Ned,esy, Jwe~, ,1977
Two millage proposals, one
affecting the regular operation
budget of city schools and the
other funding special education
i; the Washtenaw Intermediate
School District (WISD), are
mong the issues facing city
oers in Monday's school elec-
1he first millage proposal is
enewal of a current 13.66
operating millage ' for city
choals. If passed, part of the
present annual school tax,
1o mills per $1,000 property
Poge Threa
for an(
to 1982
erty -
ket val
said th
bor scl
ing, th
tion of
to fund specialeducation
nent would be renewed cut out if the Operating Millage handicapped persons in the Because of recent state
other five years - 1978 is not passed' - well, we shud- WISD. federal legislation, all sc
. der to think of the possibili- WISID is a regional school districts most provide cei
13.66 mills is equal to ties," said Robert Moseley, district encompassing the ten minimum standard progr
for every $1,000 of as- Assistant Superintendent for local school districts in the for special education child
value of a piece of prop- Administrative Services. county. It was established by The school boards oust pro
50 per cent of its mar- "IF YOU canvassed the vot- state law to coordinate and sup- these programs even if at
lue. ers in the area, rm sure there plement programs and services age is not passed -- if n
ol board officials have would be an overall approval," of individual school systems. sary from general opert
ie 13.66 mills is approxi- he added. "But the question is, TIE SPECIAL education funds.
40 per cent of the entire will they vote? The last may- programs include facilities for The WISh special educ
ng budget for Ann Ar- or's race is proof that any- children with emotional prob- millage has not been mcre
hools. A loss of this fund- thing can happen." lems, mental retardation, phy- in eight years. The one
hey say, would have a The second ballot proposal sical handicaps, learning disa- mill increase would raise
ating effect on the opera- asks for a one-half mill in- bilities, blindness and impaired additional $1,009,335 for
the school system. crease in the annual property vision, deafness and speech and Washtenaw County special
ple say, 'what would you tax to support the education of language difficulties. cation programs.
t ati
VA defense requests
dismissal of charges
s iT rO' Ti eiDaily
DE ITRfT - Federal Judge
Philip Pratt will rule this
- -morning on a defense motion to
dismiss all charges against Leo-
nora Perez and Philipina Nar-
ciso in the Veteran's Admin-
istration (VA) murder trial.
Yesterday, during arguments
over the motion, defense law-
yers blasted the prosecution's
case as insufficient and based
on inference and speculation.
"IT IS 'lHE perfect case for
a directed verdict of acquital,"
defense attorney Michael Mo-
ran said.
Moran added that after 78 wit-
AP Photo nesses and over 210 hours of
1 VE' Ju ileetestimony, "We know some
things about the Veteran's Ad-
Britain's Queen Elizabeth I waves to thousands of cheering ministration Hospital."
spectators as members of the Royal Family gather on the Mean then gave the court a
balcony of Buckin. am Palace yesterday for their final a ece VA hcosital duthating t
public appearance following Silver Jubilee celegrations 'in summer of 1975, beginning with
London, From left to right, Prince Andrew, Lord Mountbatten, understaffing and ending with
Queea Elizabeth II, Prince Philip. See story, Page 6. poor security.
BillwdU OKcongressioa recoUnts
By RON DeKETT Canvassers are not authorized FOLLOWING the election, in
to conduct a recount of general which Rep. Carl Pursell defeat-
A U.S. congressional candi- election votes for a U.S. congres- ed Dem. Edward Pierce by 344
date nay challenge general elec- sional office. votes, both men filed a petition
tion results and petition for a According to Bullard, last No- for a recount by the Board of
recount by the Board of State vember's election results in the S t a t e Canvassers. However,
Canvassers under a neiw bill in- Second Congressional District their petition was denied by Di-
troduced by State Rep. Perry race focused attention on the in- rector of Elections Bernard
Bullard (D-Ann Arbor). Under adequacies of the current Mich- Apol.
the current election law the igan election laws. See BILL, Page 5
"NO ONE has seen either de-
fendant with any Pavulon,"
Moran said. "And after 78 wit-
nesses, not one witness saw one
patient being harmed by either
of the nurses."
