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May 05, 1977 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-05-05

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Thursday, May 5, 1977
Rep. Tonry resigns,
plans to run again


Page Seven

Richard Tonry (D-La.) submit-
ted his resignation from Con-
gress yesterday because of al-
leged voting fraud but vowed
he'll win the seat back in a
new election.
Speaker Thomas O'Neill's
aides said he, would put the
freshman Louisiana Democrat's
resignation before the full
"Keep my seat warm," Ton-
ry said in his resignation letter
to the speaker, "and tell my
colleagues not to forget me be-
cause I am running again and
will win again."
Tonry submitted his resigna-
tion hours before a House ad-
ministration committee panel
was to meet on whether to rec-
ommend his removal from Con-
The panel got a report from
its own investigators Tuesday
on the alleged fraudulent votes
blow up
SALtSBURY, Rhodesia tAP)-
Saboteurs, believed to he black
nationalist 'guerrillas, blew up
a train on the main Rhodesia-
to-South Africa railroad near the
IBotswana border, Rhodesian se-
curity chiefs said yesterday.
A black railroad worker was
killed and soother black em-
ploye injured in the blast Tues-
day which threw two locomotives
and a number of freight cars
off the tracks, a security force
communique said.
The bold sabotage of one of
Rhodesia's two transport links
with the South African coast
was reported as the government
disclosed that March saw the
second biggest exodus of whites
from the embattled territory
since the break from British
rule in 1965.

but delayed action.
TONRY TOLD Louisiana Gov.
Edwin Edwards in a separate
resignation letter that a House
investigation and his own "con-
vinced me that there were
fraudulent and illegal votes
cast in my favor and in favor-
of my opponent."
But despite a Louisiana state
judge's ruling the week before
last that he sits in Congress
only through "fraud and ill prac-
tice," Tonry said he still be-
lieves he would have won if
all fraudulent votes had been
thrown out.
ic nomination last October by
184 votes, and Judge Melvin
Shortess ruled he got at least
229 fraudulent votes compared
to at least 25 for his opponent,
James Moreau.
Tonry got 48,789 votes to Mor-
eau's 48,605 and went on to beat
Republican opponent Robert Liv-
ingston by 4,973 votes, 61,652 to
56,679, in the November elec-
Asked how ie felt, Tonry said,
"Sad. Sad that it came to this.
But I'm looking forward to the
HOUSE EXPERTS colld find
no precedent for a member vol-
untarily giving up his seat to
run in a new election.
Records indicate that if he
had been removed, it would
have been the first in the his-
tory of the House for fraud in
a nominating primary rather
than the general election.
Tonry told Edwards that even
though he thinks he would have
won anyway, the fact "that
fraudulent votes were cast at
all is deplorable."
First Meetings:
Monday, May 16, 8:00 p.m.
Monday, May 9, 8:00 p.m.
Monday, May 16, 9:00 p.m.
at IM Buildin, ,606 E. Hoover
Contact: Sandy Sanders,

REP. RICK TONRY (D-La.) talks with reporters in his Capital Hill office Wednesday. La
Tonry said he would resign from Congress under charges of winning nomination by fraud
will run for the office again in a new election.

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