Thursday, May 5, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thee .Thurs...., ay-._ .a, 17TEMIHGAAIY.-eThe Council discusses '77-'78 city budget At an important working session last night Ann Arbor City Council members reviewed budget appropriations for the two departments that cost the taxpayers the most money the police and fire departments. Last night's meeting was one of a series the council holds before approving the city's budget, worked out by city adminis- trator Sylvester Murray. Council members ask questions of both Murray and the heads of individual city departments. THE LARGEST expenditure in the budget is for the police department. This year's proposed budget appropriates over $4. million for the police department, an increase of 8.4 per cent over last year. In addition to submitting budget requests, each department must list objectives for improving services and more efficient use of city funds. The police department's goals include: a more efficient system for receiving requests for police services, attempt- ing to keep pace with the workload based on a limited number of officers, a higher priority given to the inevestigation of criminal offenses, and the possible establishment of a traffic control bureau. Councilman Jaimie Kenworthy (D-Fourth Ward) criticized the police department's objectives on the grounds that they were too vague. Kenworthy asked Chief of Police Walter Krasny why specific response times were not enumerated. "WE SHOULD be able to tell the public what kind of services we can give them," said Kenworthy. Krasny responded that it was hard for the department to pin- point a specific response time because of the "fluid movements of the police cars.' The proposed budget also appropriates nearly $3 million for the fire department, an increase of 19.3 per cent over last year. Fire Chief Fred Schmid said he hoped the department could cut the response time city-wide from four mintues to three-and-a-half. Other department outlays reviewed last night were the build- ing and safety department, District Court, and the water depart- ment. George Gardner, the director of the building and safety de- partment said that a complete inspection of the city's rented dwellings has now been made. Gardner said that with the addition of two inspectors, the department could complete an inspection round every two years in accordance with the city code. But no appropriation was made in the budget for two additional inspectors. H 'spitl bond issuesk By GREGG KRUPA State Representative Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) has spon- sored a bill that would place a bond issue for the funding of Uni- versity Hospital renovation before Michigan voters in the Novem- ber 1978 general eletion. If the bond issue is approved, University Hospital will gain $140 million for the construction of new facilities to replace the antiquated 600-bed main hospital unit. PLANNING FOR the proposed hospital renovations has been underway for several years but the enactment of final plans has been bottlenecked by the state's consideration of funding. Bullard claims hospital expansion is often undertaken by hos- pital officials whose main purpose is to raise the status of the facility and their own professional standing. But, Bullard said, the expansion of University Hospital is a different situation. "This is a real apple pie issue. It would raise the status of the entire state." BULLARD SAID he expected voters to pass the bond issue not only on the strength of its own merits but also under heavy campaign pressure by the medical profession and existing insti- tutions The proposed renovation would replace the 50-year-old double- main hospital unit. Although the main unit would still stand, hos- pital functions carried on there would be greatly reduced. Medi- cal Center officials have suggested the new complex be built on Fuller Field. Other sites under consideration include the parking See BULLARD, Page 8 SKIPPERS Larry McMahon and Ron Yapp and Commodore Sell bring their vessel into port yesterday afternoon on the Ding in an effort to attract new members to the Sailing Club. Sailing Club drops a0Chor By RON DeKETT No, the University hasn't decided to turn the Diag into a marina, despite the fact that there's now a sailboat docked there. The boat is just the calling card for the University of Michigan Sailing Club (UMSC) which has started its spring-summer member- ship drive. - EVEN IF you don't know your stem from your starboard, the club will be happy to have you join its ranks. The old salts of UMSC will teach you everything you need to know. "We have boat school every Saturday morn- ing," explained Commodore Ronald Sell, the