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May 05, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-05

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Page Ten


Congress counseled to
limit Mideast oil reliance p

Carter'.is ecretaries of state and
defense told Congress yesterday
that the Usited States faces ser
ions rmittary ad diplomitic
problems tatcii it qitckly te-
dace it-' rtianc on liddte
Easternt te
Earliet President Carter totd
Iienibers ft Conigrses at thte
White Honse that his energy
package inc!tes tt3 tegistative
propitsats and that he expects

Congress to share the heat with
him on the unpopular sections.
his proposed tax on gasoline and
said the American people want
to make a patriotic effort to help
the United States oat of its en-
elgs problems.
Carter- also said he believes
his proposals will cause less
sweeping hardship and criticism
than he had first anticipated.
Testifying before the house

The Womenis Program Coorindotor's
Office is publishing a Directory of Uni-
versity and Community Resources for
Women in June '77.
This is a student-oriented handbook that will
list and describe organizations which provide
services to women. Thus for we have compiled a
list of campus organizations as follows:
Academic Women's Caucus .... Telephone 764-5323
Advisory Committee for Affirmative Action
for Women in Public Health.........764-1380
Affirmative Action Proarams ...........763-0235
Anthrealeeav Women's Cacus .........643-5734
Seck Women's Caucus ............... 764-299
Center for Contdoine Education
of Women IC..W. . 764-6555 ' 763-1353
Chican Women's Seminar ........ . ....1995.1521
Child Care Action Center .............. 764-3487
Cemsnissin far Women ...... 763-223
Commitee to Stad S tateu of Women
ia Geedoee Edaction .......764-9477
Faculty Women's Club ...... 871-6654
Feminist Leal Services ...,.. ......... 763-4158
Graduate Womne's Socielovy Caucus .... 668-4778
History Oeartment Women's Caucus ..... 995-4764
Human Senuaity Committee -
Latin American Women's Group .........995-1019
Lesbian Advocate Office .............. 763-18
Medical Center Commisson for Women .. 744-6848
Michigan Women In Science............763-0276
National Council of Nero Wom 71 94-8.1 -S3880
Of" e for Women in Enineerin . . . 763-527
Oraniation for the Advancement of
Women in Manoqemeat .. 994-0661
Panhellenic Association (Sororities) 663-4505
Pound House Children's Center .. 764-2547
School of Education Commission
for Women ...... ...764-7554
School of Social Work Parent's Group
School of Social Work Women's Caucus 7644454
Society of Women Engineers ......... 995-4274
Women's Athletic Department ......... 763-2159
Women's Caucus Political Science
Deartment ............ 764-6394
Women's Prison Proiect
(National Lawyer's Guild) .
Women in Communications, Inc. ....... 764-0420
Women in Linguistics ; .. ... 764-0353 Et, 21
Women Law Students' Association . . . 763-4158
Women in Psychology ........ 764-2572, 764-6572
Women of American Native Tribes
(W.A..T. . . . . 71-1352
Women at the University Faculty .... 763-4340
Women's Proram of Career
Planning and Placement . .......... 764-7460
Women's Program Coordinator Office
(Women's Advocate) ...... ..... 763-4187
Women's Research Club 764-3482
Women's Studies Proram............ 763-2047
Women's Studies Faciitators Organiotion 763-2047
Underaduste Women's Organisotion .... 763-4187
Alumni Association, Alumnae Council . . .. 764-0385
Counselin Center . . ............ . .. ..764-9466
Counseling Services .......... .....764-8312
Guild House-Campus Ministry.........662-5189
Healh Education Department ....... ... 763-1320
Problem pregnacy counslin elso available
at Neolth Service:.,......-.. .......764-8329
Office of Ethics and Religion ..........764-7442
International Center Women's Hour.
If you know of otlkr organizations, formal or in-
formal, that def with the concerns of women but
are not listed above, please contact us at 163-
4187 (from 1:00 to 5:00, M-F) or drop a note
by at 3411 Michigan Union.

Ad II c Committee on Energy
Defense Secretary Harold Brown 7
called the growing shortages of 7
assured energy resources the
most serious threat to the long-
term security of the United
HE SAID the military, polit
cal and economic risks of oil in-
terruptions are increasing as the
nation's dependence on imported
Oil continues to grow.
The Soviet Union, he said,
could in some future confronta-
tion cut America's oil lifeline by
attacking oil-loading facilities in -s Y
the ports of the Persian Gulf
and by striking at tanker move- --
ment on the high seas.
Brown said the United States j
must minimize its dependence h
on Persian Gulf oil, develop al-
ternative sources of oil in the
western hemispheredevelop al-
ternative energy supplies and x;y
secure a billion-barrel petro
learnstockpile as quickly as pos-
Secretary of S t a t e Cyrus
Vance said the nation's energy
problems are shared equally
with America's key trading
partners around the world.
He said the cornerstone of the
Carter plan is to conserve the
scarcest fuels while using those
that are most plentiful under a
price structure that reflects the AP Photo
replacement cost of energy. Energy saver
South Africa's policy of racial Rep. Austin Murphy (D-Pa.) employs the most efficient means
segregation, apartheid, began travel known to man whie enroute to the White House for a
in 1949. under [.F. Mialan. meeting with President Carter conceruing energy.
No arms progress: Vance

of State Cyrus Vance said yes-
terday no progress has been
made toward a new nuclear
arms agreement and he held out
little hope for a quick end to the
U.S.-Soviet deadlock over limit-
ing nuclear weapons.
After more than a month of
constant conversations with So-
viet Ambassador Anatoly Dory-
nin on a strategic arms limita-
tion treaty (SALT), "we have
put no new proposals on the
table nor have they," Vance

IN HIS FIRST Washington
news conference since March 4,
Vance said he did not want to
speak hopefully about his up-
coming SALT talks in Geneva
with Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei Gromyko.
"When you put things in terms
of hope, one tends to sometimes
create expectations and get one-
self into problems," Vance said.
The secretary and Gromyko
will meet May i8 in Geneva to
resume the SALT talks which

broke down March 31 after the
Russians flatly rejected new
American proposals.
Vance had offered a plan to
make major cuts in existing
nuclear arsenals and to retard
development of new a t o mii
weapons. These were turned
down on grounds they were in-
equitable and violated previou.
understandings on how negotia-
tions would proceed.
A U.S. patent is valid for 17
years and may not be renewed.

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