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June 14, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-14

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Page Ten


Tuesday, June 1 4, 97

Page Ten THE MIQ-IIGAN DAILY Tuesday, June 14, 19Th

ity council holds publc Hounds recapture Ray
hearings on leases, porno (Continued from Page 1) state helicopters into the hunt area about eight niles east f
and Shelton and that they mov- Monday morning, but the the prison. The dog Sandy

C ntiiuedn from Page 71
THE ORDINANCE, proposed by Councilman Roger Bertoja1
(R-Third Ward), is styled after Ypsilanti's pornography ordinance
which has passed legal tests in both district and circuit courts. The
measure is aimed at the adult bookstores on Fourth Avenue and
at any distributor who displays adult literature prominently on his
Bertoia has drawn a direct link between the adult bookstores
and the increase in prostiUtion on Fourth Avenue
VICTOR ADA\MO, co-author of a State Bar .ourtatl article on
local pornography oridnances in Michigan said last night the
Council would he making a mistake by passing tie proposed ordi-
"If vos're going to get into a First Amendment area," Adamo
said, "I think you should spend more money studying the prob-
lem, and then draft a better ordinance."
Terry Schultz, who is associated with the Fourth Avenue Adult
Bookstore, questioned Bertoia's motivation in offering the ordi-
"THERE'S BEEN no pubtic outcry, no complaints from area
businessmen. What is the reason for offering this ordinance?"
THOMAS VOCAMAN spoke in favor of the ordinance.
"I think it is absurd to claim any kind of censorship is wrong.
It can be used for good and bad purposes. No human action is
isolated from the totality of society and as such, society has a right
to censor this-."
At another public hearing, Council heard arguments from both
sides concerning an ordinance offered by Mayor Albert Wheeler,
to write four mandatory provisions into all leases signed by tenants
in the city.
THE PROVISIONS inform tenants of their rights upon entering
the contractual arangement and tell them there are legal recourses
available to them in negotiations with landlords.

ed at a slow pace for short dis-
tances, mostly at night.
"You might get over the wall
but you've got to get over a
new wall and that's the ter-
rain," said Lane, a short slen-
der man whose face mirrored
his own exhaustion.
The re-taking of the state's
most celebrated prisoner ended
one of the largest manhunts in
Tennessee's history, costing up-
ward of $200,000 - perhaps as
much as a half million dollars
- said Brooks Parker, press
secretary to Gov. Ray Blanton.
THE SEARCH involved at
least eight helicopters at one
time and 200 law enforcement
officials with six teams of
bloodhounds. In addition, hun-
dreds of area residents went
into the hills with shotguns for
the excitement of the chase and
the possibility of collecting the
$25 bounty for each fugitive.
However, all the fugitives were
caught by badged officers.
The governor had ordered
160 National Guardsmen and

night's developments made that
moot. Searchers were under
orders to make an extreme ef-
fort not to harm Ray, whose,
escape already had fed the
theory that a new conspiracy
was afoot.
Ray's escape brought an out-
cry from people who thought
it was engineered either to get
him out of the country or to get
him killed.
A HOUSE assassination com-
mittee has questioned Ray ,in
its re-opened investigation of
King's murder in Mempbis on
April 4, 1968, trying once again
to determine whether other
people were involved. Ray has
adrnitted btying the rifle used
to kill King as the civil rights
leader stood on a motel bal-
cony, but Ray has said he turn-
ed the rifle over to someone
He pleaded guilty to murder
and had been trying ever since
to withdraw the plea.
About 11 p.m. Sunday the of-
ficers captured Earl Hill Jr., a
murderer, in the New River

Cuba frees 10 Arr
confined on drug

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M E X I C O CITY t') - Ten
Americans imprisoned in Cuba
on drug charges have been freed
and flown here for repatriation
to the United States, U.S. offi-
cials said yesterday.
The release of 10 of the esti-
mated 30 Americans in Cuban
jails was seen as a goodwill
gesture by President Fidel Cas-
tro to help improve relations be-
tween the two countries,
WHEN IT was announced June
3 that Washington and Havana
would establish lower-level dip-
lomjatic ties for the first time in
16 years, the Castro government
said it would release 10 Ameri-
can prisoners. But the State De-

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partment said then the release
"was not part of a deal."
Earlier yesterday, President
Carter told a news conference
there was "no immediate pros-
pect" the United States would
agree to restore full diplomatic
relations, including an exchange
of ambassadors.
The State Department said six
of the released Americans were
arrested in 1975 on drug-related
charges and were serving terms
of three to seven years. The four
others were arrested earlier this
year on .drug-related charges
and had not yet been formally
sentenced, the department said.
SEVEN OF the remaining 20
Americans known to be in Cu-
ban jails were held on political
charges. The Cubans said June
3 they would review all 20
U.S offiicals have said the
994-5350 516 E. Liberty

her 14-month-old sisterliĀ±
Red, picked up Ray'see
from that spot and prison affi-
cials were confident of an ime
nent capture that the1 antnn5
ed they were in pursit Of Ray
DAUGHERTY, a guard w
trains the prison's blnodhOtd
said the dogs can pick ap
scent of a man on the rtn,
"I don't kniii what it 1s," hi
said. "But there's something
the human makeup whe
they're leading you tr runni
off - they put out a differer
odor than they do uhes 1St-e
are just walking through.
"That dog can detect a sir
gte odor in a 30-man ,rlpeny
one of them runs, t's i-
him and I c-n sot it mans
times out of 100."
Y E S T E R D A Y mtornin1
Sandy ran Ray's track 'daw
over a bluff across state bg
way 116, down another hltt
and then down into a creek,
Daugherty said. That hrttsgh
the searchers to a pileo
leaves covering a coterit
situation of the remini ig pri:
oners would be a key matter o
concern to the U.S. diploisa
expected to take up posts i
Havana by the end of summer.
A U.S. Embassy spokesmas
here said the 10 freed Americas
were flown to Mexico Cite on
regular Mexican airline con
mercial flight Sunday night
HIE SAID they all left fa le:
homes in the United States a
various flights yesterdtu-
The prisoners refused , sIon
the embassy to release the:
names, so under the U.S Pr
vacy Act their identites wet
being withheld, tte sit'ma
"'thee have all ettne ' the:
various hometowns Thes re
fused to let us disclose the:
identities. They didn' sustt
talk to the press here t? the
may probably talk to iti
back in the States, h d
Diplomatic relations httwet
the United States aind Iat Ser
severed in early 1961. th
final days of the Eisn ilS
The two contries
June 3 they would estabtih
c a 11 e d "interest se tinit"
each other's capitals, Cuha:
diplomats will be statinunid i
Washington under the aegis a
Ihe' Czecholoslovak emlbattl
and the U.S. diplomats willN
posted in the old U.S. Fmh55S
in Havana under the sponsorsh
of the Swiss embassy.

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