Page Three d.nn une 7. 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY t1 uesu'y, m, State NOW members hit issues By LORI CARRUTHERS and DENISE FOX Over one hundred women, men and children gathered fron across the state Saturday to attend the fifth .National Organiza- tio for Women (NOW) Michigan state conference at Ann Arbor's titarian Church. The day's program included a morning plenary session, elec- ton of NOW's state officers and a series of hour-long workshops in the afternoon. THE NEW officers include Nan Frose-Welmers (Dearborn) the new State Coordinator and Loretta Moore (Lincoln Park) as tae new Legislative Chair. Elected by acclimation were Rhonda 1ian as Chapter Developer, Marian Grattan as Treasurer and (hris Snow as State Secretary. The workshops dealt with such emotional and personal issues battered woman and lesbian mothers, while other workshops ,,cussed on such issues as legally understanding the Equal Rights Amnendment (ERA) and birth control Education in Michigan. In a lecture on understanding the ERA, Laura Callow front j tAmerica pointed out, "The Equal Rights Amendments is fin- -ting op unfinished business begun by women in the 19th ~cntury 0 THOUSANDS of laws treat men and women differently," she eptained, "And by this differential treatment, they set tip a dis (rioinatory practice." "Women have tried to use the 14th amendment," (which istnts equal protection and due process under the law) Callow ectaitned, "But courts have upheld differential treatment on the bais that it is not unreasonable." Joan Israel, member of the Nation Board of NOW said, -You'd think that in this day and age the passage of the ERA WoUld be a foregone conclusion." AT NOW'S national convention last month a resolution was pissed which would institute a national ERA strike force. Its aim is to mobilize a grass roots organization in the states which have yet to ratify the ERA, according to NOW members. During Saturday's day-long session there was some discus- son of State Senator Gilbert Bursleyf (R-Ann Arbor) House bill which seeks to provide reproductive health and birth control education in public schools. "We are the only other state besides Louisiana that prohibits the teaching of birth control in public schools," said Maureen Kavanagh, an aide to State Representative Perry Bullard. Kava- nagh outlined proposed changes to the bill, designed to strengthen it and "lesson fears of the people who might object to it." LEE KEFAUVER, the abortion monitor for the confereoce, said about the birth control education bill, "It's been needed for years. We're supposed to be progressive but we compare our- selves with Louisiana," -4 The recent passage of an anti-abortion resolution by the Michi- gin( House was also discussed at the conference, The resolution ris for a constitutional convention to amend the constitution See MICH., Page 6 kG OK ni sit By SUE WARNER co Michigan Consolidated Gas Company announced yesterday it has requested state authorization to implement a broad energy pot saing program involving ceiling insulation and gas-saving furnace af deivices. su co The company is seeking approval of the plan by the Michigan er lublic Service Commission (MPSC), making it the first utility co is the country to ask state authority to implement such a compre- ci] licnsive conservation program. of, IF APPROVED, the program would make insulation and fur- nace equipment available to its 877,000 residential customers on a voluntary basis, w "I believe this program can become one of the most direct 10 and far-reaching undertakings the state has ever embarked upon," q ichigan Consolidated President Charles Montgomery commented. of The proposal was based on a recommendation by the MPSC m See GAS, Page 6 *'Dal Photo by CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER Buying a little pot A comparison shopper carefully examines the merchandise at the Potters Guild annual Spring Sale Sunday. Vendors exhibited their goads of ceramics, porcelain and stoneware. ' .......: -. :.r, . . , ; : i s i C ]' p -'r.t . . .. a ...s.,:.e ., .. . .. . '... - - 5 By GREGG KRUPA Ann Arbor City Council last ght voted to table, until ednesday at 7 p.m. a rezon- g ordinance for the controver- al Parkway Meadows housing mplex. The decision to table the pro- sed ordinance was reached ter Council decided to seek a bdivision agreement with the ntractors and the landown- over matters of special ncern to members of Coun' i as well as present residents the area. THE $11 MILLION complex iould house elderly and low. come tenants. Tenants who alify would receive rental absidies from the department Housing and Urban Develop- eot. Citizens opposing the project delays rezoning complained of crowded roads and shopping centers. Propon- ents pointed to the city's dire need for low cost housing for the elderly and low income peo- ple. Most members of Council seemed to lean toward support- ing the project, but the outcry of the present citizens in the area has caused the delay. "THERE IS a demonstrated need in this community for low income and elderly housing," said Mayor Wheeler. "But I in- tend to see that we build in every protection for citizens al- ready there." Council, through city Admin- istrator Sylvester Mtirray, will seek an agreement tomorrow with the builders on the ratio of subsidized tenants to those who will pay their entire rent. Council is also seeking provi- sions on recreation facilities in the area. Another point of concern, the heavy traffic on Nixon Road, was cleared up at last night's meeting, when the contractor said he would bear the cost of expanding Nixon Road as a part of the agreement. TIrE MICIGIAN DAllY volume INxXviI, No. -.I-s auesday, Ji ne7, liii is edite-d sod nwosoce(d be ,t lidvits at the University ot Mierican iNe- pine 704-0562. Second sars tostoer paid at Ann Aibor, Mihioan 48109 Puiblishied dotty'Tuesday 10rooitS Sunday morninigtd0rin00 theOUiver- supyyear at 420 Maynard street. Aia Abeor. Michigan 48109. SibscrtipuO rates: $12 sept. tiru April 12 ee ters)e $13 by icoit outtslie Ann Arbor. Summer session ptiiihstied 'oes day throughS strsatoy morninto Subscripton rates: 16.50 ti Ann Arbor; $7.5 by mail outside Ann Arbor. -TODAY Happenings . . . begin today with two day-long symposiums sponsored by the extension service, a Training Work- shop for Assertiveness Training Facilitators, and the Fiscal Management Process in Agencies. Both are in the Michigan League . . . there will be a viola concert at noon on the second floor of the Union, sponsored by the Pendleton Arts Information Center . . . at 5:30, in the International Center, the Revolu- tionary Student Brigade will present a follow-up program on African Liberation Day, including a slide show, discussion, and refreshments . . . at 7:.30 in And. 3 MLB, there will be a showing of the-film Last Grave at Zimbabwe, which was actually filmed in South Africa .. .and finally at 7:30, there will be an open meeting of the Ann Arbor Medieval Society in the Pendleton Rm. of the Union .. . Foot in mouth You can bet Dale Shavinsky wishes he'd kept his big mouth shut. Shavinsky, of Minneapolis, was ask- ed by a man-on-the-street interviewer what crime he would commit if he could get away with it. "A bank robbery," Shavinsky said.. "It's the fastest way to get a lot of money." And talking about it is the fast- est way to -get to jail, which is where Shavinsky wound up after talking to the reporter. It seems Sha- vinsky was an escapee from the Hennepin County, Minn. workhouse, where he had been sent in 1976 after he pleaded guilty to simple robbery. He was apprehended after his picture, along with his state- ment on robbing banks, appeared in a Minneapolis newspaper. See no evil? His Divine Holiness Shree Pramukh Swami Shartri Shree flew from Bombay, India into London Sunday for Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee celebrations, but he won't look at her or any other woman. The 57- year-old founder of the strictly celibate Swaminara- yan Hindu sect has not seen a woman for the last 40 years. tie will listen to the jubilee celebrations on radio. ra 10. On the outside Winter will rear its ugly head today as the mercury will only reach a chilly 59. It will be breezy under partly cloudy skies, and, believe it or not, tonight's low will be in the mid to upper 30's.