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June 10, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-10

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Fridkay, June 10, 1977


Page Three

High Court says states can't
restrict contraceptive sales

Supreme Court ruled yesterday
that states may not bar the
sale of contraceptives to chil-
dren or restrict where adults
can buy contraceptives.
Voting 7-2, the justices struck
down a New York law that had
placed tight controls on the
sale of contraceptives. The
court also ruled that states
cannot ban the display or ad-
vertising of birth control de-
IN THE MAIN opinion, four
of the nine justices said chil-
dren have the same right to
sexual privacy that adults have.
Under New York state's law,
youngsters under 16 could ob-
tam contraceptives legally only
from doctors. Adults could pur-
chase contraceptives only from
As a result of the court rul-
ing, contraceptives will be able
to be sold anywhere and chil-
dren will be able to purchase
WHILE FEW states have
gone as far, as New York in
making contraceptives unavail-
able to youngsters, 17 states
and the District of Columbia
limit the places where adults
can buy contraceptives. Twen-
ty states have rules about the
advertising and display of con-
While a majority of the jus-
tices found New York's law de-
fective and ruled that the dis-
play and advertising bans were
unconstitutional, only four jus-

tires joined in the court's main
opinion declaring that children
enjoy the same rights to pri-
vacy in sexual matters as do
Justiaes Lewis Powell Jr.,
John Stesens and Byron White
did not endorse that section of
the main opinion written by
Justice William Brennan Jr.,
who was joined by Justices Pot-
ter Stewart, Thurgood Marshall
and [arry Blackmun.
Burger and Justice William
Rehnquist voted to uphold the
New York law.
Powell said he thought the

law should he struck down be-
cause it infringes on the priv-
acv rights of "tmarried females
between the ages of 14 and 16"
and because it prohibits parents
front distributing contracep-
tives to their children.
Brennan's opinion ismade no
distinction between the privacy
rights of children and adults in
sexual matters.
protected right of privacy . .
does not, however, automatical-
ly invalidate every state regula-
tion in this area," he said.
"The business of mansifac-
See HIGI, Page 6

Oil dri is slate
forests questioned

The University of Michigan
Pigeon River Country Associa-
tion (UIMPRCA) will hold its
first of a series of statewide
forums tomorrow to explore the
question of oil drilling in Pigeon
River State Forest.
Pigeon River is the largest
state forest in southern Michi-
gan and contains one of the last
remaining herds of elk east of
the Mississippi.

A bit of fe bubbly
Some see the world through rose colored glasses but Charlotte
Dery just seems happy creating air-thin prisms of crystal
imagery-alias bubbles.

House group OK's $122 million for 'U'

director Dwight Campbell, there
are an estimated 76.9 million
barrels of oil in he Pigeon River
country area-enough for four
days of oil consumption on the
national market.
The issue, said UMPRCA's
Nancy Arons, is "environmental
concerns versus e n e r g y re-
sources." Shell Oil wants to ob-
tain ten drilling permits in the
area, but two organizations-the
Pigeon River Country Associa-
tion and Western Michigan En-
vironmental Action-have taken
legal action against the com-
pany's request.
Tomorrow's forum, which will
be held in the Utniversity's Art
and Architecture Building audi-
torium at 4 p.m., will give both
sides a chance to air their
ural Resources (DNR) is faced
with the Pigeon River dilemma
because of the lack of a co-
herent policy for land designa-
tion," Arons said. "They treat
each case as an isolated situa-
tion. Comprehensive guidelines
are needed to measure state
land's potential value in regards
to both the area's sensitive en-
virotnmental qualitie sond pos-
sible land use."
UIPRCA p r e s s seciretary
See 011, Page 6

The financially strapped Uni-
versity received some good
news yesterday when the House
Appropriations Committee ap-
proved a bill that would give
the University $122.2 million in
the coming fiscal year. That is
a $1 million increase over a
similar Senate measure.
The bill grants Michigan col-
leges and universities $554 mil-
lion and is a $9.3 million in-
crease over the Senate bill. The
amountjis about a $9.7 million
increase over Gov. William
1Tiken's recommendations.

