Wednesday, June 15, 1977
Page Five
Wednesday, June 15, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five
IA rtsDarkness'
Locals light upscreen.
SECOND event in the Independent iCnema/Video1
Series, newly formed this summer, promises to be an
exciting one. An open screening of 16mm and 8mm films by
local artists is scheduled for Thursday, 7 p.m. in the Schorl-
ing Auditorium of the Ed. School, on the corner of Monroe
and E. University.
The program will feature a wide range of animated, exper-
imental, documentary and personal films. Any and all films
made by individuals or small groups with limited budgets s
will be screened, as time allows.
Films that have been exhibited previously in the Ann
Arbor 8mm and, 16mm festivals, some prizewinners, have
been scheduled for Thursday, as well as works by artists who
have exhiibted in galleries in Detroit and Chicago.
Filmmakers will be present to discuss their work with the
audience, and discussion is considered an integral part of the
Anyone wishing to submit their work is encouraged to
call 763-4048 (665-8220, after hours). Films need not be mag-
netically or tpically sound-stripped, as both reel-to-reel and
cassette decks will be available.
Admisison for participating filmmakers is free, while
patrons are charged $1 to cover the cost of this event and
upcoming Independent Cinema/Video events of the summer.
Shoot for show
against which the rest of the universe measures
itself." Actors, both onstage aid in the audience
speak at various points during the play's many
revealing monologues creating the impression
that the forces of Darkness is omnipresent, per-
haps omnipotent.
Fortunately, some brilliant comic relief is pro-
vided to balance the show, including a unique
send-up of Hamlet's famed "to be or not to be"
monologue, as the actor delivers his lines from
bed while smoking a joint and dreading the
thought of going to work.
Partly social commentary, partly antic, Out of
Darkness has many moving moments, particu-
larly the section that is performed by women
and about them. Poetry selections from Mari
Evans, T. Dawn McGee and the playwright,
Pugh, are featured. In this section, woman is
seen as a positive force- soft, passionate, sin-
cere and determined.
CLIMAXING THE movement is a dance piece
choreographed by U-M Associate Professor of
Dance, Vera L. Embree, to the music of Nina
Simone's "Black Swan". Choreography and spe-
cial staging is thework of the Detroit City Dance
Company's Carole Morrisseau.
Additionally, there is a vignette entitled "Win-
ston and Maxine", the story of an alderly Detroit
couple who reminisce about life's tips and downs
while browsing through.old photographs. The
smell of greens.and salt pork filters through the
auditorium, making one feel a part of the action,
as the music of Roberta Flack, Nina Samone
and Lou Rawls helps to set the mood, and spe-
cial photographic effects by William Neil Love
also compliment the scene.
Combining an allegorical message with a
unique and, immensely stimulating execution,
Out of Darkness attempts to create more than
what is usually played out across dramatic foot-
boards. The powerful and gripping climax of
the performance derives its effect from a whol- *
ly cataclysmic and cathartic explosion of sight
and sound that fully justifies the warning that
accompanies advertisements for the piece which
says, "*CAUTION: You May Meet Your Soul
A NEW DIMENSION in theatre, incorporating
diverse art forms that include poetry, prose,
dance, music, slides and even aromas, will be
unveiled this weekend in U-M graduate, Barry
K. Pugh's innovative piece, Out of Darkness,
running Thursday through Sunday, with a Sun-
day matinee at 3, in the McCauley Auditorium of
Mercy College in Detroit.
The production centdrs on the character Little
Willie Armstrong Jones, a cocaine addict who
is seduced and finally killed by the formidable
Cocaine Lady, based on a poem by Gyland Kain,
and highlighted with special lighting effects.
