z, ,rca.June 4, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine (jTU l Uuj y .+...... Daily Classiids (Continued feom Page 8) TRAVEL 1 tA:VINO JUNE 17th tar WYOMING. Neied temtale drising compaont. Oat fihsed. Call Judy eves, 971-9040. 64P604 PERSONAL ;, u slit Natonal Basketball Teams 0otlting the Canadian Natioal ItWintdsar Thutadaiy. Jaane 9, n t. Fort'ick-et lafat tlo tall 66 03-3336 dutrtingthe ( y' Fala WHAT'S hbl ac id stit, it fatr lgand ttwt eyat? dF66l4 MAY WE HELP yatu with yaut non- preecrititon drttg needt? Vllae Aothetaey, 1112 S. Univ. Ate. altt (-YNTHIA. I ;.lte9ou1artoe Oelng bSett ee. Ito a-tv It anything I lotte datiehas otodyao to daotis. Iknow you ntit; toad It hoed tt heieve, hbot I a oatr meatt~ to hurt you, especially ot this way. Mysisncete heat oihes are with ou alaways. RICHARD dF604 PICNIC SUNDAY, Juae 1 hegnaing 5 toot ainthe Ath neat Geddes ea- tace. Beig ourtoawn faod and frisbees, drinks protided. (It tain, tosltoed uatil June 12) Sponsateed toy Hillel. tF604 P A SSP O RT PHOTOS WILL BE TAKEN EVERY MONDAY EVE. AT 9:30 P.M. Cast is 62.56 far first two copies and $.50 far eath Addtonal print. See Schneider at Michigan Gaily, 420 Maynard St. dP609 lOSIT: I supootse I tatke a lousy Busines Ivasager i Itant even remember tput a castsified in my aon paper! Ott well, I last couldn't think at atoythng snappy toay "'ood luack an Chcaga" is sa trlte and "The tbtrsasee apes till 4 am." is a mal- let at tommon lknawledge .- n o . I hape Ikecate made she trip ato ll11 see yaussoatn with tales at A2 -D. P.S. Thanks fone the grease teil, Ilnowhomch it meaat to youo. dF604 tISIT ANN ARBOR'S anly gem lab bttore tou spend your mtnrey need- tassty. Fine quality diamonds ad tow arices as all engagement and wedtding ringa. Austn Diamond, l20t S. University, 663-7151. aFtc PREGNANT? Need help? Call1 Problemt Pregnancy Help, 769- 1083.Pregnancyytsts available. 'Ftc UNItlE osod UNUSUAL GIFTS tat Illtt''s Day as the Exhihit Mu- 'a G Cilt Stoat. Natoural Stiencee StttttoBuildinog, N. Unieesity ad ItMo.-Fri. 9-4:t; Sal.,OSun. 1 78F604 AVON'S SUMtMER SALE tltllnellthy'eForfee bochurenor inomtona ll Autdaey Stein at 66t2-4401 atimoe. eFta PERSONAL COPIES--As low :s Ss6c. IMPRESS StilC the Cheapestt!), 524 E. William. 665-4321. e~tc FRIENDS LAKE COMMUNITY 86- atre wildlife preoeve neat Chelsea- Swimntag, sailing, caoeing, plc- nicinag, camspisng. All-yeat metmhee- ship $50 pee aduslt. Childten tree. Brochue teom Bloods, 2665 Penn- er aft, AnilArAeoa 48163. 43F611 PEIDIANENT WEt(IGTW LOSS Though BRe has atvi rModifiatilon. Wolvertiae InosstttVt. 973-1460. ctct STEVE'S LUNCH--Caste tothome coakiag. Beafast all day, geut soupstand egg tails. 2 egg omaelets with ttesh segaetahles andfreeth Seas spraouts seated all day, Sunsdays 10-8. 1313 Saoith University.ect GAY GRAD, RENAISSANCE MAN. Steks rtoalo papniaohip ansd its lwattonsl'ttequte'n0e. Waite Otaily Box 21. 519F616 26 YEAR OLD pealtat mantaget, noa- dtinkaer, Cheistion, martiage minded, monthly inaame $1666. Like to meet tn attreactive girl 57" & up. Send lettet & phaooso12460 Saott 162, Taylsor, MI 48180. - 67F615 JAZZ at thle University Clsub with sloe Rotot's Tertotssd Friens Nolel Cun- ningham, piasna; Ted Hartley, bass; Stonley Slaughter, deums; and fea- tuseing Vincent York at the Mercer Ellingtan Band on altn sax. Feiday and Satueday eveanns9:30 pm.