StujrdaY J .une 11, 197-7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine IDaily Clasiliflieds Ferency to run for governor (Contirnued from Page 8) PERSONAL N; q(NNISSEUR COLLECTION of F . ao t9he0,s Day f0the Exhibit Gift otOfIShop,16Atuosi -tScience N.Universiiy aind Geddes. .P9-4-3. SaL. & Sun. 1-5. 49F617 YEAR OLD project manager, non- at0 . Chritian, mirelApe minded, in Come $0600. Like to Nelt ttt a ive~~ girl 57" & op. end -twa Aa photo to 05408 Scott 102, roat.l0 48080. 678615 SAIL1ING - One crew -mate needed o er weeed raing at neaehy 11u- rocta porate Yacht 01ub. 19 tt. Juter- 950!, e 0'. o it50ou 0an sil well, will teot t SINNAKEiI handig56' 045, is. maximum. Phone 662-608 weeka~dys 18am-4 p.m. 42 616 LIVE STUDY 0 TRAVEL ABROAD Da it this years UOSR~prance, England, Spain, Italy, Viena, Switzerand. Accredited Uni- vesity study. Family tay or dorm, tuition, meals, leader, excursions, air. Suammer, nemester, full Sear. Center for Foreign Study, Admis- ioca--Dept. D-6, 216 S. State/Son 606 Ana Arboar, MI 4110'!. Telephone 313/662-5075 cF618 THE PIZZA MACHINE is t the CrosoyedMoose. 60.0 E. LikerO. Open every day. eF6lO ICHARD, What is wroag with you??!! fIf Yat don't oh op tonight Iwill be ver DENISE 60611 JOHNSON -- Kitty ct ikers drink PERSONAL 7 H.-Ccairatsalc it laaaoaot he gut hi ~ i~ nthe froan at atofe- tevday'c DAILY. See what 5000.miss wheayo o cut oftowon'Youtonily get pour inatitalstnca cae . tllardiy caythoing to write home aoost!) Hare yoi checked ot Rosh St. tetO' I expect you tobeltoouaclly vented with 1t.-Me 40611 YOUNG MALE Nistoictorcea wmot aa who is really into spott to plat padd6leball, wateskidttr- ico-tstaaer mcothts, Phaoae 973- 220 37F617 PREGNANT? Need help? Call Proal1mPreegnaceHelp. 769- 7203. Pregnnp tsts available. ct PERMANEN'T WEIGHT LOSS ThaoughB ekha io r Modifi-ation. WolvernorInstittate, 973-1480. c~t RATHER RE TRAVELING THAN STUDYING? Join the INTERNA- TIONAL CO-OP toe ethnic mseals, crosa-cultureal socializing and out1- ,,reossvolleyball. 261-7435.066F611 AVON SUMMER SALE June 1th-li a om.-8p.m. Call 662-4401 for details CTFtc ONE GAME ORES howling with this ad at Ypsi-Arbor Games. Pinball, pool ond saloon tool 2915 Washte,- naw, 1 mile east of U.S. 23. oFlil STEV'S LUNCH--Come toe home cooking. Breakast all day, great snups and egg- rols, 3 egg omelets with fresh vegetabirs and fresh LANSING7 QUPI)-Galling him- sel a bhorn again Democrat," "ultraliberal Zolton Ferency oaid ycsterday hc will run for gover- nor in 1978, his third atempt to ci electiontothe170stat's high- esl office. Fcrcncy, foainder of the radi- cal Hiumaa Rights Party (HRP), rejoined,-the Democrats earlier Ibis year because he said the voice of socialiats was not being adoqtuately beard through the third party movement. lIE SAID the HRP failed be- caase it lacked the credibility of the two major political par- ties and was unable to get media expnsure. " What is needed is a whole new approach to the economic and soil problems of our, state," Ferency said. "No other candidate will be talking about the fundamental Ichange. that will have to be made in the way we are present- ly lost things." FERENCY filed hit staltemenl oaf organization wvith the Secre- tary