Moran said that the sum of
the government's case is that
one or the other of the defen-
dants was in the vicinity of
each alleged poisoning victim.
"But it's their (the accused
nurses) duty to be around sick
people, to answer their calls,"
he said.
The defense lawyer said that
by showing Narcisco and/or
Perez were in the vicnity of
each VA patient who was poi-
soned, the government had
merely proved that the two
nurses had the opportunity to
attack the patients. "Oppor-
tunity does not prove guilt. It is
the very first step," Moran told
the court. "The government
never got past the first step.
See VA. Page 5
Young criticized for
racism acusations
WASHINGtON (tP' - U. N. Ambassador Andrew Young, who
has called four former presidents racists, met with President
Carter on yesterday and said afterward that Carter told him he
understood what he was'trying to say and "didn't tell me to shut
up either."
Referring to a magazine interview in which he described for-
mer Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford as "racists,"
Young said Carter "mentioned he'd read part of it, and he said
in the context he understood what I was trying to say."
Had Carter encouraged his ambassador to speak out.
"I DON'T think he has to encourage it, but he didn't tell me
to shut up, either," Young replied,
He spoke to reporters after meeting with Carter for half an
hour. The ambassador said most of the talk was about his recent
trip to Africa. Young said other topics discussed were the United
Nations and Mrs. Carter's current trip to Latin America.
Before going to the White House, Young told a congressional
committee he would "rather be fired for doing what is right"
than to retire as a diplomat who never accomplished anything.
See YOUNG, Page 10
If you had a drea Monday night in which the
number 420 figured promisently, you may have
wound 1ul rich yesterday. 1 was the big winner
in Michigan's first attempt at a "numbers game,"
in which players pick thee-digit aumbers on an
electronic machine and wager money on then, 444
winners collected a combined pot of $74,000, let-
tery officials said. But it you dreamed about 711,
you're a loser - it was the "most heavily wagered"
number, for some unexplained reason.
Happeings .. .
...get up early this morning and register for a
Continuing Medical Education Workshop on pulmo
nary disease, beginning at 7:45 a.m. in the Tows-
ley Center ... or, if you're not tired of playing
games, get into "Gaming -- Phase Ill: Game Build-
ing," a program sponsored by the Extension Ser-
vice in the Union at - a.m ... Rosalyn Jeffries
wil speak on'"Africanisms in Afro-American Art"
at noon in the Center for Afro-American and Afri-
can Studies .. the Students' International Medita-
tion Society will sponsor introductory lectures on
Transcendental Meditation at 1207 Packard at noon
and It p.m. .. PIRGIM hosts a slide show on the
Minnesota Boundary Waters Area, a film on the
Alaskan Wilderness and speakers from the Sierra
Club at 7 p.m. in the Union Assembly Room.
Star Bucks
Ever since Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh left
,em starstruck in Gone With The Wind, American
moviegoers have periodically swarmed to some films
in such numbers that even the studios that made
them are amazed. And so far this movie season
the wonder horse seems to be George Lucas' Star
Wars, which has broken from the gate to gross 20th
Century Fox $5.2 million in 12 days. The biggest
moneymaker of all time, Jaws, took in $21 million
in ten days, but Jaws showed in 40 theaters, while
Star Wars has premiered in only 45, specially out-
fitted for the film's unique sound system. The film,
which tells the story of a space hero confronting
an evil Galactic Empire, will move into hundreds
of theaters at the end of this month, and gleeful
Fox executives can't wait, Albert Szabo, manager
of a theater in Los Angeles where Star Wars pre-
miered two weeks ago, said, "I have never seen
anything like this in 30 years in the business. They
are filling the theater for every single perform-
ance. This isn't a snowball, it's an avalanche."
On the outside
Somehow May and June have got their signals
crossed. Today wil be cloudy, with a chance of
showers and a high of only 511, with the overnight
low dipping to 35 (better bring in those tomato
plants). Tomorrow look for some sun, but a high
of only 61.