Those attending technical rehearsals this week
report that the play is like no other, in that it
involves a barrage of sensory images that quite
sensitively explore the realm of darkness, char-
acterized by a character entitled the Voice of
Darkness, who speaks to the audience from the
rear balcony, amidst a cloud of smoke and
THE VOICE attempts to explain to an ignor-
ant world that the purpose and nature of Dark-
ness is "the space between the stars; the back
of your moon or your mind; the black space
AMATEUR a n d professional
lensmen can vie for cash
prizes and a chance at public
exhibition in a juried photog-
raphy show entitled "Untitled
The only necessary require-
ments for entry are that the
work be properly framed or
at Art Worlds, 213/ S. Main,
where entries must be deliver-(
ed. Contestants may submit
three pieces, and the deadline
for entries is this Saturday,
June 18.
jury composed of professional
photogranhers will be exhibited
matted and that the work should in Art World's Gallery B, from
employ "a creative use of the June 26-29. On July 5, the showQ
photochemical process," The $5 will move to the Ann Arbor Fed- Fth P g h P
entry fee will be used for fund- eral Savings on Liberty, in con-
ing the prizes, and awards are junction with the Ann Arbor Art By BARRY PUGH gave expression to the idea in ties of sustaining myself finan-
expected in denominations of $50 Fair. the form of a poem in which cially caused the project to re-
and $100. Winning pieces will be pub- Shortly after my, stay as a Darkness stated its case to the main dormant for several years.
Application forms are avail- lished in the July edition of the t-M student in Ann Arbor, I world..The poem was translat- It was during my recent two
able at libraries, photography local magazine Art Fare. went to France for a year. It ed into French and performed year stay in Algeria as a
stores and galleries in the area. For further details, call 994- was there that my adamant re- in Paris by a member of Peter French-English interpreter that
Entry forms are also available 8400. action to the countless nega- Brook's acting troupe. the project was revived. Be-
tive references that the French cause of the rich experience I
language makes to anything I already had visions of de- had had at home and abroad,
N dark resulted in my discovery veloping the concept into a the- the concept has, I feel, become
c B of the concept of Darkness. I ater production, but. the reali- artistically more mature.
eCOrds*i~n Bre
01 Waylon - Waylon Jen- Side two opens with the most
nings (RCA APC 12137) rocking songs of the album, two
Waylon Jennings hs always Elvis hits, "That's All Right"
been on the fringe of country and "My Baby Left Me". "Til
music - a chronic discontent. I Gain Control Again" and
This LP opens with his as- "Brand New Goodbye Song"
sumption of more or less of the are a study in contrasts - the
same role. The anti-materialist first is a very country, "please
Waylon surfaces in "Lucken- forgive me" number, while the
bach, Texas", featuring these second is a strong "get lost, I
lyrics, "Let's go back to Luck- don't need you" statement. The
enbach, Texas / Waylon, Willie first is a little too pedal steel-
and the boys / back to the ba- weepy but the second is a very
sics of love." powerful number.
The following song, "If You "Satin Sheets" is also a very
See Me Getting Smaller" is one up song with Jennings fantasiz-
that expresses Jenning's discon- ing about being a rock musician
tent with the musician's life. stud, who with satin sheets,
A song of unusual sensitivity keeps girls "off the streets."
follows, called "Lucille" the "h i Gn.n,
story of a wife and mother who This is Getting Funny,
leaves her family to find a lov- which closes the album is a sad
er. The lover meets Lucille's but animated tne graced with
husband, and in findingout the mxcellent honktonk pianfopabe-
pathetic straits he has beetng ymsca lf oet
left in, he can not bring him- son.
self to make love to her. All in all, this album is one
Next is an old. Neil Diamond more really fine work from the
hit, "Sweet Caroline" which gutsiest voice in. country music,
Jennings interprets even better Waylon Jennings.
than Diamond did with the aid -Gerard Pape
of an exceptionally expressive.
vocal. "I Think I'm .Going To . The first wind tunnel for re-
Kill Myself" and "Belle of the search constructed in any U.S.
Ball," Jennings' only composi- university Weht into- the base-
tion in this set, round out the ment of the Uniersity's East
side, each being every bit a Engineering 1Building5" years
godas4.their eecessa , . - ... e. .a 1
rl- 1 T WW" GPJVI
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