Vice President of State Rela-
tions, Richard Kennedy, the in-
crease is a welcomed and need-
ed sign that the legislature is
sensitive to the needs of the
"When ever you get $1 mil-
lion it is a pretty good shot in
the arm," Kennedy said, "it
is a pretty healthy sign."
Kennedy said he thinks the
House will approve the meas-
ure as it stands however he sus-
pects some problems will arise
when the bill goes to committee.
THE BILL must go to cOm-

mittee in order to resolve any
differences between the House's
version and the Senate's ver-
sion, and a compromise is ex-
"While I will be delighted if
the bill will hold (the ($1 mil-
, lion increase), the amount will
probably end up somewhere be-
tween what the House and Sen-
ate approved," Kennedy said.
The increase will come in the
face of ten per cent dorm rate
hike and a tentative eight to
nine per cent increase in tui-
However the increase does

not mean the financial woes of
the University will be over. Ac-
cording to Kennedy the Senate
bill left the University with a
$2 million deficit to work out.
The House's increase will only
cut the deficit by half.
"We are still some distance
from where we will have a
balanced budget," he said.
The University of Lausanne,
Switzerland, was established in
1537. By 1586 it had become fa-
mous 'for the education of Prot-
estant ministers.

Rolling plunder revue
That slow freight you saw sitting on the tracks
near the Stadium isn't really a freight at all -
unless you count folk art, paintings, photographs
and .sculpture as freight. If's the Artrain, which
is getting ready for its Ann Arbor opening on
Monday. Billed as "a celebration of the American
spirit," the six-car train presents a visual and oral
picture of America's artistic heritage. During its
six-week stay, dance and theatrical performances
will be scheduled on an outdoor stage adjacent to
the Artrain, which is located on a track just north
of Stadium Blvd.
Happenings. ..
.- 7 get up this morning and rummage' sBt you'll
have to go a rays - the Pleasant Valley A.ME.
Church, 45620 Yictorta in Belleville is holding a
rummage sale and a cake walk from 10 a.m. to
6 p.m. ... Friends of Drug te1 p reminds you that
they're recruiting volunteers to staff their 24-hour

hotline - call 994-4347 for details ... the Graduate
Employee's Organization (GEO) will hold a TGIF
from 4 to 6 p.m. at 514 E. William for all GSA's
... and the International Center hosts a guided tour
of -the Botanical Gardens, leaving from the Center
(603 E. Madison) at 4 p.m.
Squeeze play
Norfolk, Va. gays didn't squee.ze Anita's fruit, but
they certainly upset her fruit basket at an Anita
Bryant religious crusade Wednesday. The singer,
who recently mounted a campaign to repeal a Dade
Countyl, Flu,. ordinascI~e guaranteeing, rights to hom o-
sexuaLs, burst into tears when about 300 gay rights
activists howled, hooted and stormed out of as
arena where she was porforming. The activis -
became enranged when Bryant tried to end her
performsance by reading a biblical passage damn-
ing homosexuals as sinners. Bryant said afterward
that she and her husband came so Norfolk to save
ga's from their sin

Books for burgers
The director of the Harri Public Library in
Woonsocket, R.I., has come up with a way to nab
felons who keep overdue library books - give them
hamburgers. Director Charles Moore says he hopes
to get back 900 books worth $4,500 by offering cou-
pons for free hamburgers at a local fast food out-
let to people returning overdue books between now
and June 18. After the burger amnesty period, tres-
passers will get two notices by mail before the city
solicitor takes legal action. Now if only President
Carter would offer Big Macs tuo Canadiani draft
resisters . . .
On the outside
And you thought summer was gori. lIt it was
just hiding, because today dear d Mr un wilt
l u out and bad old Mr. Clod wil be noS hcr ? to
be seen, as the high hits 76. A low of SO is expect-
ed tonight, saud - tomiurrow the umercury wil climb
to 80, but watch Wt Sor Mu'. Sudden Thunadersiow
er in the afternoon.


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