club's presiding officer. "People come out and sign up and we take them out and teach them. We start on the basic skills and work up as fast as they can work." It costs $20 to join the club, but members receive free instruction and use of the club facilities. This includes the use of the group's 14 Vanguard 470 sailboats. SELL SAID the club expects to have 400 new members before the summer is over, and on any weekend, half that number could be sailing. "On a really, really nice day we might have about 200 people," he said. "We have to wait an hour or so to get a boat." But, he added, "There are other things go- ing on onshore that keep people interested- sometimes volleyball games or Frisbee. If (new members) haven't got their crew rating, See SAILING, Page 8 VA nurse incompetent? By KEITH RICHBURG When Dr. Joseph Zibrak ar- rived at the bedside of Veteran's Administration (VA) Hospital patient Adam Alberg, who was suffering a respiratory arrest in the summer of 1975, he found it "unusual" that no one had in- itiated efforts to revive the man, the doctor testified yesterday, "As soon as it is recognized that a pa tient is no longer breathing, the first person with the patient s h o a 1 d institute cardio-pulminary resuscitation," Zibrak told the 16 jurors at the trit Sexton, now tnis Mathewson it," said a spokesman for the of Kirkland, the wife of a Wash- company. "It weighs more than ington state patrolman. She was one kilogram (2.2 pounds). "The 13 and on a fishing trip with her suit is for sale, but if no one parents when she put the note buys it, we will take it apart and in the bottle. sell the gems separately," he Bottleneck*said. It took 19 years, but the note Goldmine .o Iris Sexton stuffed in a bottle On the outside and dropped into the water near An Israeli jewelry company Sitka, Alaska, has been found. has produced what may be the It'll be mostly cloudy today, The note and catsup bottle were most expensive bathing suit in with a chance of showers and discovered three months ago by the world. The $120,000 bikini a high of 70. And tonight, look Kenny Keys, an Atlantic Rich- offered by the Candide Jewelry for the dingy weather to keep on field Co. manager at Yakutat, Co. of Tel Aviv is studded with rolling, with clouds, more show- Alaska. Since then, Keys has 250 diamonds, pearls, sapphires era and a low in the high 50's, been searching for the author. and rubies sewn together with Tomorrow will continue cloudy "I was really flabbergasted gold thread. "I wouldn't recoin- with a high of-you guessed it when I read the story," said mend anyone go swimming in -70, VA murder trial. THE FIRST person to find Olberg not breathing was, by previous testimony, VA nurse Filipina Narciso, a defendant in the case. "Is t h i s (cardio - pulminary resuscitation) something that a registered nurse should know how to do? Is this something that a nurse especially in the intensive care unit should know how to do?" prosecutor Richard Delonis asked. Zizrak replied: "Yes." Narciso-who with VA nurse Leonora Perez is being charged with two counts of murder, seven counts of poisoning and one count of conspiracy - was assigned to the intensive care unit at the time of Olbergas breathing failure, OLBERG'S DEATH is incor- porated into the conspiracy charge against Narciso and Pe- rez. The prosecution, relying on yesterday's testimony that 01- berg's breathing failure was in- consistant with his medical problem, contend that Narciso and Perez injected Pavulon, a muscle relaxing drug, into the patient's intravenous feeding tube. Another nurse, Pat Thomas, had testified previously that she and Narciso had found the pa- tient not breathing. Thomas said she immediately began mouth- to-mouth resuscitation on 01- berg. Zizrak testified that there was no one in Olberg's room when he arrived. "Are you saying that the room was empty?" asked defense attorney Edward Stein. "To the best of my knowledge," Zizrak replied. "There was no nurse there giving mouth-to- motuth?" Stein asked. Zibrak replied that he didn't recall DEFENSE attorney Thomas O'Brien defended Narciso's de- parture from the scene., "Isn't that a specific function of a nurse to inform the doctor of a problem and ask hinm to re- spond?" O'Brien asked. O'Brien then asked Zibrak if he was aware that nurses are trained to go notify a doctor in the case of a medical emer- gency. "I haven't attended any nurses' training classes," the witness replied. Olberg had been sent to the VA Hospital from Saginaw on July 30, 1975, for a pain in his right hip believed to be an in- fection of the hip joint. Dr. Adam Good, who was the at- tending staff physician on O- berg's floor, said the patient See VA, Page 8