- 1:30 a..in she club coctail lounge In the Michigan Union building. Ask hastetssfoe a ftee trial member- ship. 763-2236, c~te XEROX AND OFFSET toot, low aost duplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-6560 alto CAROL AND PHYLLIS F.- I LOVE YOU BOTH, MADLY. T HEOPHILUS. t~lc DISSERTATION SPECIAL LOWEST PRICE I N TOWN FOR COLLATED COPIES RACKHAM QUALITY GUARANTEED COPYQU ICK 1217 S. Univettly,769-0266 115c ANN ARBOR CHURCH OF CAMPUS CHAPEL-A Campus LORD OF LIGHT LUTHERAN CHRIST Rev. Don Postema, Pastor CHURCH (ALC-LCA) 530 W. Stadium Blvd. Reformed Church Gumdon Ward, Pastor (one block west of U of M Ministry of the Christian 801 S. Forest at 1H111 St Stadium) 1236 Washtenaw Cf. Slnday Serice at 10660 am Bible Study - Sunday 930 Welcome all students! am.; Wednesday, 730 p m. 1060am-Morning Woship. AMERICAN BAPTST Worship - Stday, 10:30 a.m 6:00 p.m.- - Communion Ser- CAMPUS CENTER nd trasporaioCll62- .502 E. Huron--663-4376 Needtrasporatjn? all 62-* *Ronald E. Cary, Minister a98 FIRST CHIURCHI OF CIRIST, Wrship -- 10, am.; B i b I SCIENTIST School-I am. FIRST CONGRE~GATIONAL 1833 Washtenaw 1:' CHURCH Suday Services and Sunday UNIVERSITY CIURCHI Rev. Terry N. Smith, School-10:30 am OF CHRIST 608iE. Wilims er o lt Wednesday Testismony Meet- Presently Meeting at the 60 Wsipriacrer1of3Stam. ilg-8:00 p.m. Ann Arbor Y, 530 S. Fifth SsdyrigWorship -ISic-030am Child Crt Snlday-undr 2 lDavid Graf, Minister am. First Baptist Church. years.StdnsWloe Bible Study-SI am. Midweek Informtal Worship. For information or transor- Fellowship Meeting Tuesda~y Reading Room-306 E. Lier- ttion: 6-3233 or 426-380. at7:0p~.ty, 10 -5 Monday -Stlrday; 10:00O a.m.-Sstnday Worship. at : a pm a *closed Sundays. ST. MARY STUDENT * * a FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHAPEL (Catholic) UNtVERSITY REFORMED 142HaURCH s Ae 331 Thompson.-663-0557 CHURCH6 Weekend Masses: t00l E. Hturon Sunay onigWosipa Stra5pm.Calvin Malefyt A9a30Ram. Stra-pm.Ministers :0 .m. --Smnra ol Sunday - 7:4b am., 9 am., 50 ~.-Smnra ol 10:30 am., noon, and 5 p.m. 9:30 am. - Clases for alt a't"~tsdWt. * sages. . - __- - FIRST UNITED METHODIST 10:30 am-Morning Worship. Jinthe D'5 State at Huron and Washington 5:00 p.m-Co-op Spper. eoin D il Dr. Donald B. Strobe 6:00 p.m-Informal Evening ArsD p tm n The Rev.*red B. Maitland Service.ArsD p tm n The Rev. E. Jack Lemon Worship Services at 9:00 and 11:00. Church School at 900 asd A S 11:001.v Adult Enrichment at 1000 WESLEY FOUNDATIONAstArt-197 UNITED METHODIST AnAro-197 CAMPUS MINISTRY GekFsia W. Thomas Sc.homaker, Chaplain /Director 10 am.-Morning Worshtp ThurayssJuneOL2 Fidaysl onsI:1,sssd Sasrday, Jse 4 lowship.PA''YSI. 6:15 p.m-Shared Meal 75c t KFO ATYSL Extensive programming for I N tIltfAINMF N f IIInn ItI't undergrads and grad students."'5 Stop in or call 668-6881 fsr i.fraso./rcanBuiu UNIVERSITY CHURCH Ias rss of THE NAZARENE Live tossrokt 16.151 409 . Division M. Robert Fraser, Pastor ..,,,,. Church School-9:45 a.m. Morning Wsrhip-11:00 a 1m1 Etening Worship-7:00 p.m. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN f CHAPEL (LCMS) nison $.0 I l 63 pm 1511 Wasbtenawv Ave. 663-5560 Sunday Mrning Worship at ' 930. Sunday Bible Study at 1045. [tance tothe Music of "Dino C4 fhe Continentals ThT 1 featuring tr etari&[J claircS c/'?Icliarc urg in [mile eonnors GJOhn ciZ(c'ofum l7ucY c&7 nos c TA7 I AMA' RSC t! ' BMNL. STAIPLE OR M~rILAtE- " WAYII YES OUR COMPUTER MAKES MISTAKES TOO! If you have any problems. with your subscription give us a call. 1060o4, 764-0558.