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June 08, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-08

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 25-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 8, 1977

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

State court decision leaves
city dope law in jeopardy


A State Court of Appeals rul-
ing on Ypsilanti's five dollar
marijuana ordinance may cause
Ann Arbor pot smokers to be
slapped with severe state penal-
ties, rather than a $5 fine, if
arrested for possesion of mari-
The State Court of Appeals
yesterday declaredaunconstitu-
tional portions of an Ypsilanti
city ordinance, which required
police officers to file, marijuana
complaints with the city attor-
ney. The Cotrt said restricting
police to the city ordinance con-
stitutes preventing them from
enforcing existing state law and
that such action is improper and
cannot be done.
THlE RULING leaves pot laws
in both Ypsilanti and Ann Arbr
in a nebulous state.
According to Ann Arbor Police
Chief Walter Krasny, "it is my
interpertation law implies that
it is a discretionary matter for
the police officer as to where he
will take the prosecution.
"I think the ruling is aimed
at large quantities or sales,
rather than the small user," he
KRASNY SENT out an order
late yesterday that there would
be no change in enforcement
policy pending guidance from
C i t y Administrator Sylvester
Murray. Murray was not avail-
able for comment.

Ypsilanti Police Chief Elwood
Dethloff said at first glance the
ruling would put state law first
and w Ypsilanti city ordinance
second. "We enforce the law as
the courts direct and if this is
what they're saying, we'll start
enforcing the state marijuana
laws." Dethloff added he would
confere with Ypsilanti City At-
torney Ronald Egnor today to
determine the immediate effect
of the decision on the Ypsilanti
ordinance. -
The Appeals Court ruling was
spurred by a controversy involv-
ing the Ypsilanti Police Officers

Association, Fourteenth District
,Court Judge Thomas Shea, and
Circuit Court Judge Patrick
Conlin. Shea had ruled that city
police were correct in taking a
marijuana possession case un-
der state law. Conlin reversed
Shea's decision, stating that
Ypsilanti residents had voted in
the $5 ordinance and that law
must be observed. Prosecuting
Attorney William Delhey then
appealed Conlin's ruling and
yesterday's decisison resulted
from that appeal.
Present state law provides a
See DOPE, Page 9

Council approves
airport building funds
In the wee hours of the morning yesterday, Ann Arbor City
Council passed a resolution providing funds-for this year's airport
construction and defeated a resolution which would have estab-
lished a Senior Citizens' Advisory Committee. The community
would have advised the Council on "matters and issues regarding
the needs, welfare and objectives of our elderly population."
The total estimated cost of the airport construction project is
$1,188,150, which will be shared by the federal government, ($840,-
150), the state government, ($165,00), and the city, ($183,350).
THE CONSTRUCTION at the Municipal Airport includes re-
construction of the main runway, taxiways and terminal apron;
construction of a runway warm-up pad; installation of security
See COUNCIL, Page 9

room to
If yot are one of the many
peopie who want to plant fresh
vegetsbles or plant flowers this
s,-mmnr, bit have no available
lnad, don't despair.
Yom can purchase your own
plo' of land, for only ten dollars,
from Project Grow, a non-profit
"WE H A V E 11 different
plots," said Ken Nicholls of Pro-
ject Grow. "There is a capacity
for about 900 different garden
plots, and around 3,500 people in
Ann Arbor or close by take ad-
vantage of it."
The land, according to Nic-
holls, is "tilled in the fall, plow-
See LOCAL, Page 9

THS MOTHER and son are only two of the many persons who
wilt tilt their own soil in a part of Project Grow. Under the
project, participants pay a $10 fee and are given a small plot
of land to 'farm' as their own.

Dmily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
When the bough breaks
This once stately elm in front of Hill Auditorium is now on its
last limbs, so to speak. University crews will chop the tree down

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