of Sate's office yesterday in order to start raising contri- bullions. If he collects $59,000, Ferency, like 100e other awl- nouced candidates, wouild be- come eligible for partial public matching funds. "Shouild I be saccesfoll in ob- taining thet requlired petition sig- natures and the necessary fi- nancing, I expect to wage a vigorous campaign next year on -issues of major concern to ihe people of Michigan," he said. Before splitting with the Dem- ocrats to tart the HRP in 1970, ferency was high in the Demo- cratic Party hierarchy. HE WAS state party chairman from 1963-68 and ran for gover- nor in 1966 against former Gov.' George Romney. Ferency also waa the HRP'S ,tindict.:lt toar gaaverratr in 1974 aind ran fir tile stelle Salrcme to irI ill 1976. Now ti prifessor taf criminal jusicaic higan Silie Uni- vertioy, Erecy sauid lhewill strest jobsand tatciaalwelfare in his c_+tnpalign:. " "IF WAT':re ttcreate tobs for thosec who aire underemlployed or tllenlayed, whe mutt no longer rely upon ihe private secctor of the economy," lise said. "We have lealrned to our cha- grin that no matter how we, toy with regullaltions or rinker with the lax system, private corpfo- rate enterprise continues t0 inake record profits in a period af declining employement." tlhers seeking the Democratic gobernatorial nomination a r e state Sens. Patrick McCollough of Dearborn and William F't- gerald of .Detroit and forraer state Pubhlic Service Commission member Willialm Ralls. Cupc wWcrl4iipe'aice4 PSI low wtd 100 RT T r Cyn -N.ES. 4614 benpopnuts served all day, Suandayts FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST,- 10-8. 1313 Soath University. c~l SINTS IT ANN ARBORS nly Igem 1ab ______IENTIST- _ ore yas spend youe money need- COPIES-As low aso 2%c. IMPRESS 1133 Washtenaw sly. ine quality diamonds and (Stilt the Cheapest!t), 524 E. William, Sunday Services and Sunday peices on oll engagement and 665-4321. r~te School-10:30 am. Iintg clogs. Austin Diamond, . - -. 9 5. University, 663-7151. cFtc FRIENDS LAKE COMMUNITY 16- Wednesday Testimouny Meet- __ _..___ acre wildlife preserve near Chele- ing-8:00 p.m. 3HARD, 'Swiming, sailing, canoeing. ale- CidCr, una-ne eally thitnk you should lease lnicking, camping. All-year member- ChlCreSna-dr2 othoao clone, ship ssn per adult. Children tree. years. PETE dF6ll Beochure team Bloods, 2005 Penn- Midweek Informal Worship. JAZZ cat n ro 15. 4P1- Reading Room-306 E. Liber- the Uciversity Club with the GHADUATE STUDENT COUPLE de- ty, 10 - S Monday - Saturday; tt Trio and Friendo Ncel Con- aires to hotuse-sit for faculty, tee- closed Sundays. ighan. piano: Ted Harley. bass;:ious, quiet, good referencec. Tom., ailey Slaughtter, deums;a and teo- 663-2671. 0F614 FRTCNRGTOA tag Vincent Yaek of the Merceer - ---FRTCNRGTOA cg;tcn Rand on alto sa. Fidoy XEROX AND OFFSET CHURCH Scodody eeiings 9:30 p.m.- Rv er .Sih 0 0 :,m inte club0cocktailil10nge fas, l1w cos~tapliratian RvgTryN.Sih tchligan Union Union buld- COPY QUICK Senior Minlister Atk hostess foe a tree triol 1717 S. Unittartaty 769-6560 608 E. William, corner of State it __r ip.76-236.e- - Ptc Worship Service-10:30 a.m. AVONĀ°' SUMMER SALE Sunday Morning Wrship-10 AVO isJtune 11th. For fee Sbcroceo anm. First Baptist Church. inforationus call Audrey Stein at BbeS0d-1am 662-4401 anytime.,0 ibe tuy-t m UM E ALE" _ Fellowship Meeting Tuesday Saturday, June 11nth DISSERTATION a1 7:30 p.m. liddn Valey lubhuse DE ('IAUNIVERSITY CHIURCHI aAtrthnarlewo'"CClbouse)FLC,.ALOF THE NAZARENE oft SStt)409 5. Division op bO anytime 11 am.