.Poge Two THE MICHIGAN DA"ILY Wednesday, .June 15,.197" UMW awaits ballot results By The Associated Press The three United Mine Work- ers presidential candidates cast their ballots yesterday and each left the polls predicting he would be chosen to lead the troubled, 277,000 member un- ion. Incumbent President Arnold Miller received a warm recep- tion from members of Local 750, on Cabin Creek near Charleston, W. Va., where Miller was a miner for 27 years. lie voted at the union hall, an abandoned school, and then dropped his ballot into a con- verted cereal box. UMW SECRETARY - TREAS- URER Harry Patrick and Lee Roy Patterson, a UMW Inter- national Executive Board mem- STEVE'S LUNCH 1313 S. UNIVERSITY 769-2288 COME FOR: Vegetable Iempura Sweet & Sour Korean Bar-B-Q Dinner Beef Dinner (Bul-go-gee) Fresh Bean Sprouts Mandoo (Kyoza) Plate Brown Rice WE TAKE CARRY-OUT ORDERS her, also received hearty wel- comes. Patrick voted at Bar- rackville Local 4346 in northern West Virginia, where he once was a mine mechanic. Patter- son, a former strip miner, went to a local union hall near his home in Madisonville, Ky. A light rain fell over much of Appalachia where most of the union's members are concen- trated. UMW officials reported a moderate to heavy turnout in the Appalachian coalfields - with the exception of eastern Kentucky - and a heavy turn- out in the Midwest, where the sun was shining. "I look for a good 80 per cent if things so far are any indication," said Larry Rey- nolds, president of UMW Dis- trict 11 in Indiana. "Normally we have only 40 to 50 per cent." UMW officials at the union's headquarters in Washington, D. C., said the election was proceeding smoothly. "WE'VE HAD a few ques- tions but no problems," said UMW teller Fred Merrin. The campaign, however, was anything but calm. And the union has been torn by strife and dissension since Miller brought democracy to the un- ion five years ago. Patterson says he will chal- lenge the outcome if he loses, Observers say such a challenge could seriously hamper UMW negotiators this winter when they try to hammer out a new contract with the coal industry. The UMW represents about 75 per cent of the nation's coal miners. The union membership includes some 187,000 working miners and approximately 90,- 000 retied miners in 25 states and Canada. MOST UNION locals voted from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. but UMW tellers said some of the larger locals would keep their polls open until 9 p.m. The ballots won't be counted officially until July 1. Each candidate, however, kept his own tally. Miller, a 54-year-old disabled miner, has predicted he will win handily. He says a second term will enable him to bring OPEN 11 :00 a.m. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, and PINBALL at the UNION IWre unity to the union and peace to the coalfields, which have been wracked by recurring waves of wildcat walkouts. THE 42 YEAR OLD Patter- son has charged that the ballot is rigged against him. Despite this, he still predicts he will take at least 50 per cent of the vote. Under the union's consti- tution, the candidate receiving a plurality of .the votes will be declared the winner. Patterson draws his support from the union's conservative wing and from supporters of former president W. A. "Tony" Boyle, who was ousted by Mil- ler and later convicted of con- spiring to murder Jock Yablon- ski, a former union rival. Boyle recently was granted a new trial. Patrick, 46, is supported by younger, liberal miners. A for- mer Miller ally, he is the cham- pion of the miners who com- posed the former Miners for Democracy, which led the re- form movement that brought Miller to power. Miller eventually split from his former supporters, however, His top aide now is Sam Church, a former Boyle sup- porter. THE MICHIGAN DAILY volume LXXXvII, No. 30-5 wednesday, June 15, 1977 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage psid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 45109. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Sept. tru April (2semes- ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscriptionrales: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. telling 44 million prisoners in the United States how to escape. For a free booklet on how to stop smokind, . call or write your local unit of the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIEQY