Page eTen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 4, 1977 Page Ten THEMICHIG N DAILY Saturday, June 4, 197 Try .European Housings Dailyr "m99(Cotinuedon CALL 769-1776 psh. it has accomplis Classifie fs dont se any major ch from the committee" 216 S. th Am e,, AnnArb Counters Rose, "It ma lords would like the cor banded now because the There IS a difference!! ( oDrwere relatively mild. We recommendations on th PREPARE FOR: r nomic issues yet." MCAT. DATe LSATO SAT WYOI WHEELER in GRE @ GMAT "OCATO VAT lAYof WheEcERmi broad rr e or prorras prodes an ombrea ot life of the committ knowhoOt eabes us to offer te bestpron unsure of whether to con noaerwiCourse is taen.Or38y"or's committee with m of xpeiene axt uccss.Smll classs vlumiouso CaatCous s tha ronstauy solety by him, or t ma d Pemanenceterspndaysevenigs&mittee with members ap soppii rry vea aapproved by council. fr leioureHe also plans to assi ECFMG FLEX several new tasks in the NAT L MEDICAL & DENTAL BOARDS there is an extreme sl Flexibe Programs & Hours and I don't see 'any re Wit4 r CEIL: with the sewer problems 1945 PAULINE BLVD. gig p, pricesgonu ANN ARBOR 48103 m going up,ep going ul 662-3149 mind to perhaphs char SOmi, -21-94 IFEDCATONAL CENTER with looking into some rent freeze plans." World Record. 1 r j TODAY, p 'Representative will S be on hand' ta rr- T -a 9 answer all your ~> questions. The whole Short Wove world is yours 24 hours a day with this 32-bond Sony radio. Remarkable Sony model is professionally - engineered and features 29 Short Wave Bands covering the total SW spectrum. Quartz-controlled frequency synthesizer and dual conversion supterodyne circuitry assure exceptional accuracy and stability of tuning as well as utmost station hunting ease. Exclusive LED-display 'electronic frequency counter provides precision tuning to within IkHz. In addition to SW, the radio has Long Wave, ft and AM (MW) bands. Receives both upper and lower SS and CW trans- missions. No wonder we call this Sony the "Horizon Master." Come Out; See and Hear Sony's Worldwide Informer Receive a FREE Handbook on how to get the most from Multiband Page )? hed something. I anges coming now y be that the land- mmittee to be dis- recommendations haven't made our e substantive eco- tends to extend -the ee although he is itinue it as a may- embers appointed :e it a formal com- pointed by him and ign the committee near future. "I see ortage of housing lief from it, what the cost of housing p. I have it in my ge that committee sort of emergency 'Wheeler also stated that he might ask the committee to study the quality of city hous- ing code inspections-"We get so many com- plaints." As for the housing shortage, Wheeler's personal plan of attack can be summed up in three words: "lobby for money." His re- cently approved '77-'78 budget in fact pro- vides for a mayoral assistant whose pri- mary responsibility will be in Wheeler's words, "finding out where the bucks are and how to get them. Somebody who will keep in close contact with Washington to see when programs and monies first be- come available so that we're theretfirst and. not last. Wheeler points out that government sub- sidies must be sought to house local low and moderate income families in new hous- ing. At the same time it will be unfortunate if the city's attempts to alleviate the hous- ing shortage are focused primarily on fed- eral programs which are bureaucratic and often unreliable. Those programs do not address the basic local problems of high rents, irresponsible bank lending policies, unresponsive landlords, inflexible city zon- ing, and inequitable property tax assess- ments. However, if the city's business and financial leaders continue to ignore the real housing needs of students and other mod- erate and low income area residents; if they continue to resist any regulation in the housing market; if they continue to oppose innovations which might not directly profit them; a broad variety of solutions will be reduced to one: federally built or subsidized housing. 1 SALE DOWN JACKETS, VESTS, PILLOWS & COMFORTERS At Rockbottom Prices R$pstop Jackets $34.95 Ripstop Vests $19.95 SAVINGS on mons mere stiles 1~td~w 665-3888 Opn 10 tii 5.30 p A Public Service of this A newspaper & The Advertising Council .counting Red Cross.h TheGood. Neighbor. Radios, just for stopping in. -- Big George's SUPERMARKET OF APPLIANCES -TV (NSTEREO-CAMERAS Herne Appliance Mart 2019 W. stdium 6654653 Open Monday-Friday 9 to 9; Saturday 9 to 6; Sunday 12to 5 I -U