-8 LOWNEST PRICE M. Robert Fraser, Pastor f REMN DOS SAINGSChurch Schsol--9:45 a-in. 'R6eoENOUSYSA ING IN TOWN FOR Motarning Worhip-11:06 a.m. C-67LAoff EVERYTHINGEveniog Worhip-7:00 p.m. tk-pCounseliong & Dtemon- C LA EwCPE RcACKsHAMaQeALIIt UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN tt Pie,c(jusattfor oming) AKHM ULIY CHAPEL.,6 lCMS) ~ ta otatita is available--Call GUARANTEED 1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560 ?ort~c Cassie a0 663-4461 """s'\"-slr. Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor ~EE THE NEWEST, COA rt UJI C K~I Sunday Morning Worship at THE COOLEST & THE 1775Utteiy,6-06 9:30. LATEST OF AVON Y 27S nvriy 6-50ctoc Sunday Bible Sttidy at 10:45. ADVERTISING IN DOESN'T COST I ~IT PAYS!1 YOU'RE READING THIS, AREN'T YOU? E Dspay-764-05.54 Classiieds-764-0557 UNIVERSITY REF0ORMED ST. MARY STUDENT CHURCH CHAPEL (Catholic) 1001 E. Huron 331 Thompsgn-463-0557 Calvin Malefyt, Alan Rice; Weekend Masses: Ministers Saturday-S p.m. 9:30 am. - Classes for all Sunday -- 7:43 am., 9 am., ages. 147:30 am., noon, and 5 p.m. 10:30 am.-Morning Worship. * 5:00 p.m-Co-op Supper. ANN ARHOR CHURCH OF 6:00 pm.--Informal Evening!. CHR0IST Service. 530 W. Stadium Blvd. * * 0 (one block west of U of M FtRST UNITED METHODIST Stadium) State at Huron and Washington Bible Study - Sunday 9:30 Dr. Donald B. Strobe a.m.; Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Fred H. Maitland Worship - Sunday, 10:30 a.m The Rev. E. Jack Lemon and 6:00 p.m. Worship Services at 9:00 and Need transportation? Call 662- 11:00. 9928. Church School at 9:00 and0 I 11:00./ CAMPUS CHAPEL--A Campus Adult Enrichment at 10:00. Rev. Don Postema, Pastor WESLEY FOUNDATION Reformed Church UNITED) METHIOD)IST Ministry of the Christian CAMPUS MINISTRY 1236 Wahtenaw Ct. W. Thomas Schomaker, Welcome all studenits! Chaplain /Director 10:00 am.-Morning Wtorship. 10 am.-Morning Worship. 6:011 p.m. - 'ommonion Serv- 5:30 p.m. - Clebration/F'l- ices'. Itaiship. 0 6:15 p.m.-Shored Meal, 75c. UNIVERSITY C'HURCHI Extensive praogrammingg Itor OF CHREIST undergrads awl grad students. Presently Meeting at the Slop in tar call 668-6881 faor in- Ann Arbor Y, 1311 S. Fifth formatlion. David Graf, Minister * ' 0 Stdents Welcaome. LORD) OF I.IGHTrLUTHERAN Forinr formation (r tIrwi pr- CHURCH (ALC-LCA) tatiao: 63-3333 or 426-3809. Gordon Ward, Pastor 10:00 atm.--Sunday Warship. 9301 S. Forest at fill St.a Sttnday Service at 16660a0 FIRST PRESIBYTERIAN * * * CHURCH A5MERICAN BAPTIST 1432 Washtenasw Ave. CAMPUS CENTER 662-4466 502.'E. Huron--663-9376 Sunday Morninlg Worshtip at Ronald E. Cary, Minister 9:36 am.' Worship - 10 am.; B i b 1 5:010 p.m. --Seminar al Ratllo School-Il am. Ma's: "Loave and Will." SALE , DOWN JACKETS. VESTS, PILLOWS & COMFORTERS At Rockbottom Prices' Ripstop Jackets, $34.95 Ripstop Vests $19.95 SAVINGS on mana more styles: 665-3818 Oven 1tita5:30 pm.