or wrong," said i0 itiPo but not all landlord doth If I put this inm isin tin give the impresiont itt doing somethingtilleg'l, rn am not. "EVERY PERSOt - the lease has the t todo reading. It is up to te iiid to find out that smething may sign i lutoust' s Politis. Phillip Weaver of the WPI said, "It is unbelievable i anyone would put such a thi before the Council The 5 possible reason for this on nance is political People wn to keep their name in front the public." Weaver said that new in1 lords will be discouraged fi establishing businesses in A Arbor because of "legal hart ment and threats and o dinai like this one." "WE DON'T mind the having this information, hut can't it be included in the let that all landlords are quired to give their tenants' Weaver said that the has written a "beatifud I that no one could object t unfortunately not all areas lords are members o1 group" AATU spokesperson H ad, agreed with Weaver's slpt of the WPOA lease, bal sat cluding the provinsons in tenants' booklet would 10l an effective remedy. "We know that many of landlords in the area do nt the booklet to their tend: required by law. Tenats don't receive eboo les cotact city govenme 1 1Hadam...