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June 07, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-07

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 24-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 7, 1977

Ten Cents

Twelve Page.

HaldemanMitchel off to jal
four-minute ceremony, with
Watergate never mentioned, H.
R. Haldeman and John Mitchell f
were ordered yesterday to be-
gin their appeal - delayed pri-
son terms by noon June 22.
Case No. 74-11e, the Water- ,
gate coverup conspiracy prose-
cution, effectively came to an
end as U.S. District Judge John
Sirica signed the commitment
NO PLEAS were made by
their lawyers in court and nei-
ther man spoke. The four min-
utes were consumed by Sirica
giviig them the option of re-
porting to the U. S. marshal in
the District of Columbia at 10
a.m. June 22, or turning them-
selves in at prison by noon.
Afterward both were photo-
graphed and fingerprinted. *
It has been 2 years since
Q Ilaldeman's and Mitchell's con-
viction and the string of ap-
peals had all but run out for
the iron men of the Nixon ad-
ministration, "More than four years ago I
started on a legal process I
thought was proper," Haldeman r
said outside court. "I knew it
was going to be difficult. I still
think it was right. I am pre- x,/ :-
pared now Itnaccept the ie-
onlyCHELL, 63, commented
on the crowd of repo ers
f and cameramen that jostled
h tn artitnd him. "I hope nobody
P Ph gets killed out of this," he said AP Photo
Hculdemcin as he climbed into his car. M itchell
Haldeman See SIRICA, Page beg n
r 0 xSer ot egIns

Nearly a year after his in-
volvement in a brawl at a
Chelsea wedding reception, the
trial of former Washtenaw Coun-
ty Sheriff Frederick Postill on
charges of felonious assault be-
gan yesterday.
Postill is charged with choking
sheriff's deputy Basil Baysinger
with a pair of handcuffs during

re-election last November by
Republican Thomas Minick.
Chelsea police officer John
Dettling, who with his partner
answered the call at the Chelsea
Fairgrounds at 1:30 on July 11,
testified that "I smelled a
strong amount of intoxicants
emitting from the sheriff."
Dettling also told Circuit Court
Judge Patrick Conlin 'and the 12
members of the jury that when
he arrived at the scene of the
brawl, Postill was sprawled and
bleeding on a flight of stairs in
the entrance of the reception
partner Robert Browning ap-
proached Postill, the f o r m e r
sheriff stood, pointed in the di-
rection of Baysinger, and told
the two officers "Arrest that
man." When the two officers
asked Postill what weapons Bay-
singer was using, Dettling said
"He told us if we didn't arrest
(Baysinger), he'd h a v e our
Dettling added that when he
and Browning had attempted to
remove Postill from the scene of
the Brawl the former sheriff
"reached with his right hand be-
hind his coat and attempted to
pull out an object."
"He said, I'll shoot the son
of a bitch," Dettling said.
Browning later testified he

thought Postill was attempting
to remove a revolver from his
back pocket.
day, all of whom tesified during
the lengthy preliminary hearing
last August, reviewed the events
which led up to and occurred
during the brawl.
Former Sheriff's Lieutenant
Leonard Dexter, groom at the
wedding reception, related that
Postill and Baysinger had been
holding an amiable conversation

earlier in the evening, but that
at 1:30 a.m. he saw Baysinger
and his wife Shirley run into the
entry hall followed by Postill
and former Jail Administrator
Frank Donley.
"I heard a thud," Dexter said,
"I turned and saw Baysinger
standing over Postill, kicking
that Baysinger had hit Postill in
the mouth, causing him to fall
to the floor.

lDexter said he helped Postil
to his feet and escorted him to
his car. "I asked him where his
gun was," he said. "lIe showed
it to me, in its holster, under
the seat."
)exter added that he saw
neither the gun nor the hand-
cuffs inside the reception hall
during the evening.
The trial is expected to con-
tinue for several more days. If
convicted, Postill faces a maxi-
mum penalty of your years in
prison, a $2,000 fine or both.

Police describe rapist

Police suspect one than is responsible for three
of last week's six attacks upon local women. Two
rapes, three attempted rapes, an dan attempted
double kidnapping occurred within six days.
The most recent assault happened Thursday
night when a woman was raped on Shadowwood
St. shortly before midnight.
POLICE SUSPECT that this attack, the at-
tempted kidnapping and the attack upon a wo-
man in the parking lot of the Jolly Tiger restaur-
ant were all committed by one man.
The assailant in each incident has been de-
scribed as a white male, approximately 5'10",
160 lbs. He is also reported to have been wear-
ing a woman's stocking over his head.

Police noted similar behavior of the attacker
during the attempted kidnapping and the at-
tack at the Jolly Tiger.
THE ATTEMPTED kidnapping took place
Wednesday night when two 18-year old women
were about to leave their apartment on Washte-
naw. A man reportedly jumped into their car,
held a knife to the throat of the driver, and or-
dered her to drive to a certain destination. The
woman however was unable to find her car keys
and the man fled.
A man was also reported to have jumped
into the car of a woman in the parking lot of the
Jolly Tiger. The man fled however, when the
woman leaned against the horn of the car.
Police say they have no specific suspects yet
in connection with the attacks:

the incident. Much of the testi-
mony yesterday centered on
whether Postill was sober or
not at the time of the incident.
POSTILL WAS defeated for

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